Health Matters

The present BIT Dispensary is 20 bedded including 8 bedded two isolation wards fully functional Health Care Centre providing facilities to BIT Students, Faculties, their families and staff members & their families plus Villagers around the Campus.

The Dispensary is functioning in all the 3 shifts (Round the clock 24x7) including Sunday & Holidays attending all OPD and IPD & Emergency Cases.

Presently it is manned by 5 Allopath & 1 Homeopath Doctor put in shift/General shift and about 20 paramedical staff. We have also Dentist, Physiotherapist, Eye, Skin, & Gynecologist as visiting specialist every week for health care service.   

The workforce, as per the need and work load is quite insufficient and we are in the process of appointing and adding up few more Doctors & Paramedics to give our services in a better way.   

The dispensary is functioning essentially as a primary health centre and patients who need specialized treatment or hospitalization are referred to multi specialty hospitals. All students and staff members & their two dependent children are covered under Mediclaim policy by Oriental General Insurance Company.

The Health Centre is equipped with 4 Ambulances, available in all the 3 shifts fitted with Oxygen Cylinders & first aid kits.

At present, the following facilities/services are available in the dispensary.

  1. OPD services including part time specialist OPD viz.Skin, Eye,  Obs/ Gynecologist & Dental surgeon & Physiotherapist.
  2. In patient services for minor ailments.
  3. Emergency Services
  4. Homeopathy Clinic
  5. Dental  Clinic
  6. Pathological Laboratory
  7. Physiotherapy Unit
  8. X-Ray Unit
  9. ECG Unit
  10. Isolation ward 02 (one each for male & Female patients)
  11. Dressing unit

Details of Dispensary Staffs

Medical officers



Name of Medical officer

Contact No.


Dr. Mona Deepa



Dr.Anju  Kumari



Homeopathy Physician



      Dr. P. Mohanti



Visiting Specialist



Name of Visiting Specialist



Dr. Rishi Raj



Dr. Renu Sinha



Dr. M.E. Asraf

Eye specialist


Dr. R.P. Chaudhary

Skin specialist


Dr. Pramod Kumar



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