Masroor F., Bhattacharjee V., Mustafi D., A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Software Cost Prediction, In proceedings of 4th International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems 2021, Springer (Pp. 379-389).
Mustafi D., Mustafi A., Sahoo G., A Novel Approach to Text Clustering using Genetic Algorithm Based on the Nearest Neighbour Heuristics, International Journal of Computers and Applications, Taylor & Francis Vol. 42, Pp.1-13, 2020.
Bhattacharjee N., Mustafi D., Bhattacharjee V., A Big Data Architecture for Health Care, International Journal of Engineering & Research Technology, Vol. 9(4), Pp.108-112, 2020
Mustafi D., Bhattacharjee V., Bharti J., Advancement of Image Captioning: A Comprehensive Survey, 6th International Conf. on Nano Electronics Circuits & Communication Systems (IEEE Sponsored) 2020(In Press)
Mustafi D., Sahoo G., A Hybrid Approach using Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution Heuristic for Enhanced Initialization of the K-Means Algorithm with Applications in Text Clustering, Soft Computing Vol. 23, Pp. 6361- 6378, Springer Publications.
Mustafi D., Sahoo, G., Mustafi, A., A multi criteria document clustering approach using genetic algorithm. Advances in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 1, Springer, Pp. 237–247, 2016
Mustafi D., Sahoo, G., Mustafi, A. "An improved Heuristic K- Means clustering method using Genetic Algorithm based initialization", Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 1, Springer, Pp. 123-132, 2016.
Prakash A. and Mustafi D., "Fuzzy Logic Approach to Combat Web Spam with TrustRank", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol 1, Issue 4, Pp. 1100-1106, ISSN 2320-9798