The Department of Physics (previously known as Department of Applied Physics) since its inception in 1955 has played a pivotal role in the institute. A gamut of very motivated, well qualified and talented faculty is actively engaged in teaching as well as research in areas of theoretical and experimental physics and technology. They have, to their credit, numerous research publications and several R&D projects. Some faculty members have been awarded international fellowships from universities abroad and some have received BOYSCAST fellowship awarded by DST, Government of India.
The vision of the department is to achieve excellence in undergraduate, postgraduate education and research for scholarly inquiry and development of new knowledge.
- To train the students to be lifelong learners who will contribute to the creation of new knowledge, new technology, and innovation through excellence in research in emerging areas. To educate students to be the future leaders in science, technology, industry, education and other professions and succeed in a globally competitive environment
- To create national and international collaborations for research engagement in strategic areas of research
- To provide beneficial service to local, state, national and international communities
Department is presently offering the following programmes:
Programme |
Intake |
5-year Integrated M. Sc. in Physics
Integrated M.Sc. (Physics) with exit options in accordance with NEP 2020, offering minor in
(i) Computer Science
(ii) Electronics & Communication
(iii) Electrical & Electronics and
(iv) Mathematics & Computing
- Admission through CSAB/JOSAA
- 1st Year is common with B.Tech.
- Branch sliding is available for B. Tech. courses
30 |
2-year M. Sc. in Physics |
15 |
Ph.D. |
15 |
The prime objectives of the offered programmes are as follows:
- Impart high quality education in a vibrant academic ambience.
- Prepare students to take up challenges as researchers in academic and R & D organizations.
- To train students for participation in multidimensional academic activities.
- To impart scientific knowledge and inculcate human values.
The department has well equipped laboratories having several systems viz., RF magnetron sputtering, Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD), thermal CVD, RF/DC magnetron co-sputtering, plasma nitriding, anodic vacuum arc deposition, plasma arc generator, polishing setup, Raman spectrometer, nanoindenter, solar simulator, D33 meter, PE loop-tracer, UV Visible Spectrometer, 10K cryostat etc.
At present the department has 17 faculty members and around 20 research scholars. Besides two Indo-Russian projects, the department has been pursuing several sponsored projects funded by the UGC, DST, AICTE, BRNS, ISRO, ARDB, DRDO, NRB and CSIR. In addition, the department has also completed an Indo-German project under Indo-German Bilateral Cooperation in Science and Technology (DST–BMBF) and an Indo-Israel project. The department has received “Fund for Improvement in Science & Technology Infrastructure (FIST)” from DST, New Delhi, as well as Special Assistance Programme (SAP) from UGC.
The current broad areas of research in the department include quantum optics, nonlinear optics, nanotechnology, condensed matter physics. Specific sub-areas are plasma processing of materials, surface engineering with plasma coating, surface modification, anodic vacuum arc deposition of thin films, carbon nanotubes, diamond-like carbon (DLC) films, nano and ultrananocrystalline diamond films, carbon nanotubes, solar cells, nanocrystalline superhard coatings, high temperature superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistive materials, dilute magnetic semiconductors, piezoelectric materials, electronic composite materials, magnetic composites, soliton and light propagation, optical communication, photonic crystal fibres, optoelectronics, etc.
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sinha
Associate Professor and Head
Phone.: +916512275522
+916512275444 (Extn:4479)
email: hod.phy@bitmesra.ac.in
Office Assistant: Mr. Anand Kumar Mahto
Mobile : 8789205455 ;Phone: +916512275444 (Extn:4500)
email : physics.office@bitmesra.ac.in
ERP Coordinator: Dr. Rajeev Kumar
Mobile: 8902781883 ,email: kumarrajeev@bitmesra.ac.in; rajeev1312@gmail.com
U.G. Coordinators:
IMSc coordinator: Dr. Rishi Sharma
Mobile: 9431585496 , email: rsharma@bitmesra.ac.in
B. Tech. coordinator: Dr. Rajyavardhan Ray
email: r.ray@bitmesra.ac.in,
B. Tech. Laboratory coordinator: Dr. Nishi Srivastava
email: nishi.bhu@gmail.com
P.G. Coordinator:
Dr. Sourabh Lahiri
Mobile: 9938775028; email: sourabhlahiri@bitmesra.ac.in
Dr. Madhu Priya
Mobile:7838566042; email: madhupriya@bitmesra.ac.in
Ph D Coordinator: Dr. Sanat Kumar Mukherjee
Mobile: 9113735700; email: sanat.mukherjee@bitmesra.ac.in
Student Society Activities Coordinators:
Dr. Madhu Priya
Mobile:7838566042; email: madhupriya@bitmesra.ac.in
Dr. Pawan K. Tiwari
Mobile: 9523931461; email: pawan.ktiwari@gmail.com
Recent Papers Published (2023)by Faculty Members in Referred Journals