Qualification → Ph.D.
Area of Interest →
Area of Interest: Overall :
Area of Interest: Specific :
Field of Interest →
Qualification → Ph.D.
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Power System Analysis, Operation and Control, Application of Soft Computing Techniques in Power Systems
Qualification → Ph. D. (Engineering)
Area of Interest →
Power System Stability, Unit Commitment, Optimal Power Flow, Deregulation, Power System Reliability etc.
Field of Interest → Power System
Qualification → Ph.D.(Engineering) M. E. (Control System)
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest →
Qualification → Ph.D. in Engineering
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Power Systems
Qualification → Ph.D., M.E., B.Tech.
Area of Interest →
Power Electronics and Drives, Electrical Machine Design, Electric Vehicles.
Field of Interest → Power Electronics and Drives, Electrical Machine Design, Electric Vehicles.
Qualification → B.Tech., M.E., Ph.D.
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Electromagnetic Interference in Power Connectors, Design of Electrical Drives
Qualification → PhD (IIT Kanpur), B.Tech (NIT Silchar)
Area of Interest →
Power systems, renewable energy, machine learning, optimization, smart grid
Field of Interest → Renewable energy, machine learning, optimization, smart grid
Qualification → M.E. (Electrical)
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest →
Qualification → B.E., M.E. (Control System), PhD (Engineering)
Area of Interest →
Electrical Drives, Control System, Soft computing applications, Maintenance and Reliability.
Field of Interest → Inverter and Drives
Qualification → M.E. (Elecrical and Electronics Engineering), PhD
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Biosignal Processing
Qualification → Ph.D.
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Power Electronics Converters, Power Electrical Drives
Qualification → Ph.D.(IIT Bhubaneswar)
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Power System Planning, Micro-Grid, Demand Response Management, Power System Reliability, Application of Computational Techniques to Electric Power System
Qualification → Ph.D. (NIT Patna), M.Tech. (NIT Patna), B.Tech. (WBUT)
Area of Interest →
System modelling & identification; Equivalent electrical circuits; Fractional-order models; Voltammetric sensor systems; Regression analysis and pattern recognition; E-Tongue application; Electrical load forecasting
Field of Interest → Control System Engineering
Qualification → PhD
Area of Interest →
Power System
Power System Operation and Control
Field of Interest → Voltage stability, Reactive power management and Pricing,
Qualification → Ph.D. (Engineering)
Area of Interest →
Power Electronics
Field of Interest → Electrical Machines and Drive, Power Electronics
Qualification → B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering), NIT KUrukshetra, HAryana, M.E. (High Voltage Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India., Ph.D. (Engineering), BIT Mesra, Ranchi
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Power System
Qualification → B.Sc. Engineering - Electrical Engineering M.E. (Control System)
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Power Electronics
Qualification → B.Tech., M.S.(Elec. Engg., Computer Engg.), Ph.D. (Intelligent Systems and Control Engineering)
Area of Interest →
Shared Control for Autonomous Vehicles, Fractional Order Controller Design for Linear Systems, Robust Controller Design for Stable and Multivariable Plants
Field of Interest → Shared Control for Autonomous Vehicles, Fractional Order Controller design for linear and nonlinear models
Qualification → Ph.D in Technology
Area of Interest →
Biomedical Physics, Brain Signals, Cloud Computing, Deep Learning
Field of Interest → Signal Processing
Qualification → Ph.D. (Engineering)
Area of Interest →
Field of Interest → Smart Grids, Power Electronics and Power Systems, Machine and Deep Learning