Department of Space Engineering and Rocketry



The Department of Space Engineering and Rocketry – the first of its kind in the country, was established in 1964 to train scientists and engineers in the important areas of Aerospace Engineering and Rocket Technologies. Since 1968, it has been offering a postgraduate degree course leading to M.Tech. in Space Engineering and Rocketry with in-depth specialization in two specific areas namely Aerodynamics and Rocket Propulsion. The Department aims to provide state-of-the-art education and training to its students to enable them to contribute efficiently in the national efforts being made in the fields of Space & Defense related technologies and challenging future missions.


To effectively integrate teaching, research and innovation for significant contribution towards National Aerospace Programmes and related activities.


  • To impart quality education and advanced research training leading to postgraduate and doctoral degree
  • To generate modern infrastructure and conducive research atmosphere for carrying out innovative sponsored research projects
  • To nurture spirit of excellence and professional leadership in students and faculty members through exposure to leading academic/research organisations and external experts
  • To create attractive opportunities for sustained interaction and collaboration with academia and industry

Programme Educational Objectives

  • To develop strong foundation in students to understand and analyse advance research problems in Space Engineering and Rocket Science
  • Nurture professional graduates to develop ability in analysing real life problems of Space Technology
  • To foster attitude towards continuous learning for developmental activities in research,  academia and industry
  • To improve professional skills for teamwork with ethical awareness and practice in achieving goal

Programme Outcomes

  • An ability to independently carry out research and development work to solve practical problems in Aerodynamics and Rocket Propulsion
  • An ability to write and present substantial technical report and research article
  • Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over and above the bachelor program in the areas of Aerodynamics and Rocket Propulsion
  • Ability to design, perform and interpret data from experiments and correlate them with  numerical and theoretical solutions
  • Students should be committed to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of practices
  • An ability to recognize the need for continuous learning throughout his professional career in the context of technological challenges and advancements

Research Facilities

  • The Department provides research facilities at post-graduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels in the fields of Aerodynamics and Flow Studies, Propellant Technology, Rocket Propulsion and Combustion.
  • The Rocket Propulsion Laboratory has static test set-ups equipped with a computer controlled firing facility and PC-based data acquisition and analysis system for solid, liquid and hybrid rocket motors. Basic infrastructure for design and fabrication of rocket motors is also available in the Department.
  • In the area of Propellant Technology, complete processing and characterisation facilities are available for rocket propellants and igniters. Advanced techniques and equipments for carrying out research in the areas of high-energy materials, igniters, inhibitors and insulators, and high performance metalized gelled propellants are also available in the Department.
  • Modern equipments like STA, TGA, DSC, Viscometers, Rheometers, Calorimeters Spectrophotometers Flame Propagation and Stability Unit etc. are available for training and research.
  • In the Aerodynamics Laboratory, four wind tunnels are available to train students and carry out research work in the fields of High Speed/Low Speed Aerodynamics, and unsteady Aerodynamics. Different types of pressure sensors and flow visualization techniques are available to study the flow field on scaled models of aerospace vehicles. Commercial CFD software suite ANSYS to support our CFD related activities is available with high-end research licenses. In-house CFD code development is also undertaken and is the current research interest of the group.

Programs Offered

M.Tech. - 2 year (Four Semester) Program (CBCS)

  a) Aerospace Engineering with specialization in Aerodynamics (Intake: 12) 

  b) Aerospace Engineering with specialization in Rocket Propulsion (Intake: 12)


Doctoral Programs

The Department has built a state-of-the-art infrastructure to train postgraduate students and to support R & D work, which is also conducted on Grants-in-aid Projects basis, sponsored by various Agencies.


Fields of research in MTech and PhD:

  a) Experimental aerodynamics: low-speed and high-speed flows, high-enthalpy flows, jets, acoustics

  b) Computational fluid dynamics

  c) Rocket Propulsion 

  d) Propellant Technology/Combustion  



Dr. Priyank Kumar 
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Space Engineering and Rocketry
Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi
Jharkhand- 835 215