Central Library

Library Collection:

Print Books :(Total Volumes: 1,52,573 & Total Titles  :49,509)
Print Journals/Magazine/Newspaper :( Print Journal:129,Magazine  : 11,Newspaper: 13)
Electronic Journals, Conference Proceedings, Standards: 48,683+
CD/ DVD :3,200
Bound Volumes: 18,512

Library Timings:

Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Issue/Return Timings :
Monday To Friday:  9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

*The Library will remain closed on the Institute Holidays (Institute Holiday List)

Library Floor Plan:

Name of the Resource, Service, and Section

Security Desk Ground Floor
Property Counter Ground Floor
Circulation Counter Ground Floor
Photocopy Section Ground Floor
Newspaper Room Ground Floor
Periodical Section Ground Floor
Acquisition Section Ground Floor
Current Books & Journal Display Ground Floor
Bound volumes(Journal) Ground Floor
Reading Hall Ground , First  & Second Floor
OPAC (Online catalogue) Ground , First  & Second Floor
Digital Library Ground Floor
Librarian’s Office Ground Floor
General Book Section First  & Second
Book Bank section First Floor 
Text Book Section First Floor 
Theses & Dissertations Section  First Floor 
Reference Section Second Floor
Bindery Section Second Floor