Journal Publications (29)
- Omprakash, P., Roy, A., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Investigation of Incompressible Flow past a Two-Dimensional Wedge”, Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 59, No. 4, Nov. 2007, pp. 229-245
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of Cowl Deflection Angle in a Supersonic Air-Intake”, Defence Science Journal, Vol. 59, No. 2, Mar. 2009, pp. 99-105.
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Flow Field investigation of a Rectangular Air-Intake with cowl bending”, Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 61, No. 2, May 2009, pp. 312-324.
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Starting Characteristics of Rectangular Supersonic Air-Intake with Cowl Deflection”, The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 114, No. 1153, March 2010, pp. 177-189.
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Unstart suppression and performance analysis of supersonic air-intake adopting bleed and cowl bending”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (I) - AS, Vol. 91, May 2010, pp. 27-35.
- Das, S., Kumar, P., Ralh, M. K., Rao, R. K. M., Prasad, J. K., " Drag reduction of a hemispherical body adopting spike at supersonic speed", Jr. of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 65, No. 4, Nov 2013, pp. 313-325.
- Sahoo, D., Das, S., Kumar, P., Prasad, J. K., "Effect of spike on steady and unsteady flow over a blunt body at supersonic speed", Acta Astronautica, Vol. 128, 2016, pp. 521-533.
- Vignesh, R. P. S., Das, S., Kim, H. D., "Influence of vortex generator on cylindrical protrusion aerodynamics at various Mach numbers", Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 58, 2016, pp. 267-274.
- Das, S., and Cohen, J., “Reducing Pressure Oscillations by change in Rear-Face Geometries at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 12, December 2017, pp. 4401-4411. (https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J055895)
- Bhumkar, Y. G., Kumar, P., Roy, A., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Investigation of Incompressible Flow past Two Circular Cylinders of Different Diameters”, Defence Science Journal, Vol. 67, No. 5, Sep. 2017, pp. 487-496. DOI : 10.14429/dsj.67.11087
- Saranyamol, V.S., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Influence of Impinging Wall Ramping Modification on the Flow Field of Open Cavity at M=2.0”, J. Fluids Eng, Transactions of ASME, Vol. 140, No. 7, July 2018, DOI: 10.1115/1.4039247.
- Kumar, B. A., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of Leading Edge Shapes on 81deg/45deg Double-Delta Wing at Low Speeds”, Proc. IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 232, No. 16, pp. 3100-3107, Dec. 2018. DOI: 10.1177/0954410017724822.
- Vutukuru, S. K., Das, S., and Urbahs, A, "Study of Flow Field inside a Rectangular Air Intake with Pointed Cowl for Different Back Pressures at Mach 2.2", World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2018, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 575-584, DOI: 10.4236/wjet.2018.63035
- Das, S., Kumar, P., and Prasad, J. K., “Hypersonic Flow over Hemispherical Blunt Body with Spikes”, Scientia Iranica B, 26(1), 2019, pp. 358-366, DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2018.20339.
- Kumar, P., Roy, D., and Das, S., “Effect of Anhedral / Dihedral angles on a 76/40° Double Delta Wing at Low Speeds”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 32(6), 2019. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001079.
- Kumar, P., Gaurav, S., and Das, S., “Effect of Circular Ring on the Side Force of a Cone-Cylinder Body”, J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol. 12, e0620, 2020.
- Sahoo, D., Karthick, S. K., Das, S., and Cohen, J., “ Parametric Experimental Studies on the Shock related Unsteadiness in a Hemispherical Spiked Body at Supersonic Flow”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 58, No. 8 (2020), pp. 3446-3463, DOI: doi/abs/10.2514/1.J059369. Article in Advance.
- Saranya VS, Kumar P, Das S., "Characteristics of Open Cavity Flow with Floor Inclinations at M=2.0", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G : Journal of Aerospace Engineering, September 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/095441002096649
- Sahoo, D., Karthick, S. K., Das, S., and Cohen, J., “Shock-related Unsteadiness of Axisymmetric Spiked Bodies in Supersonic Flow”, Experiments in Fluids, Vol. XX, No. X (2021), pp. xxxx-xxxx, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-020-03130-2.
- Karn, P. K., Kumar, P., Das, S. "Asymmetrical Vortex over Slender Body: A Computational Approach", Defense Science Journal, Vol. 71, No. 2, March 2021, pp. 282-288, DOI: 10.14429/dsj.71.15959.
- Krishna, T. V., Kumar P, Das S., Desikan, S.L.N., "Effect of Cavity Rear Wall Modifications on Pressure Fluctuations at Supersonic Speed", Acta Astronautica, Accepted for Publication April 2021.
- Sarwar MG, Kumar P, Das S., “Supersonic flow investigation of a drag reducing conical spike on a hemispherically blunted nose body”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2022;0(0). doi:10.1177/09544100221140942.
- Arora A., Das, S., Kumar, P., "Flow Field Investigation of a Blended Wing Body in Low Speeds" Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 794-804, 2023. doi.org/10.47176/jafm.16.04.1475
- Karn, P.K., Das, S. & Kumar, P., “Effect of ring on the flow unsteadiness of slender body at α = 50°.”, J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 45, 173 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-023-04101-4
- Lavala, S. R., Mondal, P., and Das, S., "Effect of tab shape, length, and placement on the over-expanded free jet at Mach 2.0", Int J Turbo Jet Eng, De Gruyter, Oct 2023, https://doi.org/10.1515/tjj-2023-0079.
- Sarwar, Md., Kumar, P., Das, S., "Influence of Nose Cone Fairing and Spike on Supersonic Blunt Body Flows", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 61, No. 1, January 2024, pp. 200-216, https://doi.org/10.2514/1.A35757
- Kumar, P and Das, S., "Influence of Plasma on the Supersonic Air - Intake Buzz", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1705-1716, 2024
- Lavala, S. R., and Das, S., "Flow field and Acoustic studies on a supersonic jet with tabs having various cross-sections", Journal of Aerospace Engineering (ASCE), Paper Accepted, 2024
- Lavala, S. R., and Das, S., "Influence of the Mach Number on the Flow Field and Acoustics of a Supersonic Jet with Tabs", Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 60:17, 2025.
Conferences Publications (121)
After 2008
2008 :
- Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., "Characteristics of a Supersonic Air-Intake With Bleed", International Conf. on Aerospace science and Technologies, Bangalore, June 2008.
- Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., "Flow field on a reentry capsule at supersonic speed", International Conf. on Aerospace science and Technologies, Bangalore, Jun. 2008
- Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., " Alleviation of unstart of supersonic inlet adopting cowl deflection and bleed", 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Daejeon, South Korea, Aug.18-21, 2008.
- Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., " Computation of flow field around reentry capsule at supersonic speed", 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Daejeon, South Korea, Aug.18-21, 2008.
- Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., " Flow field around protrusions at supersonic speed", 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Daejeon, South Korea, Aug.18-21, 2008.
- Surendra, B., Das, S., Kumar, P. and Prasad, J. K., " Investigation of flow field around a reentry capsule at supersonic speed", 22nd National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Nov. 2008, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi.
- Das, S., Prasad, J. K., Thakur, D. N. and Panneerselvam, S., " Flow field on a forebody of hypersonic research vehicle at supersonic speed", 22nd National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Nov. 2008, BIT Mesra, Ranchi.
- Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., "Effect of Mach number on the performance of mixed compression supersonic air intake", 22nd National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Nov. 2008, BIT Mesra, Ranchi.
- Kumar, P., Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., " Experimental and computational studies around blunt fins at supersonic speed", 22nd National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Nov. 2008, BIT Mesra, Ranchi
- Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., "Effect of Mach number on the performance of mixed compression supersonic air intake", 22nd National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Nov. 2008, BIT Mesra, Ranchi
- Nath, B., Kumar, P., Das, S. and Prasad, J., K., "Effect of Reynolds number over a blunted Delta wing at subsonic speed", 35th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore Dec. 2008.
- Singh, A., K., Das, S., Kumar, P. and Prasad, J., K., "Flowfield around two dimensional multiple cylinders at subsonic speed", 35th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore Dec. 2008.
- Das, S. and Prasad, J., K., "Effect of incidence on internal shock characteristics of a mixed compression supersonic air intake", 35th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore Dec. 2008.
- Nath, B., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Flow field study on a 65deg. Blunted delta wing”, National Conference on Wind Tunnel Testing (NCWT-02), Bangalore, Mar. 2009.
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of cowl bending and bleed on the starting characteristics of a supersonic air intake”, National Conference on Wind Tunnel Testing (NCWT-02), Bangalore, Mar. 2009.
- Ramakrishna, M., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Side Force on Slender Body at Large Angles of Attack for Different Nose Shapes”, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2009), Bangalore, India, Dec. 2009.
- Sreenivasulu, J., Epuri, S. K., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Experimental and Computational studies Over a Blunt Double Delta Wing”, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2009), Bangalore, India, Dec. 2009.
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Unsteadiness in Supersonic Air-Intake at Supercritical Condition”, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2009), Bangalore, India, Dec. 2009.
- Sreenivasulu, J., Das, S., Kumar, P., and Prasad, J. K., “Investigation of flow field over a blunt double delta wing”, 36th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, College of Engineering, Pune, Dec. 2009.
- Ramakrishna, M., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Computational and Experimental Studies on Slender Body at Large Angles of Attack”, 36th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, College of Engineering, Pune, Dec. 2009.
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Studies on Soft Unstart of Supersonic Air-Intake”, 36th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, College of Engineering, Pune, Dec. 2009.
- Epuri, S. K., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Flow field over a re-usable launch vehicle at subsonic speed”, 37th National & 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec. 2010.
- MadhavSen, R., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of angle of attack on slender body at subsonic speed”, 37th National & 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec. 2010.
- Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Behaviour of Flow Unsteadiness in a Supersonic Air-intake with Throttles”, 37th National & 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Dec. 2010.
- Reddy, S., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., “Flow Field in a Supersonic Air-Intake with Ramp type Vortex Generators”, ASET 2011, National Conference on Expanding Frontiers in Propulsion Technology, LPSC, Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu. June 2011.
- Ralh, M.K., KrishnaMohanRao, R., Das, S., Kumar, P and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of spike shapes on drag of hemispherical body at supersonic and hypersonic speed”, 25th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, November 2011.
- Vignesh Ram, P. S, Das, S., Kumar, P and Prasad, J. K., “Flow Field Investigation On Cylindrical Protrusion Of Different Heights With Vortex Generator At Supersonic Speed”, 25th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, November 2011.
- Karthikeyan, S., Kumar, P., Das, S and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of Fuselage on a Reusable Launch Vehicle at Subsonic Speed”, 25th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, November 2011.
- Rohit, R., Kumar, P., Das, S and Prasad, J. K., “Flow Field in the Interference Region of Multi Body at Supersonic Speed”, 25th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, November 2011.
- Jagadish Babu, V., Kumar, P., Das, S and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of Notched Cowl on the Flow Field inside a Supersonic Air-Intake”, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2011), Bangalore, India, November 2011.
- Kannamuthu, N., Das, S., Kumar, P and Prasad, J. K., “Flow Field around a Blunt Body with Spike at Supersonic Speed”, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2011), Bangalore, India, November 2011.
- Kumar, P., Srikanth, Ch., Das, S and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of trips on side force on slender body at large angles of attack”, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2011), Bangalore, India, November 2011.
- Venkatesan, M., Kannamanimuthu, N., Das, S., Kumar, P and Prasad, J. K., “Flow Field Investigation over a Hemispherical Blunt Body with Different Spikes at Supersonic Speed”, 38th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (NCFMFP-2011), National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India, Dec. 2011.
- Vignesh Ram, P.S., Das, S., Kumar, P and Prasad, J. K., “Influence Of Vortex Generator On Flow Field Around Cylindrical Protrusion At Supersonic Speed”, 38th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (NCFMFP-2011), National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India, Dec. 2011.
- Srinivasan, G., Kumar, R., Sinhamahapatra, K. P and Das, S., " Flow field studies over V-shaped rear face cavities at supersonic speed", 14th AeSI Annual CFD Symposium, August 10-11, 2012, Bangalore, India.
- Karthick, S. K., Das, S., Kumar, P., and Prasad, J. K., " Effect of ground proximity on the trajectory of a bullet at supersonic speed", 26th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers (NCAE-2012), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, Nov. 24-25, 2012.
- Jagadish Babu, V., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., " Studies of Supersonic Air-Intake with Notched Cowl", 26th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers (NCAE-2012), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, Nov. 24-25, 2012.
- David, N., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., " Investigation of Unsteady Flow across Double Delta Wing at Subsonic Speed", 26th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers (NCAE-2012), Andhra Pradesh State Centre, Hyderabad, Nov. 24-25, 2012.
- Gahlot, N. K., Kumar, P., Das, S and Prasad, J. K., " Flow Field Studies of a Supersonic Air-Intake with Vortex Generators", Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, SVNIT Surat, Gujarat, India. Dec. 2012.
- Puja, S., Das, S., Kumar, P and Prasad, J. K., " Effect of bluntness on the reduction of drag using a spike at supersonic speed", Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, SVNIT Surat, Gujarat, India. Dec. 2012.
- Sivabharaty, S. J., Kumar, P., Das, S., and Prasad, J. K., " Effect of Apex flap deflection on double delta wing at subsonic speed", Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, SVNIT Surat, Gujarat, India. Dec. 2012.
- Sinha, J., Das, S., Kumar, P., Prasad, J., K., “Studies on an Axisymmetric supersonic Cavity with Front Wall Inclinations” Int proceeding of: 15th Annual CFD Symposium, 2013, IISc Bangalore
- Deepan J, Das, S., Kumar, P. and Prasad, J. K., “Flow field around cylindrical protrusion with vortex generators at supersonic speed” 3rd National Conference on Wind Tunnel Testing, VSSC, Trivandrum, August 2013.
- Sahoo, D., Das, S., Kumar, P. and Prasad, J. K., "Steady and unsteady flow over spiked blunt body at supersonic speed" 14th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (14 ACFM), Hanoi, Vietnam, October 15-19, 2013
- Yuvaprakash, j., Kumar, P., Das, S. and Prasad, J. K., “Investigation of flow field on double delta wing with sharp leading edge at subsonic speed”, 27th National convention of Aerospace Engineers, Institution Engineers, Dehradun, November 2013.
- Sahoo, D., Das, S., Kumar, P. and Prasad, J. K., “Effect of Spike Length on Steady and Unsteady Flow Over a Spiked Blunt Body at Supersonic Speed” 6th International Conference Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles, Hyderabad, November 2013.
- Chopra, G., Das, S., Kumar, P. and Prasad, J. K., "Investigation of flowfield inside a supersonic air-intake with 3-D bump", 40th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, NIT Hamirpur, December 2013.
- Prem D., Das, S., Kumar, P. and Prasad, J. K., "Flow field over a reentry capsule with ventilation at supersonic speed", 40th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, NIT Hamirpur, December 2013.
- Das, S., and Cohen, J., "Influence of Circular Rear Face Geometry on the Cavity Flow Oscillations at M=0.7", 56th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS), Tel-Aviv & Haifa, Israel, March 9-10, 2016.
- Das, S., and Cohen, J., "Effect of Rear Face Geometry on the Open Cavity Oscillatory Flow at M=0.9", AIAA-2016-3175, 8th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, June 13-17, 2016
- Cohen, J., and Das, S., "Reducing of Cavity Flow Oscillations by Modifying its Rear Face at High Subsonic Speeds", 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC11), Seville, Spain, Sept. 12-16, 2016.
- Das, S., and Cohen, J., "Transonic cavity flows in the presence of a store release body", Proceedings of the 57th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS), Tel-Aviv & Haifa, Israel, March 15-16, 2017.
- Saranyamol, V. S., Krishna, T. V., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Effect of flow impingement wall height on the pressure fluctuations over a rectangular cavity at supersonic speed”, Proceedings of the 1st National Aerospace Propulsion Conference NAPC-2017, March 15-17, 2017, IIT Kanpur.
- Reddy, B. H. V., Singh, R. K., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Investigation of steady and unsteady flow inside an air-intake at supersonic speed”, HST-68, 5th National Conference on Wind Tunnel Testing (NCWT-05), 16-17 March 2017, MIT Chennai.
- Gaurav, S., Das, S., Kumar, P., “Investigation of flow over a cone cylinder at high angles of attack at subsonic speed”, LST-16, 5th National Conference on Wind Tunnel Testing (NCWT-05), 16-17 March 2017, MIT Chennai.
- Roy, D., Das, S., Kumar, P., “Anhedral angle effect on a 76/40 degree double delta wing at subsonic speed”, LST-18, 5th National Conference on Wind Tunnel Testing (NCWT-05), 16-17 March 2017, MIT Chennai.
- Sahoo, D., Cohen, J., and Das, S., “Unsteady Flow over Spike Mounted Hemispherical Body at Supersonic Speed”, Proceedings of the 58th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS), Tel-Aviv & Haifa, Israel, March 14-15, 2018.
- Das, S., and Cohen, J., “Reducing cavity flow pressure oscillations by change in rear face geometries at transonic speed”, 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 10-13 December, 2018.
- Swain, S. K., Mohanta, D. K., Das, S., “Outcome Based Education Program Outcome Assessment for an Engineering Undergraduate Course”, Poster Paper at 4th World Summit on Accreditation, Challenges and Opportunities in Outcome Based Accreditation (WOSA 2018), New Delhi, 7-9 Sep, 2018.
- Saranyamol, V. S., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Imfluence of cavity floor on the unsteady characteristics of flow inside an open cavity at supersonic speed”, 32nd National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, NCAE 2018, Oct. 27-28, BIT Mesra, Ranchi.
- Krishna, T. V., Kumar, P., Desikan, S. L. N., and Das, S., “Experimental investigation of cavity flows with stepped impinging wall at Mach 2.0”, CP 023, SAROD 2018, 8th Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles, November 29-December 1, 2018, Bengaluru.
- Krishna, T. V., Kumar, P., Desikan, S. L. N., and Das, S., “Experimental investigation of cavity flows with rear corner and face modifications”, Proceedings of the 2nd National Aero Propulsion Conference, NAPC-2018, Dec 17-19, IIT Kharagpur.
- Sahoo, D., Das, S., and Cohen, J., “Effect of body nose fairing on the unsteady flow characteristics over spiked flat faced cylinder at supersonic speed”, AIAA-2316-2019, AIAA SciTech Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California.
- Sahoo D., Karthick S. K., Das S., and Cohen J., “Supersonic Flow Unsteadiness in Spiked Body Configurations”, 8-th International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, 16-19 July, 2019, University of Limerick, Ireland.
- Sahoo D., Karthick S. K., Das S., and Cohen J., “Reducing Shock Related Unsteadiness of supersonic flow over Spiked Bodies”, 72nd American Physical Society meeting (Division of Fluid Dynamics 19), Nov 23 – 26, 2019, Seattle, WA.
- Karn, P.K., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Mechanism of vortex asymmetry over Slender Body at High Angle of Attack”, 21st Annual CFD Symposium, Aug 8-9, 2019, Bangalore.
- Karn, P.K., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Study of Unsteady Flow Behaviour over Slender Body at High Angle of Attack”, Proceedings of the 46th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Dec. 9-11, 2019, PSG College, Coimbatore.
- Sahoo D., Karthick S. K., Das S., and Cohen J., “Numerical investigation on the variation of the thermal properties over spike mounted blunt bodies”, 6th National Symposium on Shock Waves, IIT-Madras, Feb 23 – 26, 2020, Chennai.
- Sahoo D., Karthick S. K., Das S., and Cohen J., “Numerical simulations to capture the shock related flow unsteadiness over an axisymmetric hemispherical body with a sharp tip spike at supersonic speed”, International Shock Interaction Symposium -2020 (SIS-2020), IIT-Madras, Nov. 2020, Chennai.
- Arora, A., Das, S., and Kumar, P., "Investigation of Flow over a BWB at different angles of attack," AIAA Annual Technical Symposium, Houston, 24th October, 2020
- Arora, A., Das, S., and Kumar, P., "Flow Field Investigation on BWB Aircraft at Different Angles of Attack," 8th International and 47th National conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Guwahati, December, 2020
- Lavala, S. R., Mondal, P., and Das, S., "Experimental Investigation on Shock Cell Characteristics of Sonic/Supersonic Jets", 8th International and 47th National conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Guwahati, December, 2020
- Lavala, S. R., Mondal, P., and Das, S., "Influence of tab blockage on asymmetric under expanded sonic free jet", International Conference On Theoretical Applied Computational And Experimental Mechanics, December 20-22, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 2021.
- Sarwar, G., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Flowfield Characteristics of a Blunt Body with Different Nose Cone Fairing at Supersonic Speed”, FMFP-2021, BITS Pilani.
- Lavala, S. R., Mondal, P., and Das, S., “Experimental Investigation on Shock Cell Characteristics of Sonic/Supersonic Jets”, Proceedings of the 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Uttarakhand, India.
- Sarwar, G., Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Flow field characteristics of a different nose cone fairing with fixed tip location sharp spike at supersonic speed”, 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, 2022.
- Samanyu. R, Lavala, S. R., and Das, S., “Flow field Studies of Overexpanded Supersonic Jets”, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2023) February 9 - 11, 2023, Hyderabad, India
- Dylewicz, K., Karthick, S.K., Das, S., Auteri, F., Theofilis, V., Cohen, J., "On the change in flow dynamics of a transonic open cavity with trailing edge modification", Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS), Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 15, 2023.
- Rao, S., Kumar, P., and Das, S., "Cowl Deflection During Intake Buzz and its Influence on Intake Performance", FMFP2023–AED–482, Proceedings of the 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 20-22, 2023, IIT Jodhpur, India.
- Kumar, P., and Das, S., “Influence of Plasma during Supersonic Intake Buzz”, 36th NCAE-2023, Bangalore, Karnataka State Center of Institution of Engineers (India), 1-2 Sep 2023.
- Cohen, J., Nanda, Soumya Ranjan., Das, S., Karthick, S.K., "Drastic reduction of Cavity Flow Pressure Oscillations at Supersonic Speed by Modifying its Rear Face into an Ellipse shape", ThL1T2.8, Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences (IACAS-2024), Haifa, Israel, May 9, 2024.
- Nanda, Soumya Ranjan., Karthick, S.K., Das, S., Cohen, J., “Reduction of Two-Dimensional Cavity Flow Oscillations at Supersonic Speed by Curving its Rear Face”, The 8th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, ICJWSF-2024, Paper-34, Firenze (Italy), September 23th-25th 2024.
- Kumar, Praveen., Das, Sudip., "Location-wise Impact of Plasma on Mixed Compression Axisymmetric Supersonic-Air Intake Buzz", Annual AeSI CFD Symposium 2024, 11th-13nd August 2024, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi