Department of Remote Sensing was established in 1997 with an aim to meet the increasing demand for qualified manpower in this rapidly developing field. Application of Remote Sensing / Geoinformatics techniques using tools such as Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) in various activities including resources evaluation, environmental monitoring and land use/land cover mapping etc, has grown considerably during the last few decades and RS data products are increasingly being used for plan formulation at all levels. An essential pre-requisite to partaking in these opportunities is the building of various indigenous capacities for the development and utilization of space science and technology.
Department of Remote Sensing is now a FIST-DST Level I & II sponsored department and is also SAP (Special Assistance Programme) supported by UGC.
The Significance of Remote Sensing
The world is being scanned constantly by highly sophisticated Earth Resources Satellites like IRS (India), LANDSAT (USA), SPOT (France), ERS (ESA), RADARSAT (Canada), IKONOS and Quickbird etc. Availability of repetitive remote sensing (RS) data in digital and pictorial forms has increased the scope of identifying, mapping, monitoring, classifying and evaluating different forms of renewable and non-renewable earth resources using multi-spectral, multi scanner and multi-temporal RS data products. The benefits of space technology, both direct and indirect, have introduced new dimensions into the study and understanding of Earth’s processes and in improving the quality of life for the people living on it.
Be a centre of excellence in the field of Geo-spatial Technology education and research to match the needs of ever increasing requirement of human resources in these fields and to cater to the larger interest of the Society and Nation.
Programme Educational Objectives
Postgraduate Programmes:
Department offers following two-year Post Graduate Programmes
Eligibility Criteria for PG. Admissions
Doctoral Programmes:
Ph.D. in all branches of Remote Sensing, GIS, Earth Sciences
Eligibility Criteria for Ph.D. Admission
Dr. V. S. Rathore
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Remote Sensing
BIT Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand-835 215 India
Phones:+91 651 2275444 extn: 4468, +91 651 2276003,
Email: hod.rs@bitmesra.ac.in
For more details, scan the QR code below.
Homepage maintained by Mr. Nitish Kumar Sinha