Category 1

Manuscripts related to the theme of A. Thermal-Fluid Engineering can be submitted by filling out the Google form (link here). The Word template for preparing the manuscript can be downloaded here. Please note that manuscripts should preferably be of not more than 8 pages prepared in the format given and must have similarity index of less than 18 %, failing which the authors will be asked to resubmit their articles or may be rejected.


Manuscripts related to the theme of B. System Design and Material Characterisation  can be submitted by filling out the Google form (link here). The Word template for preparing the manuscript can be downloaded here. Please note that manuscripts should preferably be of not more than 8 pages prepared in the format given and must have similarity index less than 18 %, failing which the authors will be asked to resubmit their articles or may be rejected.


NOTE:  All manuscripts in Category 1 will be published in SCI/Scopus indexed journals or proceedings (list given in homepage), hence the manuscripts must adhere to the standards of reputed international publishers. The prospective participants are requested to visit the website regularly for further updates on publications.


Category 2

Manuscripts in this category pertaining to the both the themes A and B, can be submitted by filling a Google form as provided in the link here. The Word template for preparing the manuscript can be downloaded here. Please note that manuscripts should be preferably not more than 8 pages prepared in the format given and must have similarity index of less than 18 %, failing which the authors will be asked to resubmit their articles or may be rejected.

These manuscripts will undergo peer review for consideration for publication as book chapter in a national publisher. Information about the book chapter publication will be provided after the completion of the conference. 



Note: All manuscripts in Category 1 and 2 will undergo peer review process, following which the corresponding author will be communicated the decision on their manuscript. The authors can register for the conference only after their manuscript is considered for presentation in the conference.