International collaborative project

1. Dr. Subha Rani Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering & Biotechnology, co-investigator with a Japanese researcher Dr Takao Asai from Juntendo University of Tokyo, Japan as Principal Investigator, have been sanctioned a project by JSPS, a renowned funding agency of Japan. Click for Details.

2. Dr. Ashoke Sharon, Professor and Dr. Chandralata Bal, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, has filed patient on the development of novel antiviral agents against SARS-CoV-2 with collaboration with The Division of Infection Control Research, Center for Advanced Science Research and Promotion, Kagoshima University (Director: Prof. Mika Okamoto).  Click for Details


DST WISE Fellowship for Ph.D. (WISE-PhD)

DST WISE Post- Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) DST-WISE

National Fellowship (NFST) 2024-25 : Advertisement   Last Date for Filling the online form is 30.09.2024 & Last dated for Verification is 17.10.2024 as per the notice

University Institutes level verification for the National Fellowship Scheme for ST Students NFST-2024-25 has been extended upto 01-11-2024. Notice 

CSIR-DIRECT-SRF Portal is open for applying .