Department Vision
To become an internationally recognized center of excellence in academics, research and technological services in the area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and related inter-disciplinary fields.
Department Mission
• Imparting strong fundamental concepts to students and motivate them to find innovative solutions to engineering problems independently.
• Developing engineers with managerial attributes capable of applying appropriate technology with responsibility.
• Creation of congenial atmosphere and ample research facilities for undertaking quality research to achieve national and international recognition by faculty and students.
• To strive for internationally recognized publication of research papers, books and to obtain patent and copyrights.
• To provide excellent technological services to industry for the benefit of society.
BE (EEE) PEO (Program Educational Objectives) – BE (EEE)
1. To develop capability to understand the fundamentals of Science and Electrical & Electronics Engineering for analyzing the engineering problems with futuristic approach.
2. To foster a confident and competent graduate capable to solve real life practical engineering problems fulfilling the obligation towards society.
3. To inculcate an attitude for identifying and undertaking developmental work both in industry as well as in academic environment with emphasis on continuous learning enabling to excel in competitive participations at global level.
4. To nurture and nourish effective communication and interpersonal skill to work in a team with a sense of ethics and moral responsibility for achieving goal.
PO (Program Outcomes)
A graduate shall
a) Be competent in applying basic knowledge of science and engineering for obtaining solution to a multi-disciplinary problem; b) Gain knowledge of complex engineering problem analysis; Be able to design system components and processes meeting all applicable rules and regulations.
c) Be proficient in arriving at innovative solution to a problem with due considerations to society and environment.
d) Be capable of undertaking suitable experiments/research methods while solving an engineering problem and would arrive at valid conclusions based on appropriate interpretations of data and experimental results.
e) Continually upgrade his/her understanding and become masterly at modern engineering and soft tools and apply them along with other appropriate techniques and resources
f) Exhibit understanding of societal and environmental issues (health, legal, safety, cultural etc.) relevant to professional engineering practice and demonstrate through actions, the need for sustainable development.
g) Be committed to professional ethics, responsibilities and economic, environmental, societal, and political norms.
h) Demonstrate appropriate inter-personal skills to function effectively as an individual, as a member or as a leader of a team and in a multi-disciplinary setting.
i) Be able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentations; give and receive clear instructions; make effective presentations and communicate effectively and convincingly on complex engineering issues with engineering community and with society at large;
l) Be conscious of financial aspects of all professional activities and shall be able to undertake projects with appropriate management control and control on cost and time; Recognize the need for continuous learning and will prepare himself/herself appropriately for his/her all-round development throughout the professional career.