Department of Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry was established in 1955 during the inception of the institute. We offer Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Ph.D. programmes in various domains of pure and applied chemistry. The department has witnessed continuous growth and development in terms of sponsored projects, publications, patents, advanced research facilities, national and international collaborations and many more. Our alumni have made us immensely proud through their achievements and are our brand ambassadors across the globe. The Department has received support under “Fund for Improvement in Science & Technology Infrastructure” (FIST-2012) programme of the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi for NMR and Computational Chemistry facility.
The department is engaged in pure chemistry, applied and interdisciplinary research in all branches of chemistry, specializing in emerging materials for various applications from biomaterials, environmental remediation, energy harvesting materials, composites, sensors, supercapacitors, drug discovery and molecular modeling, to theoretical chemistry and quantum chemistry research. Faculty members have research support through various funding agencies like SERB, DST, ICMR. AICTE, UGC, DBT. The department has state of the art laboratories and excellent research facilities like NMR, UV Vis Spectrophotometer, FTIR, Spectrofluorometer, solar simulator, electrospinning and many others.
The department has conducted various events like international and national conferences supported by various agencies, workshops through DST STUTI , AICTE VAANI, Academic lecture series jointly supported by all the three Indian academies, IASC, INSA and NASI. The department regularly organizes invited lectures, talks, outreach programs, training activities, student activities for a holistic growth and vibrant work environment.
The department has recently initiated NEP based B.Sc and M.Sc program in Chemistry as per new education policy guidelines with multiple entry and exit options. This program is likely to create more employment opportunities than conventional degree courses.
To become a recognized centre of excellence for teaching, research and innovations and make significant contribution for producing academic professionals and entrepreneurs in frontier area of chemical sciences.
- To impart quality education and fundamental concepts of chemical sciences to students & scholars through our state of art laboratory, teaching and research facilities
- Building a scientific environment and motivation towards innovation with quality research in chemical sciences and interdisciplinary areas
Program Educational Objectives
- To impart high quality education and research to develop future academicians, scientists and technocrats for national needs
- To nurture professional graduates to develop capability in analysing real life problems of chemical sciences
- To foster attitude towards continuous learning for improving the talents for research, academia and industry
- To improve professional skills for achieving the academic goal
Programmes offered
- NEP based B.Sc and M.Sc in Chemistry with various certifications at each level
- 2 year M.Sc. in Chemistry
- 5 years Integrated M.Sc. in Chemistry (2012-2022)
- Ph.D in Sciences
Programme Outcomes
- Ability to explore knowledge in solving the practical problems of chemical science independently
- Ability to compete national level Tests such as UGC-CSIR NET, GATE, etc., for higher studies and research
- Ability to explore academic acquaintancyat par with global standards
- Comprehending the technological challenges and advancements in the subject of chemistry through continuous learning process
- An ability to write and present problems and findings their solution through scientific approaches
Research Facilities
- The Department is equipped with state - of - art instruments and research facility to meet the requirement of modern day chemistry
- The Department has aunique research facility of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 400 MHz, JEOL which fulfil the requirements of solution-state analytical needs for both students and researchers.
- Advanced equipment such as AUTOLAB workstation, Electrochemical Analyzer (CHI),Microwave Reactor,UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer, Solar Simulator, Rotational Viscometer, Ultra Low Immersion Chiller, Digital Osmometer, XYT Chart Recorder, Millipore, Refractometrer, Ultra Low etc., are available for training and research.
- Department has a computational lab facility for conducting training and research in the area of theoretical and computational chemistry.
Dr. Sumit Mishra
Professor & Head
Department of Chemistry
BIT Mesra , Ranchi
Pin-code : 835215
Phone: +91-651-2276531
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