B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Details

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is one of the largest departments of the institute having largest student and faculty strength. The Department exposes the undergraduate students to all fundamental and advanced technology in the field of Electronics and Communication. The following scheme is being followed by the department to expose the students to latest trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering:


(i) Indian students - Based on AIR in JEE-Main through CSAB (Central Seat Allocation Board) / JoSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority)

(ii) NRI/PIO/ SFFS – Based on marks obtained by the candidates in Class 12 / equivalent qualifying examination

To be notified by the Admission Department. For more query click to view

Contact Details

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Ranchi - 835215, Jharkhand
Tel: +91- 0651-2275750
Email: hod.ece@bitmesra.ac.in