Qualification → Ph.D
Area of Interest →
Differential Equations and its applications in Ecology, Environment and Biology
Field of Interest → Mathematical Modelling - Environmental, Ecological and Biological Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics
Qualification → M.Sc.(Statistics), Ph.D, (NET-UGC/CSIR)
Field of Interest → Algorithm Analysis, Music Analysis, Statistical Computing
Qualification → M.Sc (Applied Mathematics), M.Phil, Ph.D
Field of Interest → Computational Solid Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Operations Research
Qualification → M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Field of Interest → Qualilative study of solutions of differential equations & difference equations in population dynamics, periodic solutions, global attractivity of solutions
Qualification → Ph.D(IIT Roorkee), M.Sc Applied Maths(IIT Roorkee), PG Diploma Industrial Management, PG Diploma Computer Applications and System Analysis
Field of Interest → Partial Differential equation, Moving Boundary Problem, Image processing
Quantum information and computation; Interface of quantum information theory and quantum many-body system; Open quantum systems.
Field of Interest → Quantum information and computation
Qualification → Ph.D (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata), M.Tech in Computer Science and Data Processing (IIT Kharagpur), Masters in Science, Mathematics (Jadavpur University)
Field of Interest → Theoretical Computer Science
Qualification → M.Sc (Mathematics and Computing, IIT Guwahati), Ph.D (Mathematics, IIT Guwahati)
Mathematical Modelling, Wave-Structure Interaction, Fluid Dynamics, Integral Equation
Field of Interest → Applied Mathematics
Qualification → Ph.D in Mathematics (IIT Kharagpur)
Field of Interest → Numerical Functional Analysis
Numerical Solution of Boundary Layer Flow
Field of Interest → Numerical Solution of Boundary Layer Flows
Qualification → B.Sc. (Mathematics Honors), M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics), Ph.D (Mathematics)
Optimization and its applications
Field of Interest → Optimization and its applications
Qualification → M.Sc. & Ph.D.
Field of Interest → Supply chain Management(Vendor Selection Problem & Inventory Control)
Complex Dynamics(Complex Analysis), Iteration of transcendental entire functions
Field of Interest → Complex Dynamics
Qualification → M.Sc. (IIT Kharagpur), Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Electrokinetics, Nanofluidics, Computational Microfluidics
Field of Interest → Computational Fluid Dynamics, Electrokinetics
Matrix theory, Computational linear algebra, Quantum information and computation
Field of Interest → Combinatorial matrix theory, Quantum walks
Qualification → M.Sc (Mathematics & Computing, IIT Guwahati), Ph.D (Mathematics, NIT Jamshedpur)
Field of Interest → Fractional Calculus, Numerical Analysis, Differential Equation
Qualification → Ph.D (IITKGP)
Field of Interest → Numerical Analysis & Differential Equation
Stanford University list of the Top 2 percent Most Influential Scientists Worldwide Rankings (WR) for 2020 2022 and 2023
Congratulations on securing a position at Microsoftm Fastenal and Forma AI
In recognition of his exemplary and commendable Social Service through NSS Mr. Rahul Raj has been awarded the National Service Scheme Award by the Honorable President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind.
Vivek Nigam has been selected for Google Summer of Code 2020 Program to work for European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) for three months starting from 1st June 2020 to August 2020