Walk-in Interview for the post of Assistant Coordinators & Data Entry Operators (on contract) at (TEQIP-III)

“Walk-in Interview” for the post of Assistant Coordinators & Data Entry Operators (on contract) at (TEQIP-III) B.I.T., Mesra

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Interested eligible candidates are requested to appear for a “Walk-in Interview” for the post of  Assistant Coordinators & Data Entry Operators at (TEQIP -III) BIT, Mesra on contract basis. They are required to submit their application in a prescribed application format available on our website www.bitmesra.ac.in

Application should be accompanied with two copies of self attested relevant certificates/documents, brief Bio-data and application format duly filled up alongwith non-refundable application fee of   Rs. 500/- for Assistant Coordinator (Sl. No. 1 & 2) and Rs. 250/- for Data Entry Operator (Sl. No. 3) in the shape of Demand Draft payable at Ranchi drawn in favour of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra.

Date and Time of Interview: 08th August 2018 at 10.00 AM  

Venue: Seminar Hall - I, R&D Building, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi

Sl. No.


No of vacancy



Emoluments (in Rs.)






Assistant Coordinator (MIS & Procurement)







MCA (Knowledge of Computer based Accountancy, Proficiency in work with MS Office).

3 years’ experience in the related field.



40,000/- P.M. (Consolidated)









Assistant Coordinator (Finance)









MBA (Knowledge of Computer based Accountancy, Proficiency in work with MS Office).

3 years’ experience in the related field.



40,000/- P.M. (Consolidated)





Data Entry Operator



Graduate (Knowledge of Computer based Accountancy, Proficiency in work with MS Office, Tally).

2 years’ experience in the related filed.


18,000/- P.M. (Consolidated)



Persons with strong familiarity with computers, experience in educational or large organizations and with good interpersonal skills will be preferred.

Age: 30 - 40 years will be preferred, this may be relaxed in case of candidates with longer years of experience or exceptionally qualified.

Job Responsibilities: Assistant Coordinator (MIS & Procurement) is required to coordinate MIS and Procurement activities of TEQIP-III and any other work assigned by the TEQIP Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator (Finance) is required to coordinate Financial and PMSS software activities of TEQIP-III and any other work assigned by the TEQIP Coordinator and Data Entry Operator work assigned by the TEQIP Coordinator.

Mode of Appointments: On contract basis initially for one year which is further extendable till the completion of TEQIP Phase - III on mutually acceptable terms subjected to satisfactory performance and recommendation by Review Committee. The contract may be terminated with one month notice from either side.

The selected candidates shall have no claim for appointment on regular basis by virtue of being appointed in contractual basis.

Verification of documents: Interested candidates may also in their own interest ensure that they fulfill the eligibility conditions. Ineligible candidates will not be allowed to appear for interview. Verification of documents will be done before interview.

The applicants must report with original certificate/testimonials at 10.00 AM sharp on 08th August 2018 for verification of the requisite documents.