
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

BIT Mesra



The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established in the year 1983 and is now recognized as one of the leading departments with infrastructure and facilities to match the very best in the country. The department remains committed towards its mission, which is twofold. One is to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and problem solving skills in Computer Science required for a fulfilling career. The other goal is to create and disseminate knowledge to improve Computer Science research, education and practice.

The department has had academic collaborations with University of New Brunswick, Canada, University of Melbourne, Australia and University of Manitoba, Canada.


The department strives to be recognized for outstanding education and research, leading to excellent professionals and innovators in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, who can positively contribute to the society.


  1. To impart quality education and equip the students with strong foundation that could make them capable of handling challenges of the new century.
  2. To maintain state of the art research facilities and facilitate interaction with world's leading universities, industries and research organization for constant improvement in the quality of education and research.

Programmes Offered (2023 – 24)

The Department offers following Undergradute and Graduate programmes in session 2023 – 24.


Programmes Offered (2023-24)



Undergraduate Programmes

B.Tech in Computer Science and engineering

4 Years            (8 Semesters)


B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

4 Years            (8 Semesters)


Postgraduate Programmes

M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

2 Years            (4 Semesters)


M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

2 Years            (4 Semesters)


Master of Computer Application

2 Years            (4 Semesters)


Doctoral Programme

Ph.D in Engineering





Dr. Abhijit Mustafi
Professor & HOD
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology
Mesra, Ranchi
Email: hod.cse@bitmesra.ac.in