Electronics and Communication Engineering


Electronics provides basic hardware support to Computbasic control and display systems to all kind of  instruments and  mechanical and electrical machines. Its is backbone of the entertainment and utility devices and gadets . When it combines with communication , it brings miracle technologies in wire-line and wireless connectivity and networking like ; Satellite Communication, Mobile Communication, Optical Communication, Broad Band SDH & ADSL, Internet and Intranet, Wireless in Local Loop (WLL), Bluetooth, etc. In nut shell, the advancement in the Electronics & Communication Engineering  has played the vital role in  realization of the concept of  `Global Village’.

Infrastructural Facilities

The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering  in the institution  conforms to the global scenario with its knowledge base, experience and infrastructure. It  has excellent lab infrastructure in the area of Basic Electronics, Control System & Instrumentation , Integrated Electronics, Analog & Digital Circuits, Semiconductor & Microelectronics, VLSI, DSP, Micro-controller & Microprocessor, Analog & Digital Communication, Optical Communication , Microwaves and Antenna. The department has well equipped simulation lab having software simulation tools like CADENCE, MATLAB, MULTISIM,  COMSIM, Code Composure Studio for DSP, Lab view with ELVIS Hardware, HFSS Antenna Simulator, Xilinx's ISE Foundation for VLSI design, System Vue, Open IT Guru, etc


B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering (4 years course) details

Key Research Area of Interest

Communication Systems & Networks  Software Defined Radio , Microelectronics & VLSI, Microwave & Milimeter Wave Circuits, Optical Networks & Photonics,  Microstrip Antennas, Control & Automation, Signal Processing, Virtual Reality, etc.


Dr. P. S. Rathore
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology
Mesra, Off-Campus, Jaipur
27 Malviya Industrial Area, Jaipur – 302017
Email: ic_eee_bitj@bitmesra.ac.in