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Tanmoy Kumar Banerjee, Supriyo Roy & Shubhamoy Dey;Location of Pit in Underground Coal Mining- A Geometrical Approach.International Journal of Management Studies and Research;2(5) 99-108;""
Chandra G, Chakraborty M, Sinha A.K, Chandra T;The Water Sustainability Index (WSIOC) for Office Complexes, Part 1: A Preliminary Framework.International Journal of Emerging Technologies;2017 330-336;NA
Dash M and Chakraborty M;Bio Climatic analysis of Bhubaneswar- An investigation to arrive human comfort through natural ventilation.International Journal of latest technology in Engineering, Management and Applied Science;2016 557-560;NA
Saharan S.L, Chakraborty M, Mandal N.R;Master Planning Approach for city infrastructure development: A case study of Chandigarh City.International Journal ABACUS;2014 51-57;NA
Chandra G, Chakraborty M;Sustainable Design for Urban Water Management: A case study for Ground Water in U.P, India.Journal of Engineering and Technology;2013 2251-3701;NA
Chakraborty M;Natural Heritance: Hilltop Heritage.International Journal ABACUS;2011 81-82;NA
Chakraborty M;Searching a Convergent Theory of Architectural Education in India.International Journal ABACUS;2008 44-50;NA
Chakraborty M;Revisiting Brutalist Architecture.Issue of Yogana;2022 29-31;NA
Chakraborty M, Gupta J;An approach towards supplementing climate responsiveness of Vernacular Habitats .Shashwat- Transforming Habitats;2017 49-53;NA
Chakraborty M;Architecture: Education, Profession, Scope.All About Architecture Education in India;2013 21;NA
Chakraborty M;Womanly Architecture: An Enriching Enigma.Jharchex '08;2008 37-42;NA
Anjana Dwivedi, Paulami Ganguly;Comparison of the effect of increased exhalation to inhalation time with mood enhancing and exercise activities on vagal tone estimated from heart rate variability.International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET);11 (2024) 157-165;-
Rohan Sahay, Anoopraj Verma and Megha Dadel;Accident detection and reporting system for 2-wheel vehicles.International Journal of Electronic Devices and Networking;5(2024) 24-30;RJIF 5.46
Shambhu Sharan Kumar*;“Novel Synthesis of Nano-particles modified Stoving Top-coats for Dev. in Weathering and Corrosion Resistance”.Anveeksha Research Journal of SSKGDC, University of Allahabad, ISSN: 2581-8163, ;Vol.1, Issue-1, Oct. 2018. Page: 28-37;Central University Journal - Peer Reviewed
Shambhu Sharan Kumar* ;“Synthesis and Performance Study of Nano-particles modified Polyurethane Composite Coatings”.IJREAS, www.ijreas.com, www.mgijournal.com, ISSN: 2456-6403 (online), 2456-6411 (print), ;Vol. 03, Issue: 01, Jan. 2018. Page: 12-15.;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar*;“Effective Bottom-up Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-ZnO Particles”.IJREAS, www.ijreas.com, www.mgijournal.com, ISSN: 2456-6403 (online), 2456-6411 (print), ;Vol. 03, Issue: 01, Jan. 2018. Page: 37-40.;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar*, S.S. Narvi, N.D. Pandey;“Diversified Phases of Surface Coatings in Automobile Industries”.Journal of research in engineering and applied sciences (Online), www.ijreas.com, www.mgijournal.com, ISSN: 2456-6403 (online), 2456-6411 (print), ;Vol.01, Issue: 02. April 2016 Page: 103-109.;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar* , S.S. Narvi, N.D. Pandey.;“Study on Effects of Micron and Nano Zinc Oxide Pigments on Air-drying Property of Alkyd Paints” .International Journal of Research in Engg. & Applied Sciences (Online), www.ijreas.com, www.mgijournal.com, ISSN: 2348-1862 (online), ISSN: 2456-6403 (online), 2456-6411 (print),;Vol. 1, Issue: 01. Jan. 2016. Page: 25-29.;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar ;“The Significance of the Ratio of Alkyd-Amino Resins on Curing Temperature and Performances of Stoving Paints”.International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research; www.erpublication.org/IJETR, ISSN: 2321-0869 (online), 2454-4698 (print), ;Vol.4, Issue 1, Jan. 2016. Page: 116-120.;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Development of Industrial Automotive Paint with Natural Raw Material Castor Oil as a Substitute of Polymeric Plasticizer” .International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences- IJEAS, ISSN: 2394-3661, ;Issue -12, Vol. 2, Dec. 2015. Page: 141-145.;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Applications of Nano Pigment Particles for the Development in Corrosion and Scratch Resistance Properties of Epoxy-Zeolite Coatings”,.International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences- IJEAS, ISSN: 2394-3661, ;Issue-11, Vol. 2, Nov. 2015. P.: 103-107.;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Advances in High Performance Polymer Nano Composite Coatings for Better Resistance to Corrosion and Ultraviolet Rays” .International Journal of Engg. and Applied Sciences- IJEAS, ISSN: 2394-3661,;Issue-10, Vol. 2, Oct. 2015. Page: 3-7, ;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Progress in Paint Formulations by Nano-Silica Dispersion in a Blend of Alkyd-Polyester-Melamine Formaldehyde Resins Media”, .International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research; www.erpublication.org/IJETR, ISSN: 2321-0869 (online), 2454-4698 (print), ;Vol. 2, Issue- 9, Sept. 2014. Page: 403-407;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Nano-Composite Materials”.International Journal of Engineering & Technical Research; www.erpublication.org/IJETR, ISSN: 2321-0869 (online), 2454-4698 (print), ;Vol. 2, Issue 7, July, 2014. Page: 163-168,;Peer Reviewed Journal
Shambhu Sharan Kumar;“Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-ZnO and Nano-SiO2 Particles Modified Anticorrosive Paints”.International Journal of Engg. & Technical Research; www.erpublication.org/IJETR, ISSN: 2321-0869 (online), 2454-4698 (print).;Vol.2, Issue 8, Aug. 2014. Page: 260-265, ;Peer Reviewed Journal
Dr. Chanpreet Kaur Dr. Arshi Barin Prof. Ritu Sapra;Quality of Sustainability Disclosure: Measurement and Its Relation to Audit Committee Attributes.The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices.;Vol. 22, Iss. 2, (Apr 2023): 22-41 22-41;nil
Chanpreet Kaur and Dr. Ritu Sapra;Social Accounting & Reporting practices: A Literature Review on Determinants and Impact.Review of Professional Management;16, 2018 70-81;nil
Chanpreet Kaur and Dr. Ritu Sapra;SOCIAL REPORTING PRACTICES OF SELECT BANKS.Jamshedpur Research Review;Volume 6: Issue 25, December 2017-January 2018 116-130;nil
Dr. Ritu Sapra and Chanpreet Kaur;Level of Social Accounting and Reporting Practices in Select Companies : An Analysis .SRM-IMT Journal of Business and Management Research;Vol 6 Issue 1 Jan - Dec 2017 issn 2319-6203 3-13;nil
Rajeev Ranjan, C.M.S Negi, K.P Tiwary;Investigation of Optical Characteristics and Synthesis of Cobalt-Doped Cds (Cds: Co) Using Simple and Rapid Microwave Activated Method’.International Research Journal on Advanced Engineering Hub (IRJAEH);02(2024) issue 3;-
Prateek, Aditi Priyadarshini, Kumar Nikhil,S K Choubey, K. P Tiwary, Rajeev Ranjan; Study of Fabrication Process and Performance Analysis of the CDS/CDTE Based Photovoltaic Cell.International Research Journal on Advanced Engineering Hub (IRJAEH);02(2024) issue 2;-
Das,K;Impact of emotive words in teachers’ written feedback on students’ writing performances: A case study.IIS University Journal of Arts;13 (2024) 466-483;0
Jackson, A., and Das, K; Perspectives on Children’s Theory of Mind and Inference Generation Ability: Devising pedagogical tasks.Malayalam Research Journal;17(2024) 6565-6582;0
Das, K. & Raman, M,G;Processing of Transparent and Opaque Derivational Words by Dyslexic Learners in ESL context.Language and Language Teaching ;13 (2024) 40-52;0
Mukhopadhyay, L., Tamboli, V., Das, K.,Balasubramanian, A., and Tsimpli, I.;What guides inference generation? A study of young Hindi learners studying in challenging contexts in India.Indian Educational Review;58(2020) 40-66;0
Das, K; Knowledge of Spelling Consonant Clusters in Young ESL Learners: A Study.Language and Language Teaching;9(2020) 10-17;0
Das, K;Representation of recalled propositions in L1 by secondary level learners.Lokaratna;12 (2019) 146-156;0
Das, K;Why reading is important: Perspectives on ESL classrooms.In Gahatraj, N.(Ed),Classroom Management: Theory and Practice;(2016) 109-116;0
Anju Sharma, Madhavi Sinha;A differential evolution-based routing algorithm for multi-path environment in mobile ad hoc network.International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence, ISSN 2515-4281;volume 1, Issue 1(2019) pp 23-40;Nil
Anju Sharma, Madhavi Sinha;Differential Evaluation Algorithm for routing Optimization in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN), ISSN 2277-5420.;Volume 1, Issue 4(2012) 109-115;1.5
Anju Sharma, Shini Agarwal and Ravindra Singh Rathore;Cluster Based Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Wireless Networks Using Neuro-Genetic Paradigm.International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), ISSN:2229-5518.;Volume 3, Issue 7(2012) pp 1-5;1.4
Kumar Santosh, Singh Baldev;Study and Analysis of Exiting Learning and Evaluation Systems- A Review.Journal of the Oriental Institute M.S. University Broda;72 (2023) 18 - 29;2
Kumar Santosh, Sinha Madhavi ;Student Modeling in Distributed Adaptive Knowledge based E-Learning Environment .International Journal of Computer Applications;76 (2013) 30 -36;5
Kumar Santosh, Sinha Madhavi ;Multi Agent Adaptive E-Learning System.International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering;3 (2013) 242-246;5
Santosh Kumar Sharma, Akshit Sharma, Shivam Gaur;Stress testing of android applications using test automation ., International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology;Volume 8 Issue 2 - March 2017 326-336;Global Impact Factor - 0.685/1
Seema Gaur, Dr. Praveen Dhyani, Dr. Vishwambhar Pathak;Reformation of Co-Author Communities with Metagraph.International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI); Vol. 7 Issue 3, Ver 3 ( 2018) 47-50;-
Seema Gaur and Praveen Dhyani;Formation of Metagraph Using Clustering.IJCSN; Vol. 3(2014 ) 402-404;-
Gaur S;Case based behavioral computational model.Voyager- the Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology;Vol.7(2008) -;-
Gaur V et al.;A Multi-Objective Optimization of Cloud Based SLA -Violation Prediction and Adaptation.I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science;8 60-65;-
Gaur V et al;A GA-Tabu Based User Centric Approach for Discovering Optimal QoS Composition.International. Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science;2 56-62;-
Gaur V et al.;An Agent-based Optimized Cloud Service Discovery System.International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS);2 503-506;-
Gaur V et al.;Exploring Measurable Impacts in Viral Marketing Using Social Coordination Games and Fuzzy Logic.Int. Journal of computation science, engineering and technology;1 1-7;-
K Mukherjee, VK Nigam, S Pillai;Promises of Systems Biology to Better Understand the Kinetics of Industrially Important Enzymes.Microbial Enzymes: Production, Purification and Industrial Applications;2 505-518;None
Aakanksha Wany, Ashutosh Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Jha, Maria Kanuga, Vinod K Nigam, Dev Mani Pandey;Reactive nitrogen species and their role in stress tolerance.Exogenous Priming and Engineering of Plant Metabolic and Regulatory Genes;2025 453-463;NA
Ashutosh Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Jha, Vinod K Nigam, Dev Mani Pandey, Aakanksha Wany;Natural compound priming induces abiotic stress tolerance in plants: possible mechanisms.Exogenous Priming and Engineering of Plant Metabolic and Regulatory Genes;2025 43-53;NA
Chinmay Leena Ajit Patade, Akshat Raj Sharma, Vinod Kumar Nigam, Muthu Kumar Sampath;Recovery of lithium and lead ions from battery industry wastes using advanced separation techniques.Metal Value Recovery from Industrial Waste Using Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Technologies;2025 235-259;NA
Aparajita Pandey, J. Saini;Development of Privacy Protecting Identity Management System for E-Government in India,.International Journal of Advanced Networking Applications (IJANA) ,ISSN 0975-0290,;2015 94-99;NA
Dr. Anju Sharma;AI Impact on Learning and Development in the Indian Educational Institution with Specific to Rajasthan Region.Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (JoCAAA);33 (2024) 1813-1827;0.59
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