Journal Publications:
- Khanna, P., Sehgal, R., Gupta, A., Dubey, A.M. and Srivastava, R. (August 2024), "Over-the-top (OTT) Platforms: A Review, Synthesis and Research Directions", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Emerald Publishing Limited https://doi.org/10.1108/MIP-03-2023-0122. (SSCI: Clarivate Analytics, SCOPUS (Elsevier) & ABDC -“A-Category” Journal).
- Khanna, P., Sehgal, R, Malviya, M and Dubey, A.M. (December 2023), "Examining the role of saving and safety on the buying behavior: lessons from the Indian consumer's in COVID-19 crisis", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald Publishing Limited. Vol.30 (9), pp 3674-3698 ISSN: 1463-5771 https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-06-2022-0351 (ESCI: Clarivate Analytics, SCOPUS (Elsevier) & ABDC -“B-Category” Quality Journal List).
- Sehgal R, Khanna P, Malviya M & Dubey AM. (November 2023), "Shopping Safety Practices Mutate Consumer Buying Behaviour during COVID-19 Pandemic" in Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective. Vol.27 (5), pp 604-615 ISSN (onine): 2249-5304, ISSN (print): 0972-2629. SAGE Publication 27(5) 604-615. DOI:https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/09722629211010990 (ESCI: Clarivate Analytics, SCOPUS (Elsevier) & ABDC -“C-Category”).
- Shukla A, D.M. Ashish & P.K. Sunil (August 2023), " A Blended Approach to Organizational Learning in Indian Software Industry" in Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective. SAGE Publication. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09722629231164850 (ESCI: Clarivate Analytics, SCOPUS (Elsevier) & ABDC -“C-Category”).
- Shukla A, P.K. Sunil & D.M. Ashish. (June 2021), "Organizational Learning Factors Responsible for Achieving Business Excellence in IT Industry in India" in International Journal of Business Excellence, ISSN (onine): 1756-0055, ISSN (print): 1756-0047. SCOPUS (Elsevier) Indexed Journal. DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.10043395 [Accepted for publication in June 2021- Paper in press] https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijbex
- Srivastava V, Dubey AM, M.K. Adhip & P.K. Sunil (December 2020), "Insurance Market in India- A Critical Study of Life Insurance" in Wesleyan Journal of Research. Vol.13, No.49, pp. 78-89. (UGC Care Indexed Journal).
- Shukla A, P.K. Sunil & D.M. Ashish. (August 2020), "Determinants of Organizational Learning in a Firm: An Empirical Analysis of Indian IT Industry" in Global Business Review, Vol.21 No.4, pp. 1051-1064. SAGE Publication. ISSN: 09721509. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150918779162 (Web of Science: ESCI, SCOPUS (Elsevier) & ABDC -“C-Category”).
- Sehgal R, Dubey AM. (November 2019), "Identifications of Critical Success factors for Public-Private Partnership Projects" in Journal of Public Affairs. 2019;e1956. Vol.19. No.4. Wiley Publication ISSN: 1472-3891. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.1956 (ESCI: Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science: ESCI, SCOPUS (Elsevier) & ABDC -“B-Category”).
- Shukla A, P.K. Sunil & D.M. Ashish. (January 2018), "A Pilot Study on Organisational Learning in Indian Software Industry" in The Journal of Business & Economic Studies, Vol.XI (II), pp 54-61. ISSN 2320-110X.
- Sehgal R, D.M. Ashish & T. Nidhi (November 2017), “Determinants for Success of Public-Private Partnership in India: A conceptual model” in International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 494-520, ISSN (onine): 1756-0055, ISSN (print): 1756-0047. DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2017.087757 (SCOPUS (Elsevier) Indexed Journal).
- S. Ashutosh, P.K. Sunil & D.M. Ashish (July-December 2016), "Accelerating Learning in Organisations: The Next Thing in Organisational Learning Research" in Samiksha, Vol. VII, No. 2, pp. 8-11 ISSN No. 0975-7708.
- Sehgal R, D.M. Ashish & T. Nidhi (March 2015), “A Conceptual Framework on Critical Success Factor for implementation of Public Private Partnership Based on Literature Review” International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, Vol.4, Special Issue (01), ISSN: 2394-1537. DOI: http://www.ijstm.com/currentissue.php?id=69
- D.M. Ashish, G. Geetika & S.P. Ganesh (August 2013), "Effective Implementation of Competitive Advantage and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Conceptual Model" in International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol.7, No.5, pp.519-535. ISSN (online): 1751-0260, ISSN (print): 1751-0252. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2013.056176 (SCOPUS (Elsevier) Indexed Journal).
- G. Ashish, D.M. Ashish, M. Manmohan & S.P. Ganesh (December 2011), “E-Governance in India: Transformation in Approach” in Uttaranchal Business Review. Vol.1, pp. 139-144. ISSN: 2277-1816.
Research Publications in Conference Procedures as Full Papers:
- Sehgal, R., Khanna, P., Dubey, A.M. (May 2022), Yoga: “A New Sustainable Approach towards a Healthy Lifestyle” at International Conference on Sustainability: Research, Education and Practice, Department of Management, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. Pp. 21-34 Date/Year: 30-31, May 2022, Publication: Kripa-Drishti Publications, Pune. ISBN 978-93-94570-58-0 https://books.kdpublications.in/index.php/kdp/catalog/book/215
- Kumari, A., Pandey. S.K., Dubey, A.M. (May 2022), “Employee Retention for Sustainable Organizational Growth” at International Conference on Sustainability: Research, Education and Practice, Department of Management, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. Pp. 195-205 Date/Year: 30-31, May 2022, Publication: Kripa-Drishti Publications, Pune. ISBN 978-93-94570-58-0 https://books.kdpublications.in/index.php/kdp/catalog/book/213
- Sehgal, R, Dubey, A.M & T. Nidhi (November 2016), “Success Factors of Public Private Partnership in Manufacturing Sector for Strategic Growth in India” at International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing: Technologies and Business Strategies for Global Competitiveness, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. Pp. 227-232 Date/Year: 12-13, November 2016, Publication: Excel India, ISBN: 978-93-86256-11-9.
Research Publications as Chapters in Books:
- Sehgal, R., Khanna P., Dubey, A.M., (June 2023). EdTech Start-Ups: A Mode of Transformation in Teaching Learning. In: Indian SMEs and Start-Ups: Growth through innovation and Leadership. World Scientific Singapore.https://doi.org/10.1142/13239 . ISBN: 978-981-126-954-7
- Khanna P., Sehgal, R., Dubey, A.M., (April 2023). Change in buying Behaviour in Indian Consumers Post COVID-19 Crisis: A New Normal. In: Managing and Strategising Global Business in Crisis, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. https://www.routledge.com/Managing-and-Strategising-Global-Business-in-Crisis-Resolve-Resilience/Gupta-Kumar-Gupta/p/book/9781032280431. ISBN 9781032280431
- Shukla, A., Dubey, A.M., Pandey, S.K. (2022). Operating in Industry 4.0: The Need for Gig-Workers and Systems Approach. In: Gupta, A., Tewary, T., Gopalakrishnan, B.N. (eds) Sustainability in the Gig Economy. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8406-7_15
- Sehgal, R., Khanna, A., Dubey, A.M., Khanna, P. (2022). Industry 4.0: A Paradigm Shift in Technological Approach for Business Organization and Society. In: Gupta, A., Tewary, T., Gopalakrishnan, B.N. (eds) Sustainability in the Gig Economy. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8406-7_17???????
- Book Title: Advances in Management and Technology Mapping Strength with Opportunity (January 2015). Chapter Title: Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Indian Aviation Industry. Publisher: McGraw Hill Education ISBN-13: 978-93-392-2075-4, ISBN-10: 93-392-2075-7, Page No: 9-14.
Paper Presentations in Symposiums/Seminars and Conferences:
- Lakra Noorin & D.M. Ashish (December 2024), Paper Titled: “Technostress: A prevaling concern among female employees in manufacturing in India” Presented at POMS India International Conference 2024, Organised by Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi. Date/Year: 04-06, December 2024.
- Lakra Noorin & D.M. Ashish (February 2024), Paper Titled: “Occupational Stress Among Female Employees: A Stigma to Work Place Ethics” Presented at International Conference on Enabling Social and Business Responsibility in Our Globalised World, Organised by XLRI Jamshedpur. Date/Year: 02-03, February 2024.
- S. Reetika, K. Prateek & D.M. Ashish (June 2022), Paper Titled: “Determinants for Adoption of Over-The-Top (OTT) Platform among Generation Z” Presented at 12th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education, Organised by Indian Institute of Management, Indore. Date/Year: 03-05, June 2022.
- S. Reetika, K. Prateek & D.M. Ashish (May 2022), Paper Titled: “YOGA: A New Sustainable Approach Towards a Healthy Lifestyle” Presented at International Conference on Sustainability: Research, Education and Practice, Organised by Department of Management, BIT Mesra. Date/Year: 30-31, May 2022.
- K. Anamika, P.K.Sunil & D.M. Ashish (May 2022), Paper Titled: “Employee Retention Strategies for Sustainable Organizational Growth” Presented at International Conference on Sustainability: Research, Education and Practice, Organised by Department of Management, BIT Mesra. Date/Year: 30-31, May 2022.
- S. Reetika, D.M. Ashish & T. Nidhi (December 2017), Paper Titled: “Factors for Effective Implementation of Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure” Presented at International Symposium on Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance, Organised by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Date/Year: 14-15, December 2017.
- S. Reetika, D.M. Ashish & T. Nidhi (January 2017), Paper Titled: “An Empirical Study to Identify Key Determinants of Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Sector for Strategic Success in India”, Presented at Symposium on Strategic Imperatives of Growth, Organised by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Date/Year: 21, January 2017.
- S. Reetika, D.M. Ashish & T. Nidhi (January 2016), Paper Titled: “Role of PPP for the Strategic Growth of Infrastructure in India”, Presented at Symposium on Strategic Imperatives of Sustainability, Organised by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Date/Year: 21, January 2016.
- D.M. Ashish, G. Geetika, S.P. Ganesh, (January 2015) "Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Indian Civil Aviation Industry", Presented at International Conference on Management and Technology, ICAMT-15, Organised by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. Date/Year, 29-31, January 2015.
Workshop/Conferences/Seminar/Symposium/FDP/MDP Attended:
- Three days Faculty Development Programe on "Student Induction (FDP-SI)", Organised by AICTE New Delhi, at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. December 13-15, 2019. Certficate No: F.No AICTE/FDP-SI/ERO/106/10401. http://www.fdp-si.aicte-india.org/certificateauthentication.php.
- International Symposium on "Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance", Organised by Indian Institute of Technology, (IIT) Kharagpur. December 14-15, 2017.
- Symposium on "Strategic Imperatives of Growth", Organised by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. January 21, 2017.
- International Conference on "Evolutions in Manufacturing: Technologies and Business Strategies for Global Competitiveness", Organised by Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. November 12-13, 2016.
- TEQIP II Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on "Spreadsheet Based Modeling of Managerial Decisions", Organised by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. October 3-9, 2016.
- Symposium on :"Strategic Imperatives of Sustainability", Organised by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. January 21, 2016.
- TEQIP II Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on "Lean Six Sigma Tools and Applications", Organised by Department of Production Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. May 25-29, 2015.
- International Conference on "Recent Trends in Engineering Science and Management", Organised by JNU, New Delhi. March 15, 2015.
- International Conference on “Advances in Management and Technology: Mapping Strengths with Opportunities: ICAMT-15", School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. January 29-31, 2015.
- One week MDP: A Short Term Training Program on "Business Analysis and Perspective of Foreign Investments in India”, Organized by School of Management Studies, MNNIT Allahabad. June, 24-30, 2013.
- One week Faculty Development Program on “Teaching Methodology”, Organized by School of Management Studies, School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. May, 20-26, 2013.
- National Workshop on “Scientific/Research Paper Writing”, Organized by The National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI) at Mohan lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan. April 5-7, 2013.
- One day seminar on “Change Management and Transformation”, Organized by School of Management Studies, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. April 18, 2012.
UGC Orientation Course Attended:
- Participated in 74th Orientation Course, organised by UGC Human Resource Development Center, BHU Varanasi. From May 24 to June 20, 2016.
NPTEL Online Certification MOOC Course Completed:
- Completed 12 weeks (Jan-April 2021) on-Line NPTEL MOOC Course (funded by Ministry of HRD Govt. of India) conducted by IIT Roorkee through SWAYAM on the topic "Principles of Management” received e-certificate (Elite) with consolidated score of 67%.
- Completed 12 weeks (Sep-Dec 2020) on-Line NPTEL MOOC Course (funded by Ministry of HRD Govt. of India) conducted by IIT Kharagpur through SWAYAM on the topic "Human Resource Development" received e-certificate (Elite) with consolidated score of 65%.
On-Line Certificate Courses Completed:
- Completed 5 weeks on-Line course through Coursera offered by University of California, Irvine, USA on the topic "Foundations of Virtual Instructions" Certificate Dated: 07/23/2020. https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/B9VVJ838KKB3
- Completed 26 Module on-Line course offered by Google Digital Unlocked on the topic "The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing" Certificate ID: TMW SE4 F3U, Certificate Dated: 07/04/2020, https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalunlocked/validate-certificate-code
- Completed 4 weeks on-Line course through Coursera offered by Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA on the topic "Advanced Business Strategy" Certificate Dated: 06/30/2020. https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/46WZDHPS7N87
- Completed 7 weeks on-Line course through Coursera offered by University of Michigan, USA on the topic "Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills" Certificate Dated: 05/18/2020. https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/W2JUPU3YT2BZ
- Completed 4 weeks on-Line course through Coursera offered by University of Minnesota, Center of Human Resources and Labour Studies, USA on the topic "Preparing to Manage Human Resources" Certificate Dated: 05/21/2020 https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/7FJ9WAX6ANBJ
On-Line Workshop/Conferences/Seminar/Symposium/FDP/MDP Attended:
- Attended One week Online Faculty Development Programe on "Universal Human Values for DEEKSHARMBH Student Induction Program", Organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Patna. November 23-27, 2020. Certficate No: P 3.30.
- Attended Two Weeks Online Faculty Development Program on “ICT Tools for Teaching, Learning Process and Institute”, Organized by Electronics & ICT Academies of NIT Patna, MNIT Jaipur, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, IIT Guwahati and IIT Roorkee. under the Scheme of financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India. From August, 10-21, 2020. Certificate No: EICT/NITP-MNITJ/99/ECE/217/2020.
- Attended Six days Online Faculty Development Program on “Impactful Teaching & Student Engagement Education”, Organized by Centre for Continuing Education, UPES, Dehradun In association with Uttarakhand Science Education & Research Centre (USERC) and Vibha, Vigyan Bharti Dehradun. From August, 04-09, 2020. Certificate No: USERC/e-Certificate/7245
Webinar Attended:
- Attended Webinar organised by Dept. of Humanities, Government Polytechnic, Gaya, (Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of Bihar) on the topic: "Cyber Security: Why and How?" on 27th June, 2020.
- Attended Webinar organised by Mc Graw Hill Education on the topic: "Future of Education Post Covid" on 18th June, 2020.
- Attended Webinar organised by Mc Graw Hill Education on the topic: "Role of Marketing in Time of Pandemic" on 11th June, 2020.
- Attended Webinar organised by IMT Ghazibad CDL on the topic: "M&A in the Global Economy" on 30th May, 2020.
- Attended Webinar organised by Mc Graw Hill Education on the topic: "The Economics of the Pandemic" on 28th May, 2020.
- Attended Webinar organised by Harvard Business Publishing Education on the topic: "Deep Dive Into Case Teaching Online" on 21st April, 2020.