Dr. Neeta Kumari

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Email - neetak@bitmesra.ac.in
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Book Chapter

  1. Kumari, N. and Pandey, S., 2022. Sustainability Assessment of Jumar River in Ranchi District of Jharkhand using River Sustainability Bayesian Network (RSBN) model approach. In Ecological Significance of River Ecosystems (pp. 407-428). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85045-2.00021-2
  2. Kumari, N. and Pandey, S., 2023. Application of artificial intelligence in environmental sustainability and climate change. In Visualization Techniques for Climate Change with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 293-316). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-99714-0.00018-2
  3. Kumari, N. and Pathak, G., 2019. Study of Chemical Nature of Groundwater In the Western Parts of Jharkhand With a Focus on Fluoride. In Wastewater Reuse and Watershed Management (pp. 273-286). Apple Academic Press.
  4. Kumari,N. and Pathak,G., 2017. Determination of Suitable ANN Architecture for Groundwater Fluoride Prediction. In Advances in Computational Intelligence (pp. 81-88). Springer, Singapore.


  1. Pandey, S. and Kumari, N., 2022. Sustainable Utilization and Management of Agricultural and Kitchen Waste. Agricultural and Kitchen Waste, pp.127-163.
  2. Pandey, S. and Kumari, N., 2023. Impact assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface water bodies. Metals in Water, pp.129-154.
  3. Pandey, S., Kumar, G., Kumari, N. and Pandey, R., 2023. Assessment of Causes and Impacts of Sand Mining on River Ecosystem. Hydro geochemistry of Aquatic Ecosystems, pp.357-379. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119870562.ch16
  4. Pandey, S., Kumari, N. (2023). Valorisation of Agricultural and Food Waste Biomass for Production of Bioenergy. In: Pal, D.B. (eds) Recent Technologies for Waste to Clean Energy and its Utilization. Clean Energy Production Technologies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3784-2_10
  5. Pandey, S., Kumari, N., Dash, S.K. and Al Nawajish, S., 2022. Challenges and Monitoring Methods of Forest Management through Geospatial Application: A Review. Advances in Remote Sensing for Forest Monitoring, pp.289-328.
  6. Singhal, A., Pandey, S., Kumari, N., Chauhan, D.K. and Jha, P.K., 2021. Impact of climate change on soil microbes involved in biogeochemical cycling. Climate Change and the Microbiome: Sustenance of the Ecosphere, pp.63-94.