Recruitment advertisement for Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar

ADVERTISEMENT NO. RECT/BIT-ADMN/2017-18/2918        
Dated - 02.08.2017


Download Application Form

Job description:


  1. Deputy Registrars for BIT Mesra Campus ( 3 )

The person selected shall be fully conversant with the rules, regulations and governance norms for academic and general administration of top Institutions including activities related to maintenance and management of 780 acre campus of BIT Mesra e.g. land records, garden maintenance, security services, housekeeping etc.


  1. Assistant Registrars (Mesra/Off Campuses)
    1. Assistant Registrar (1 at Mesra) : Should be knowledgeable about all aspects of academic regulations, campus management and governance norms for top academic Institutions like IITs/NITs.
    2. Assistant Registrar (Admissions, Training and Placement) one each for

Deoghar, Jaipur and NOIDA:

Should be fully conversant with procedural cycles connected to Admissions, Training and Placement in top academic Institutions like IITs/NITs.
Minimum salary inclusive contributory PF for these positions:

  1. Deputy Registrars:

PBIII (GP of Rs. 7600) – Rs. 79084/-

PBIV (GP of Rs. 8700) – Rs. 121852/-  

  1. Assistant Registrars

PBIII (GP of Rs. 5400) – Rs. 55507/-

For all positions, those with prior experience in similar position at Institutions of repute like IITs & NITs etc. will be given preference. Those having been recently relieved from such position and below 60 years of age may also apply for contractual appointment on consolidated pay suitable to the position.


Eligibility: Minimum Eligibility norms as per UGC which include the following:


For Deputy Registrar:

  1. Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade of ‘B’in the UGC 7 point scale alongwith -
  2. A minimum of 5 years of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent position



  1. 9 Years experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs. 6000 and above with experience in educational administration
  3. Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of higher education


For Assistant Regsitrar :

Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade of ‘B’ in the UGC 7 point scale alongwith a good academic record.

Those with superior qualifications and experience shall be called for presentation and interview. Fluency with Computer software packages related to Office administration and intra/inter office communications is essential. BIT reserves the right to modify eligibility norms at its discretion.

Application Deadline: Complete filled in application with payment details of application fee of Rs. 1500/- (General)/ Rs. 750/- (SC/ST/PHs) with enclosures to be sent by speed/registered post to reach The Registrar, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi by 6th September 2017.



  1. Candidates who are in employment with Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Bodies, Public Undertakings, University and Educational Institutions should route their applications through proper channel with ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their present employer.
  2. Before applying, candidate should read the complete advertisement carefully and ensure that he/she fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria of post stated in the advertisement in all respect as on last date for receipt of applications i.e. 6th September 2017.
  3. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one post should submit separate applications. Candidates should apply in the prescribed format only for this recruitment.
  4. Application form on prescribed format must be accompanied with photograph, self attested copies of certificates, marks sheets, experience.


  1. Candidates will be interviewed only after scrutiny of education & experience certificate. Eligibility of a candidate with regard to qualification and experience shall be calculated/ considered with reference to the last date of the receipt for application.
  2. Institute reserves the right to screen and call only such candidates as is found prima-facie suitable for being considered by the Screening Committee. Thus, just fulfilling the prescribed conditions would not entitle one to be called for interview.
  3. Institute reserves the right to rectify any discrepancy of this advertisement, if found later on. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of letter of appointment, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate.
  4. Any corrigendum/ addendum/errata in respect of the above advertisement shall be made available only at our Institute web site No further press advertisement will be given. Hence prospective applicants are advised to visit BIT MESRA web site regularly.
  5. Decision of BIT in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, rejection of the application form, interview, verification of testimonials and selection will be final and binding on the applicants.
  6. Applicant shall be responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is Incorrect / false the candidature/appointment shall be cancelled/terminated.
  7. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding reason for not being called for interview/outcome of interview.
  8. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification.
  9. Any dispute with regard to the selection / recruitment process will be subject to Courts / Tribunals having jurisdiction over Ranchi.
  10. Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of application(s) within the stipulated date due to any postal delay / loss of application / document sent in transit.
  11. Filled in downloaded applications should be accompanied with a non-refundable demand draft of Rs. 750/- (Rupees Seven hundred fifty only) for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PHs and for candidates belonging to other categories a non-refundable demand draft of Rs.1500/- (Rupees One thousand five hundred only) drawn in favour of “Birla Institute of Technology” payable at Ranchi towards application fee. Candidates are advised to write their name and post applied for on the backside of the demand draft.
  12. The filled-in downloaded application form along with enclosures and demand draft must be sent in a sealed envelope by speed/registered post to The Registrar, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi – 835215, Jharkhand so as to reach on or before the last date for submission of application i.e. 6th September 2017. Please superscribe the envelope with the post applied for and advertisement number.


Check-list of documents to be submitted along with the application:

  1. Filled-in downloaded application form in the prescribed format
  2. Latest Passport size colour photograph
  3. Attested copies of all certificates, mark sheets from SSC/HSC/Matriculation onwards
  4. Attested copies of any other relevant certificates / testimonials
  5. Attested copies of caste certificates for (SC/ST), certificates for persons with disabilities (PD) for PH candidate issued by the competent authorities, certificate of experience for Govt. employees
  6. Original demand draft (separate demand drafts to be attached along with the application form for candidates desirous of applying more than one post)



By order of the Vice-Chancellor



BIT Mesra