Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Dr. Sheela Chandra
Associate Professor, Bioengineering and Biotechnology
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Contact Address
Permanent Address CII/75, Outer Campus, BIT Mesra, Ranchi
Local Address CII/75, Outer Campus, BIT Mesra, Ranchi
Phone (Office) 06512275444
Phone Residence 8002326866
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 1-Aug-2008

  Work Experience
Teaching : 11 Years

Research : 11 Years

Individual: 16 Years

  Professional Background

Academic Profile

  • 2008-till-date Assistant Professor, Department of Bio-Engineering, Birla Institute of technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkand, INDIA.
  • 2001-2007 Ph.D. from Ranchi University,topic: "Plant Tissue Culture and Agrobacterium rhizogenes mediated genetic transformational studies for secondary metabolites production in medicinal plants." Supervisor: Dr. H. P. Sharma, Plant physiology laboratory, University Deptt. of Botany, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
  • 1994-1995 B.Ed from Annamalai university.
  • 1990-1992 MSc. study at the Centre of Advanced studies in Botany, BHU Varanasi.
  • 1987-1990 BSc. (Botany Hons.) from BHU Varanasi.
  Research Areas
  • Plant Tissue culture
  • Plant endophytes association
  • Hairy root culture
  • Plant endophytes


1.    Sheela Chandra, H .P. Sharma, Ramesh Chandra and S. Jha (2006). Effect of 2,4-D and BAP on callusing response of  Spilanthes paniculata (DC.) jansen       International journal Mendel, vol. 23(3-4), 129-130.

2.    Sheela Chandra, H .P. Sharma, Ramesh Chandra and S. Jha (2006) Production of hairy root biomass of Spilanthes paniculata (DC.) jansen. The Indian pharmacist , vol. 5, no47, pp. 69-73


1.    Sheela Chandra, H .P. Sharma, Ramesh Chandra and S. Jha  (2007) Medicinal Herbs-Spilanthes species : A review,  Pharmabit. 15:17-22.


1.    Sheela Chandra, H .P. Sharma, Ramesh Chandra and S. Jha (2008) Agrobacterium rhizogenes mediated genetic transformation of Spilanthes paniculata (DC.) Janse International Journal of Plant Sciences 3(2): 471-476.

2.     Sheela Chandra, H .P. Sharma, Ramesh Chandra and S. Jha (2008)  In vitro propagation     of various explant of Spilanthes paniculata (DC.) Jansen. International Journal of Plant Sciences 3(2): 558-566.


1.    Sheela Chandra, R. Bandopadhyay, V. Kumar and R. Chandra, (2010) Acclimatization of Tissue Cultured Plantlets: From Laboratory to Land. Biotechnology Letters,  32: 1191-1205


1.    Sheela Chandra, Ramesh Chandra (2011) Engineering secondary metabolite production in hairy roots. Phytochem Rev, 10:371–395.


1.    Sheela Chandra, V Kumar, R Bandopadhyay, Madan Mohan Sharma (2012) SEM and Elemental Studies of Swertia chirayita: A Critically Endangered Medicinal Herb of Temperate Himalayas.  Current trends in Biotechnology Vol. 6 (3) 373-380.

2.    Sheela Chandra (2012) Endophytic fungi: Novel sources of anticancer lead molecules App Micro Biotech, 95:47–59.

3.    Sheela Chandra (2012) Natural plant genetic engineer Agrobacterium rhizogenes: role of T-DNA in plant secondary metabolism. Biotechnol Lett, 34:407–415.


1.    Vijay Kumar and Sheela Chandra (2013) Efficient regeneration and antioxidant activity of the endangered species Swertia chirayita , Int J Pharm Bio Sci 4(4): (B) 823 – 833

2.    Neha Sonam Lakra, Meenakshi Koul, Ramesh Chandra, Sheela Chandra (2013) Histological Investigations of Healthy Tissues of Catharanthus Roseus to Localize Fungal Endophytes. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 20(1), May – Jun 2013; n? 35, 205-209  

3.    Meenakshi Koul, Neha S. Lakra, Ramesh Chandra and Sheela Chandra (2013) Catharanthus roseus and prospects of its endophytes: a new avenue for production of bioactive metabolites. (2013) IJPSR, Int. J of pharmaceutical sciences and research ,  4(7): 2705-2716.


1.    Vijay  Kumar, Shailesh kumar Singh, Rajib Bandopadhyay, Madan Mohan Sharma, Sheela Chandra (2014) In vitro Organogenesis Secondary Metabolite Production and Heavy Metal Analysis in Swertia chirayita , Central European Journal of Biology, Accepted on 15th dec. 2013

2.    Madhumita Kumari,  Sheela Chandra (2014)  "Localisation and Isolation of Fungal Endophytes  from Healthy Tissue of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.)". Int J Phytomed. Accepted on 16.12.13

3.    Vijay Kumar and Sheela Chandra (2014) High frequency somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production of the endangered species Swertia chirayita, , (accepted) Biologia 69/2: 186—192.


1. Madhumita Kumari & Sheela Chandra, (2015) Stevioside glycosides from in vitro cultures of Stevia rebaudiana and antimicrobial assay. Braz. J. Bot , DOI 10.1007/s40415-015-0193-3

2. Madhumita Kumari & Sheela Chandra, (2015) Phytochemical studies and estimation of major steviol glycosides in varied parts of stevia rebaudiana ,  International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesVol 7, Issue 7.


Flavanoids : an overview, Panche et la. (2016),Journal of Nutritional Science (2016), vol. 5, e47, page 1-15.


Annie J. Toppo & Sheela Chandra. (2017)Alzheimer’s and perspectives from medicinal plants as therapeutics: a review (2017).Int j of pharma & Biosc.Vol.8.



  1. Noopur Khare & Sheela Chnadra (2018).Stevioside mediated chemosensitization studies and cytotoxicity assay on breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and SKBR3.Saudi J of Biological sciences.
  2. Sheela Chandra, Kazim Askari, Madhuita Kumari (2018).Optimization of indole acetic acid production by isolated bacteria from  Stevia rebaudiana rhizosphere and its effects on plant growth. J of Genetic Engg. Vol. 16.


Annie J. Toppo, Sheela Chandra, Dhruv Jha, Papiya Mitra Mazumder(2019). In vitro evaluation of anti-acetylcholinesterase and free radical scavenging potential of leaf extracts of some selected medicinal plants. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2019; 9(2): 60-65.


  Member of Professional Bodies

1.   Life Member of The Indian Society for Technical Education, India

2. Life Member of Association of Microbiologists in India.

  Current Sponsored Projects

1.  Project Incharge , UGC MRP-File No. 37-111/2009(SR) , entitled : "Development of protocols for Micropropagation, elicitation and Hairy root culture techniques for the conservation of critically endangered medicinal plant Swertia chirayita: a potential source of xanthone." completed

2. Cytotoxicity screening of medicinal plants extract on human breast cancer cell lines,SMS(Seed Money Scheme) BIT Mesra, Ranchi.Dec 15-April 16, Rs.60000/-

3. Production of powered stevioside glycosides from leaves of Stevia rebaudiana: a natural sweetener plant, funded by JCST, Rs. 500000./-

4. Optimization of process parameters for Rebaudioside A production. (SMS BIT MESRA), DEC 16-April 17. (Minor Project) Rs. 50,000/-(Completed).

5. Physiological and growth response of rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) to ACC-deaminase and/or nitrogen-fixing rhizobacteria inoculants. (SMS BIT MESRA).OCT 18 –APRIL 19. (Minor Project) Rs. 50,000/-(ongoing)..

  Text and Reference Books

 1. Chandra S., Chandra R., Sharma M. M. (2012), Transgenic Hairy roots: Development and Applications. In: H.P. Sharma (Eds.) Plant tissue culture: Totipotency to transgenic. Agrobios, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, pp 379-398. ISBN: 978-81-7754-467-1.

2. Kumari & Chandra.(2014) Stevia rebaudiana: Beyond Sweetness.In: Handbook of Medicinal Plants and their Bioactive Compounds, 2014: 00-000 ISBN: 978-81-308-0000-0 Editor: Nidhi Gupta..

3.Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Transgenesis and Secondary Metabolism. 1-19, Title: Stevioside glycosides production from Stevia rebaudiana hairy root cultures, Jan 2017,Publishers: Springer International Publishing.