List of Publications
- Dr. Gautam Sen;Explosive Security.Demo Journal name,Gauram sen,Dr. Sumit Mishra, Dr. Ashoke Sharon;89 60-69;8
- Tanmoy Kumar Banerjee, Shubhamoy Dey & Sanat Kumar Mukherjee;Multi-criteria Spatial Decision Support System for Pillar Location in Underground Mines: A Conceptual Framework."Management in the New Global Order-Quest for Excellence"; ISM Dhanbad;2006 "";""
- Tanmoy Kumar Banerjee, Shubhamoy Dey & Sanat Kumar Mukherjee;AHP driven analysis of decision variables for pillar location in underground mines."9th International Conference on Decision Support Systems on “Decision Support for Global Enterprises"; IIM-Calcutta;2007 "";""
- Tanmoy Kumar Banerjee, Shubhamoy Dey & Sanat Kumar Mukherjee;An AHP Formulation for Spatial Decision Problems in Underground Mines."National Conference on “Business Optimization Research Wave 2007"; NITIE Mumbai;2007 "";""
- Sayantan Sen, Himani Garg & Tanmoy Kumar Banerjee;Petrol Pricing- A Comparative Study.“21st West Bengal State Science and Technology Congressâ€; Burdwan University Burdwan;2014 "";""
- Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Improvement in the Quality of Anodic Electro-deposition Coating w.r.t. Micro-Electro-Mechanical System”.International Symposium on Intelligence based Materials and Manufacturing- ISIMM-2005-Proceeding; ISBN- 81-7684- 325-3.;01. Aug. 2005. 144-150;International Conf. Proceeding Book - Peer Reviewed
- Shambhu Sharan Kumar* S.S. Narvi, R.P. Tewari and A.S. Khanna- I.I.T. Bombay;“Application of Nano TiO2 and Nano ZnO Particles in TSA Amino Stoving Top Coats to Study their Synergistic Effect”, .TEQIP II. International Conf. on Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Appl.-ICMMSA-2014; Mc- Graw Hill Edu./ Springer, ISBN-13: 978-93-392-2019-8. ISBN-10: 93-392-2019-6, ;6, Dec. 2014 Page: 167-171;International Conf. Proceeding by M.N.N.I.T. Allahabad & University of Missouri, Columbia, U.S.A. - Peer Reviewed.
- Shambhu Sharan Kumar* S.S. Narvi, A.C. Pandey, N.D. Pandey;“Synergistic Effect of Nano TiO2 and Nano ZnO Particles w.r.t. Conventional Micron Sized TiO2 Pigment in High Performance Surface Coatings” .National Conf. on Advances in Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy”- NCNRE–2014- Proceeding: ISBN: 978-93-81212-65-3, ;1, April 2014. 466-470.;Conf. Proceeding of Jamia Millia Islamia- Central University, New Delhi- Peer Reviewed
- Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Improvement in the Quality of Industrial Stoving Paints by Optimum Dispersion of Nano Pigment Particles w.r.t. Weathering & Corrosion Protection” .TEQIP-II, National Conf.- NCRACMS-2015-Proceeding: ISBN: 978-93-84224-25-7, M.M.M. Univ. of Technology, Gorakhpur;1, Issue- 1, Feb. 2015. Page: 43-47;TEQIP-II sponsored Conf. Proceeding - Peer Reviewed.
- Shambhu Sharan Kumar*1, Sanjay Kumar Jha-2, M.K. Paswan-3, S.S. Narvi-4 & N.D. Pandey-5 ;“Improvement in Anti-aging and Anti-weathering Properties of Nano-Composite Coatings by the Incorporation of Graphene Nano-materials” .National Conf. on Design and Innovation @ I.I.T. Delhi, Dialogue India & AICTE- ISBN No. 819070985-2.;June 2017. Page: 13-18. ;Conf. Proceeding @ I.I.T. Delhi, AICTE & Dialogue India - Peer Reviewed paper
- Shambhu Sharan Kumar*, Sanjay Kumar Jha ;“Advances in the Synthesis of Nano Composite Coatings” .“National Conf. on Design and Innovation” @ I.I.T. Delhi, Dialogue India & AICTE- ISBN No. 819070985-2. ;June 2017 Page: 31-35. ;Conf. Proceeding @ I.I.T. Delhi, Dialogue India & AICTE - Peer Reviewed.
- Saptarshi Kumar Lahiri and L S Ramachandra;Inelastic response and energy dissipation in ceramics using Deshpande and Evans constitutive model.Procedia Engineering;173 182-189;1.204
- Anju Sharma, Madhavi Sinha;Influence of Crossover and Mutation on the Behavior of Genetic Algorithms in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.INDIACom-2014; 2014 International Conference on "Computing for Sustainable Global Development", technically sponsored by IEEE Delhi Section, March 2014 pp 895-899 (Scopus);2014 895-899;Nil
- Anju Sharma, Madhavi Sinha, Tanvi Sinha;A Diiferential Evolution Algorithm using Constraint hadling fuction for Optimized Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network.Recent Trends in Engineering and Science for Resource Optimization and sustainable Development (Scopus).;Conference Proceedings, 2024 Taylor and Fracis Group, London, ISBN : 978-1-032-98030-0, DOI: 10.1201/9781003596721-54 pp: 232-235;0.2
- Anju Sharma, Madhavi sinha;Heuristic design for routing finding in distributed graph.Proc. Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences;ISSN : 0972-6306 (2012) pp. 75-80;0.1
- Partha Acharya;Semiotic Analysis of the Symbol of Hinduism and Impact of Uniform Caste Laws Created by Orientalists on IT.ICIEM’ 23;2023-24 56-64;0
- S Kumar, SK Singh;A comparative analysis on the performance of different handcrafted descriptors over thermal and low resolution visible image dataset.IEEE UPCON;2018 1-6;N/A
- Diksha Khas, Sumit Kumar and Satish Kumar Singh;Facial Occlusion Detection and Reconstruction Using GAN.International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing;2021 255-267;N/A