S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | CRO 30 MHz, Scientific |
2. | Signal Generator F.G M5061, Scientific |
3. | Multiple output D.C. power supply PSD 3304, Scientific |
4. | Dual D.C. power supply PSD3203 |
5. | Digital multimeter SM7022, Scientific |
6. | Microlab Trainer Kit,Tirupathi Electronics |
7. | Bread board GL NO.12 and WB -102 |
8. | LCR Meter SM 6019,Scientific |
9. | Analog/Digital Trainer Board Kit |
10. | Op – Amp Based RC Oscillator Trainer Kit |
11. | Op – Amp Based Wien Bridge Ocillator Trainer Kit |
12. | Cascade Amplifier Trainer Kit , Excel Technology |
13. | Darlington Pair Experimental Board Trainer Kit |
14. | h- Parameter Calculation Based Trainer Kit |
15. | Miller and Bootstrap Time Base Generator Experimental Board Trainer Kit |
16. | Digital Storage Oscilloscope 25-30 MHz, Scientific |
17. | Soldering station 137 ESD |
18. | De-soldering station 936 B VARTECH |
19. | Multisim, Version 14.2 (NI, Software) |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | Hall Effect Experimental Set-up, RS Electronics |
2. | Four Probe Band gap Measurement Set-up, RS Electronics |
3. | Solar Cell Characteristics Trainer Kit, Excel Technology |
4. | Tunnel Diode/Schottky Diode Trainer kit |
5. | MOSFET ED and E – only Based Trainer Kit |
6. | Optiwave Optisystem Software 17.0 |
7. | Visual TCAD Device Simulator , Cadre Design System |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | CRO 30 MHz,Scientific and GW INSTEK |
2. | Pulse Generator SM5035, Scientific |
3. | Microlab Trainer Kit, Tirupathi Electronics |
4. | Signal Generator SM 5074, Scientific |
5. | Digital Trainer Board Kit |
6. | CMOS Inverter Trainer Kit |
7. | 3:8 and 8:3 Decoder and Encoder Based Trainer Kit |
8. | ALU Based Trainer Kit |
9. | ADC and DAC Trainer Kit |
10. | IC 555 Multivibrator Based Trainer Kit |
11. | Mutisim Version 14.2 (NI, Software) |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | CRO 30 MHz(Scientific) |
2. | Amplitude Modulation Trainer Kit , ACLl-01 |
3. | Amplitude Demodulation Trainer Kit ACL-02 |
4. | QAM/DQAM Modulation Trainer Kit ADCL-05 |
5. | QAM/DQAM Demodulation Trainer Kit ADCL-06 |
6. | Amplitude Demodulation Trainer Kit ACL-03 |
7. | Amplitude Demodulation Trainer Kit ACL-04 |
8. | Digital oscilloscope DS1102 CD/RIGOL DSC-01 |
9. | Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-25 25MHZ 100ms/s, Scientific |
10. | Audio Frequency Oscillator |
11. | Comsim Software |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | Advance Pneumatic Trainer Kit, Unitech |
2. | Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Tester, F-VITM19 |
3. | Maxwell’s Bridge Trainer Kit |
4. | Wien Bridge Trainer Kit |
5. | Schering Bridge Trainer Kit |
6. | Load cell measurement Trainer Kit |
7. | Flow Measurement Trainer Kit |
8. | Vibration Analyzer Trainer Kit |
9. | Temperature Measurement Trainer kit using Thermistor, RTD and Thermocouple, F-UIT M33 |
10. | LVDT Trainer Kit (Displacement Measurement ), F-UITM2 |
11. | Speed Measurement Trainer Kit F-UIT M7 |
12. | Strain Measurement Trainer Kit, F-UITM2 |
13. | PLC , ABB |
14. | LabVIEW Software |
15. | DAQ Card (PCI-6014) |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | Microprocessor Training kit 8085 VMC 8502 |
2. | Microprocessor Training kit with EPROM VMC-8503E |
3. | PPI Study Card 8259 SC-59 |
4. | PPI Study Card 8255 SC-55 |
5. | Frequency Counter SM5052 Scientific |
6. | DAC Interface Card VMC-DAC |
7. | DC Motor Interface Card VMC-DC |
8. | ADC Interface Card VMC-ADC |
9. | Traffic Light Interfacing Card VMC-TLC |
10. | Traffic Light Interfacing Card VMC-TLC |
11. | Stepper Motor Interfacing Cardvmc-SMC |
12. | Logic Controller Interface Card VMC-LC |
13. | Elevator Simulator Interface card VMC-ES |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | Cadence Software |
2. | Xilinx Vivado Software |
3. | FPGA trainer kit, Scientific |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | Dual Wavelength Fiber Optics Laser Source and Detector Module, FOM -1, Akademika |
2. | Fiber Optic Passive Component Module, FOM-2, Akademika |
3. | Chromatic Dispersion Module, FOM 4, Akademika |
4. | Fibre Optic Analog and Digital Module and Demodulation Kit, FCL- 03 |
5. | Fibre Optic Advance Digital Communication Kit, FCL-04 |
6. | Fiber Optic Analog Transmission. Kit, FCL-01 |
7. | Advance Fiber Optics Communication Link - B Trainer Kit, Falcon |
8. | Advance Fiber Optics Communication Trainer Kit (TFL-01, TFL-02, and TFL-03), Labotech |
9. | Advance Fibber Optics Communication Trainer Kit FOCT -02, Labotech |
10. | Fibre Optic Advance Digital Communication Kit, FCL-04 , Falcon |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | GSM Trainer ST 2133 |
2. | GSM Application Module ST 2133 AM |
3. | Mobile Phone Trainer ST 2132 |
4. | Doppler Radar Trainer Kit, Labotech |
5. | GPS Technology Trainer WL-GPS, Labotech |
6. | GSM Mobile Handset Trainer Kit, Labotech |
7. | Satellite Communication Trainer Kit, NVIS Technologies |
8. | Wave & Propagation Trainer Kit NVIS 2000, NVIS Technologies |
9. | Pulse Radar Simulation Software, NVIS Technologies |
10. | QualNet Software 7.4 (Teaching) |
11. | QualNet Software 7.4 (Research) |
S.No. | Name Of the Equipment /Software |
1. | Microwave Test Bench with Antenna NV-9002 |
2. | Microwave Integrated Circuit Trainer NV-9008 |
3. | Microwave Test Bench NV 9004 |
4. | GUNN Power supply NV101 |
5. | Solid State Klystron Power Supply NV-102 |
6. | Isolator NV 204, NVIS Technologies |
7. | Variable Attenator NV 206, NVIS Technologies |
8. | Radiation Pattern Turn Table NV 214, NVIS Technologies |
9. | Waveguide Twist NV 216, NVIS Technologies |
10. | E-Plane Tee Junction NV 221 E, NVIS Technologies |
11. | H-Plane Tee Junction, NVIS Technologies |
12. | Magic Tee junction NV 223, NVIS Technologies |
13. | M/H Directional Coupler 3db & 10db NV 226,NV 228 NVIS Technologies |
14. | Y Circulator NV 231, NVIS Technologies |
15. | Standard Gain Horn Antenna NV 239, NVIS Technologies |
16. | Dielectric Antenna NV 243, NVIS Technologies |
17. | Pyramidal Horn Antenna NV 246, NVIS Technologies |
18. | Parabolic Dish Antenna NV 247, NVIS Technologies |
19. | Microwave Power meter NVIS 105A, NVIS Technologies |
20. | ADS Software, Keysight Technology |
21. | ANSYS Software, Trident Techlab |