List of Publications
- A Vupputuri, A. Gupta, N Ghosh;MCA-DN: Multi-path Convolution leveraged Attention Deep Network for Salvageable Tissue Detection in Ischemic Stroke from Multi-parametric MRI.Computers in Biology and Medicine;136 (2021) 104724;7.0
- A Vupputuri and N Ghosh; Multi-view Iterative Random Walker for Automated Salvageable Tissue Delineation in Ischemic Stroke from Multi-Sequence MRI.Journal of Neuroscience Methods; 2; 360; 2021;360 2;2.7
- A Vupputuri, S Ashwal, B Tsao, N Ghosh;;Ischemic stroke segmentation in multisequence MRI by symmetry determined superpixel based hierarchical clustering.Computers in Biology and Medicine;116 (2020) 103536;7.0
- Kumar, A., Karan, B., Solanki, S. S., Chandra, M., & Singh, D. K. ;Automatic tuning of radio stations based on listener’s preference using Software Defined Radio and MATLAB.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence;137, 109117–109117;7.5
- D Ghosh, J Ghose, P Datta*, P Kumari, and Suraj Paul;Strategies for phase change material application in latent heat thermal energy storage enhancement: Status and prospect.Journal of Energy Storage;53 (2022) 105179;8.9
- Sarat Kumar Mishra, Sudhansu Kumar Mishra, Prabhat Kumar Upadhyay, Rakesh Chandra Jha;Prediction based Improved MOTLBO algorithm for Solution of the Economic Emission Dispatch Problem.Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR);83(2024) 1295-1305;0.6
- Pandita, Archana; Upadhyay, Prabhat Kumar; Mishra, Sudhansu Kumar; Ojha, Nitish Kumar;A Two-Phase Fault Tolerant System to Reduce the Service Level Agreement Violations.Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR);83(2024) 1317-1325;0.6
- Saptarshi Kumar Lahiri and Konstantin Volokh; Transition from laminar to turbulent pipe flow as a process of growing material instabilities.Results in Engineering;23 102535;6.0
- Saptarshi Kumar Lahiri and Konstantin Volokh;Drag reduction via polymer solute: 3d numerical simulations of pipe flow, Acta Mechanica.Acta Mechanica;234 1-11;2.645
- Saptarshi Kumar Lahiri, Amit Shaw, L S Ramachandra and Damodar Maity;Fracture in concrete gravity dams under dynamic loading conditions.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements;143 591-605;3.25
- Saptarshi Kumar Lahiri, Kanishka Bhattacharya, Amit Shaw and L S Ramachandra;A stable sph with adaptive b-spline kernel.Journal of Computational Physics;422 109761;4.65
- Saptarshi Kumar Lahiri, Amit Shaw, L S Ramachandra; On performance of different material models in predicting response of ceramics under high velocity impact.International Journal of Solids and Structures;176 96-107;3.4
- Umer Ashraf, Gh Rasool Begh;Effect of impulsive noise on IRS-aided communication systems.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology;2022 648-653;6.1
- Umer Ashraf, Gh Rasool Begh;Performance evaluation of Nakagami‐m fading with impulsive noise.IET communications;15 364-373;1.5
- Umer Ashraf, Gh. Rasool Begh;Performance analysis of intelligent reflecting surface-assisted mobile wireless networks subjected to generalized Gaussian noise.International Journal of Communication systems-Wiley;2021 e5587;1.7
- Umer Ashraf, Gh Rasool Begh;Error analysis of selection combining over α–μ fading with symmetric alpha-stable noise.Elesivier;7 2021/12/1;4.1
- 1. Rajeev Ranjan, C.M.S.Negi, K.P. Tiwary; Synthesis of Mn2+ modified CdS nanoparticles and its application as catalyst in photo-degradation of methyl red dye, Chalcogenide Letters,. Chalcogenide Letters;Vol.20, No.4,(2023) 251-259.;1.2
- R. Ranjan, C.M.S Negi, S.K. Choubey, K.P Tiwary; Study of structural, morphological and optical properties of Mn+2 doped CdS nanoparticles synthesized at various doping concentration.Chalcogenide Letters; 20, (2023) 709 - 724 ;1.2
- SURESH KUMAR , AFTAB ALAM , RAJEEV RANJAN , S. R. KUMAR , S. K. SHARMA , K. P. TIWARY;Structural, morphological, hydrophilic and optical study of as synthesized and annealed Cl doped CdZnS thin films.Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials ;26(2024) 74-80;0.5
- Kumar Sachin Yadav, Ajit Kumar Keshri;To secure an e-commerce system using epidemic mathematical modeling with neural network. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience; 36 (2024) 26;1.5
- Sidra Kalam , Ajit Kumar Keshri;Advancing IoMT security: A two-factor authentication model employing PUF and Fuzzy logic techniques.Computers & Security;148 104138;4.8
- Saurav Kumar, Ajit kumar Keshri;An effective DDoS attack mitigation strategy for IoT using an optimization-based adaptive security model.Knowledge-Based Systems; 299 112052;7.2
- Amit Kumar, V S Chauhan, R Kumar, K Prasad;Electromagnetic Radiation Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Cement-Mortar Under Impact Load.Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation;44(1) (2025) 2;2.6
- Amit Kumar, Subrato, K Prasad;Electrical properties and electromagnetic radiation characteristics of cement/Ba0.06Bi0.47Na0.47TiO3 composites.Processing and Application of Ceramics;18(2) (2024) 186-195;1.3
- V. Kumar, Amit Kumar, S. K. Mishra, K. Prasad;Effect of dimension size on electromagnetic radiation energy characteristics of Lead Zirconate Titanate under drop weight impact load.Ferroelectrics;618(2) (2024) 501-511;0.6
- P Prakash, RS Anand, SK Jha;Experimental Analysis of Tensile Strength of Different Thicknesses and Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys in Friction Stir Welding.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance;32.2023 8014-8023;2.3
- Smruti Ranjan Parida; Rakesh K Sahoo,P.Kour; Brahmananda Chakraborty; Ankita Jaiswal;Reversible hydrogen storage in Sc functionalized [6]cycloparaphenylene: A density functional Study.Energy Storage;6: e70093 1 of 11 ;3.6
- Deboprasad Sen, Rakesh K Sahoo, Sunita Mohanty, P. Kour, Sridhar Sahu;Reversible Hydrogen Storage in Li-functionalized [1,1,1,1]paracyclophane: A Computational Insight.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy;53 308-317 ;8.1
- Rakesh K.Sahoo,P.Kour, Sridhar Sahu;Reversible hydrogen storage capacity of Sc and Y functionalized [1,1]paracyclophane: Insights from density functional study.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy;47(2022) 29881-29895 ;8.1
- N.Priya,P.Kour,S.K.Pradhan,and K.K Senapati;Quantum Computing using Superconducting Qubits: A Review.Evergreen;10(1)(2023) 340-347;0.376
- L.K.Pradhan, J. Mallick, Anant Shukla, Murli Kumar Manglam, P. Kumar, P,Kour M. Kar;Reduction of depolarization field effect on ferroelectric switching process in semiconductor–relaxor ferroelectric composite.Journal of Applied Physics;131 154102 ;2.7
- P Kour, SK Pradhan, R Pandey, RK Singh, P Kumar;Effect of Fe concentration on Ferroelectric and Magnetic properties of Lead Iron Niobate.Journal of Electronic Materials;49 5631-5637;2.2
- S.K.Pradhan, A.Kumar, P.Kour, R.Pandey, Pawan Kumar,M. Kar and A.N. Sinha;Tuning of dielectric and impedance properties of PVDF by incorporation of Mg doped PZT.Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ;29(19) 16842-1685;2.8
- S. K. Pradhan, A. Kumar, A.N. Sinha, P.Kour, R. Pandey, Pawan Kumar, and M. Kar, Study of ferroelectric properties on PVDF-PZT nanocomposite;Piezoelectric and mechanical properties of PVDF-PZT composite.Ferroelectrics;558:1 59-66;0.8
- P.Kour, S.K.Pradhan, P. Kumar, S.K. Sinha and M.Kar;Effect of Nd doping on dielectric and impedance properties of PZT nanoceramics.Journal of Electronic Materials;47(5) 2861-2870;2.2
- P.Kour, S.K Pradhan, Pawan Kumar, S.K. Sinha and M. Kar;Effect of Sr doping on electrical properties of lead zirconate titanate nanoceramics.Ferroelectrics;517(1) 104-112;0.62
- S.K.Pradhan, A.Kumar, A.N. Sinha, P. Kour, R.Pandey, P. Kumar and M. Kar;Enhanced dielectric constant and impedance of PVDF due to incorporation of PZT in its matrix.Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures;12(1) 141-149;0.963
- P. Kour,S.K.Pradhan,P. Kumar, S. K. Sinha and M. Kar;Enhanced ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties in La-modified PZT ceramics.Applied Physics A ;122 591;2.93
- P. Kour,P. Kumar, S. K. Sinha and M. Kar;Study of Dielectric and Impedance spectroscopy of La Substituted NanocrystallinePb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 Ceramics.Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics;26 1304;2.8
- P. Kour,P. Kumar, S. K. Sinha and M. Kar;Electrical Properties of Calcium Modified PZT (52/48) Ceramics.Solid State Communications;190 33;2.1
- P.Kour, S.K.Sinha;Studies of Sr2+ ion substitution on ferroelectric and Piezoelectric properties of PZT nanocrystalline.Ceramica ;59 34-38;0.42
- P.Kour, S.K.Sinha;Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Properties of La3+ Substituted PZT Ceramics.Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures ;7 1327 ;0.963
- 20. S.K. Sinha, Amit Kumar Sinha , P. Kour and P.K. Barhai;Nickel doped PZT ceramics by a spray dried-PVA assisted method.Journal of Ceramic Processing Research;12 93;1.4
- K Kouser, A Priyam, M Gupta, S Kumar, V Bhattacharjee;Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimization of Clustering Algorithms for the Healthy Aging Dataset.MDPI Applied Sciences;14 (13), 5530(2024) (1-16);4.7 (2023)
- Anju Sharma, Madhavi Sinha ;Enhanced Discrete Differential Evolution For Optimized Routing In Mobile Ad-hoc Network.ciencia e tecnica vitivinicola (SCI);vol 33 no. 9 (2018) 16-34;1.1
- Ashkamini, Reema Sharma & Satyanshu K. Upadhyay;Bayes analysis of one-shot device testing data with correlated failure modes using copula models.Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation;2023 1-21;0.8
- Ashkamini, Reema Sharma & Satyanshu K. Upadhyay;Metropolis Algorithm Based Bayesian Analysis of a Competing Risk Data Using Copula-Frailty Model.Mathematical Methods of Statistics;2024 420-431;0.8
- Shreyashi Basak, Markus Pauly, Somesh Kumar;Adaptive tests for ANOVA in Fisher–von Mises–Langevin populations under heteroscedasticity.Computational Statistics;39(2022) 1--26;1.3
- Shreyashi Basak and Somesh Kumar;Adaptive inference procedures for the concentration parameter of a Fisher-von Mises-Langevin distribution.Communication in Statistics-Simulation and Computation;NA 1--24;0.9
- Shreyashi Basak, Paavo Sattler, Somesh Kumar;Inference on the Common Mean Direction of Several Fisher-von Mises-Langevin Populations with Unknown Concentration Parameters.Statistics;2024 1--25;1.2
- Sunny Bhushan, Saakshi Jha;Do Searches on Google help in Deterring Property crime? Evidence from Indian States.Quality & Quantity;58 (2024) 1255-1277;2.87
- Saakshi Jha, Sunny Bhushan, Nupur Nirola;Is geopolitical risk always detrimental to economic growth?.Economic Change and Restructuring;57 (2024) 25;4.0
- • Harsh, H. and Prasad, A. . . (SSCI and Scopus Indexed Impact score 4.6 SSCI clarivate analytics Impact score;"Employment relations and perceived organizational performance: the moderating role of technological intensity".Employee Relations;Vol. 43 No. 1(2021) 109-130; 2.906
- Saxena, A. and Prasad. A. ;“Exploring the influence of dimensions of workplace spirituality on innovative work behaviour: role of sense of God International” .Journal of Ethics and Systems; 2514-9369 DOI 10.1108/IJOES-12-2021-0220,2023 183-212;2.1
- ● Saxena A., Garg N., Punia B.K., Prasad A. ;“ Exploring Role of Indian Workplace Spirituality in Stress Management: A study of Oil and Gas Industry”. Journal of Organizational Change Management ,;Vol.33 (5),2020 779-803;2.7
- ● Karnica Tanwar, Asha Prasad;"Employer brand scale development and validation: a second-order factor approach".Personnel Review;Vol. 46 Iss: 2,(2017) 389 - 409 ; 3.434
- ● Tanwar K. , Prasad A. ;"The effect of employer brand dimensions on job satisfaction: gender as a moderator".Management Decision; Vol. 54 Iss: 4 (2016) 854 – 886;4.957.
- Gupta, S. & Prasad, A. ;“ Productivity-Based Hybrid HRM Model: Learnings from the Indo-Japanese and Indian Auto Sector”. Journal of Advances in Management Research, Emerald Group Publishing Limited;Vol. 8, Issue 1,(2011) 158-171; 3.209
- ● Bajpai, N., Prasad, A. & Pandey, P.N.,; “Work Life Balance Retention (WLBR) Model – A Weapon to Retain Hi-Tech Employees”. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research;Vol-2, Issue 12, . (EBSCO),2014 92-99; 4.136
- Sumit Kumar, Satish Kumar Singh, Nayaneesh Kumar Mishra and Mainak Dutta;An encoder–decoder based thermo-visible image translation for disguised and undisguised faces. Image and Vision Computing;119 104376;4.2
- S Kumar, SK Singh, P Peer;Occluded thermal face recognition using BoCNN and radial derivative Gaussian feature descriptor.Image and Vision Computing;132 104646;4.2
- Sumit Kumar and Satish Kumar Singh;Occluded Thermal Face Recognition Using Bag of CNN (BoCNN).IEEE Signal Processing Letters;27 975-979;3.2
- NK Mishra, S Kumar, SK Singh;MmLwThV framework: A masked face periocular recognition system using thermo-visible fusion.Applied Intelligence;53 2471-2487;3.4
- Bhavesh Kumar Namita Singh, Dr. Sheela Singh, Dr. Birendra Goswami, Dr. Sanjay Kumar;Bridging The Digital Divide: A Comprehensive Analysis Of ICT Infrastructure In Rural Schools Of Jharkhand, India.Educational Administration: Theory and Practice,; Pages Vol. 30 No. 6 (2024),4456-446 4456-4460;0.41