Electrical and Electronics Engineering

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is dedicated to the current needs of industry with the flexibility to tune its programmes according to different requirements. Application of new technology in various fields is one of the main focuses in the activities of the department. Department of EEE, BIT Mesra, has received grants amounting to Rs. 4.5 Crore in recent past from ERLDC (Grid Controller of India), SERB-DST, ICMR, CCL, UGC, DST, AICTE etc. to strengthen the research facility of the department. The department involves with different industries like TATA Motors, Orient Electric Ltd. Larsen & Toubro Technology Services (LTTS) for knowledge sharing and problem solving.  MoUs have recently been signed with ERLDC, TATA Motors, LTTS, CIL, University of Windsor, Canada.

Infrastructural Facilities

The Department has excellent lab infrastructure in the area of  Control System &  Instrumentation,  Power Electronics,  Power Systems,  Electrical Machines,  Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Power,  Switch Gear and Protection,  Basic Electronics,  Integrated  Electronics ,  DSP and  Microprocessor.

The department is equipped with MATLAB, MULTISIM,  LabView with ELVIS, My Power, ETAP, Ansys Electromagnetic Suite, Infoletica  MagNet 2D etc.

Key Research Area of Interest

Optimized Power Transmission System,  Smart Grid, Solar Energy Systems, Mechatronics,  Miniaturization and  Automation,  Computerized Network ,etc. Programmes.


Dr. P. S. Rathore
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology
Mesra, Off-Campus, Jaipur
27 Malviya Industrial Area, Jaipur – 302017
Email: ic_eee_bitj@bitmesra.ac.in