List of Publication
International Jounal
[1]Ratnesh Mishra, Ravi Shanker Shukla, Rajesh K. Shukla, R.R. Tewari, “Energy Optimization On Symmetric key Encryption & Decryption Algorithm Using Genetic Algorithm”, Published in Scopus Journal International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-10, August 2019. DOI: 10.35940/.I7722.0881019. (Scopus).Impact Factor 5.54
[2] Ratnesh Mishra, Ravi Shanker Shukla, Rajesh K. Shukla & R.R. Tewari1, “Energy Efficient Wireless Network Security with Using Block Cipher Technique “has been published in UGCApproved Journal IJMTE, DOI:16.10089.IJMTE.2019.V9I5.19.28441, page no 3704-3718. Volume IX, Issue V, May 2019, Scientific Journal Impact Factor:6.3
[3] Ratnesh Mishra,Khushboo, Abhijeet Kumar, ,” Medical Expert System for Diagnosis of AssortedDiseases Using Artificial Intelligence”has been published in UGC Approved Journal IJMTE,DOI:16.10089.IJMTE.2019.V9I5.19.28453, Page No:3802-3808 ,Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2019. Scientific Journal Impact Factor:6.3
[4] Ratnesh Mishra , Nausheen Sahar, Sidra Kalam “Deep Learning approach based Network Intrusion Detection System for fog assisted IoT” , Published in Big Data,Machine Learning and their Applications (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)Springer Nature Volume 150, 5 june ,2020, Page No.39-51, ISSN 2367-3370 , DOI No. 10.1007/978-981-15-8377-3,Indexed by SCOPUS, SCImago, Impact Factor 3.6
[5] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. R. K. Shukla, Dr. R.S. Shukla, Ratnesh Kumar Dixit”” Analysis of e-Governance Security Models in Cloud Computing” has been published in IJRAR Peer Review Journal and Refereed Journal, UGC approved journal September 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3, (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)Page No.980-989.
[6]Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Roomana Hasan” A REVIEW ON NETWORK SECURITY MODEL USING BLOCKCHAIN” has been published in IJRAR Peer Review Journal and Refereed Journal, UGC approved journal, August 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3 , (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)Page No.439-444 .
[7] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. Ravi Shukla“ Development and Performance Evaluation of Advance Cipher Algorithm (ACA) on Energy Consumption for Different Data Types” published in Peer reviewed scientific journal and UGC approved, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research Volume 9, Issue 2(ix): April-June 2022.Page No.-1-22.
[8] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra,Ali Zaheer, Dr. RK Shukla, Dr. Ravi S. Shukla”Adoption of Cloud Enabling Cyber-Security Model in Organizations” Published in (Web Science Indexing Journal) Indian Journal of Science and Technology 15(48):2727-2739,DOI: 10.17485/IJST/v15i48.1592, December2022.
[9] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. Ravi S. Shukla ”Effectiveness and Evaluation of Encryption Cryptography in the Internet of Things (IOT)” Published in International Journal of Advance and Innovative Journal (Peer Reviewed Scientific Publication Jounal) Research Volume 10, Issue 2(VI)April-Jume2023,Impact Factor7.46, ISSN:2394-7780,pp-28-36
[10] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. Ravi S. Shukla ”Development And Perfomance Evaluation Of Advance Cipher Algorithm(ACA)On Energy Consumption For Diferent Data Types” Published in International Journal of Advance and Innovative Journal (Peer Reviewed Scientific Publication Jounal and UGC Aproved ) Research Volume 09, Issue 2(IX)April-Jume2022,Impact Factor7.46, ISSN:2394-7780,pp-28-36.
[11] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra,Ali Zaheer, Dr. RK Shukla, Dr. Ravi S. Shukla”SSO Based Fingerprint Authentication of Cloud Services for Organizations” Published in (Scopus Indexing Journal) International Journal on Recent and Inovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN:2321-8169 Volume:11, Issue11December 2023, DOI:
[12] Ali Zaheer, Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. RK Shukla, Dr.Ravi S. Shukla ”Enhanced cloud Security using Improved RSA with XACML Techniques” Accepted /published in the Scopus Journal Jilin Daxue Xuebao Jounal of Jilin University Engineering and Technology edition with ISSN:1671- 3497.2024,DOI:10.5281/zendo.12529410, on June 23,2024.
[13] Ratnesh Dixit, Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. RK Shukla, Dr.Ravi S. Shukla , Dr. Nayaneesh Mishra”Block Easy:Introducing The lazay Blockchain Approachfor Efficient Data Integrity Verification In Cloud Based E-Governance” Accepted /publishesd in the Scopus Journal Jilin Daxue Xuebao Jounal of Jilin University Engineering and Technology edition with ISSN:1671- 3497.2024,DOI:10.5281/zendo.12699192, on July 10,2024.
[14] Ali Zaheer,Dr. Ratnesh Mishra et all, Data Security,implementation in cloud computing”accepted in SCI &Scopus ,Taylor & Francis, November2023,
International Conference Proceedings
[1] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Akancha “The development of Security Models for E-Governance in Cloud Computing ” Published in International Conference on Computational Techniques (ICCT-2021),22&23 January,2021.organized by department of CSE, Invertis University and CSI Allahabad Chapter.
[2] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Praveena Shandilya” Local Binary Patterns Based Approach for Semi Fragile Steganography” Published in International Conference on Computational Techniques (ICCT-2021),22&23 January,2021.organised by department of CSE, Invertis University and CSI Allahabad Chapter.
[3] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. R.K. Shukla, Dr. R.S. Shukla, Prof. R.R. Tewar, Mrs. Sheel Shalini” Security System in On-line Transaction Using Cryptography in during Covid-19” Published in International Conference on Computational Techniques (ICCT-2021),22&23 January,2021.organised by department of CSE, Invertis University and CSI Allahabad Chapter.
[4] Dr. Ratnesh Mishra, Dr. R. K. Shukla, Dr. R.S. Shukla, Ratnesh Kumar Dixit, Ali Zaheer Agha” Study on the Cyber Security Models of cloud Computing” Published in International Conference on Computational Techniques (ICCT-2021),22&23 January,2021.organised by department of CSE, Invertis University and CSI Allahabad Chapter.
National Conference/ Workshop Published and Presented
[1] Ratnesh Mishra “The Energy Efficient wireless network security using Block Cipher” National Workshop on Advancees in energy Engineering & Technology 28,29. and 30 June 2013 which is is being organized by IIT(BHU) Varanasi.-Page No.197-199.
[2]Ratnesh Mishra, Sanjay Yadav “Data Management issues in mobile Environment” National Conference on Information &Communication Technology-2011 which was organized by Ewing Christian College, University of Allahabad on 5-6 March2011.
[3] Ratnesh Mishra “Underground Communication system through outer mantle of Earth” National Conference on Information & communication Technology-2011 BIT Mesra Ranchi Noida Campus which was organized by Ewing Christian College, Allahabad on 4-5 Feburary 2011.
[4] Ratnesh Mishra “Design & development of On-Line Report Repository” Design & development of On-Line Report Repository” Published in Advancement in information & communication Technology on March 15-16,2008.
[5] Ratnesh Mishra, Alok Dwivedi “Acceptance Testing Phase in Software Quality Management” Published in Information & Communication Technology in Life Sciences, on November 17-18 ,2006.
Conference & Wokshop & Lecture Attended:
- Orientation Program organized byUGC,HRDC, BHU, Varansi, From 15 May to 11 June-2017.
- One Week Workshop on “Android Application Development” Organized by CSI & CFCS, ECC Allahabad from 7.6.2017 to 11.06.2017.
- One Week Workshop on “Development Application on Dot net& PHP organized by BIT Mesra Ranchi Allahabad Campus Naini, from 27.03.2017 to 31.03.2017
- Application of MATLAB in science & Technology and Mangement(AMSTM-2016) organized by School of Mangement Studies and Department of Mathematics, MNNIT, Allahabad from 1/12/2016
- Workshop on Android with core java with web development course organized by BIT Mesra Ranchi Allahabad Campus Naini, Allahabad from 30.08.2016 to 15.08.2016.
- Three week Training Course program on “Network Management & Web Development, organized by BIT Mesra Ranchi Allahabad Campus Naini from 24.08.2015.
- Workshop on Computer Connectivity & Contents organized by CSI & ECC Allahabad, From 9.5.2015
- Workshop on Latex Simulation and Computer Network Security CSI Allahabad Chapter at UPTEC Institute Sangam Place Allahabad U.P, on 19.09.2014.
- National Workshop on Information & Security and computer forensic WISCF-2014 June Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering,MNNIT, on 23.5.2014 to28.5.2014.
- National Instructional workshop NIWC-2014, organized by Department of Mathematics, MNNIT, Allahabad from 5.5.2014 to9.5.2014.
- Workshop on “Concept in wireless communication” organized by BIT Mesra Ranchi Jharkhand from 2-12-2013 to 7.12.2013.
- National Conference on Information &Communication Technology-2011 which was organized by Ewing Christian College, Allahabad on 5-6 March2011.
- National Conference on Information & communication Technology-2011 BIT Mesra Ranchi Noida Campus which was organized by Ewing Christian College, Allahabad on 4-5 Feburary 2011.
- National Conference on E-Government & E-Society organized by Computer Society of India , Division III Allahabad Chapter December 11-12-2010.
- International Conference on Computer & Communication Technology on dated 17-19 September 2010 at computer Science & Engineering Department,MNNIT Allahabad(U.P.)
- Faculty Development Program organized by federation of Universities on 4th September,2010 at Allahabad.
- Faculty development programme on Curriculum Enhancement Awareness in Information Technology on 14th -24th December,2009 at Computer Science & Engg Department MNNIT Allahabad.
- Lecture Programme on ERP at NTPC on April 18,2009.Seminar on Emerging Trends in Information & Communication Technology on March 22,2009.Software Quiz and Essay Competition on Dec 14,2008.CSI Allahabad Chapter.
- Lecture Programme on Software Requirement Management on October 19,2008.CSI Allahabad Chapter.
- Lecture Programme on Nano Technology & It's Application on May 17,2008.CSI Allahabad Chapter.
- Lecture Programme on SAP on April 15,2008.organised by CSI Allahabad Chapter.
- National Conference on Advancement in Information Technology on March 15-16,2008 .organised by CSI.
- Information & Communication Technology application in Library Automation November 3, 2007 organized by CSI & Deptt. Of Computer Science & Engg.
- Information & Communication Technology in Life Sciences, on November 17-18, 2006.organised by CSI & AIDU, Allahabad.
Membership of Professional Bodies-
- Computer Society of India (CSI) Allahabad Chapter
- Life Membership ID. No.-00162267
We have organised Webinar 20-21, Golden Jubilee(50) Series Program.
We have organised Two International Conference.
We have organised one FDP Program.
We have organised one Hackaton program-2020
I was elected as secretary for year 2014-2016 CSI Allahabad Chapter
I was elected as Chairman of Nomination Committee, CSI, Allahabad Chapter for-April-2016 to March-2017.
I was elected as Chairman for year 2020-2021, CSI Allahabad Chapter.
I have Received Memento & Certificate in 2018 From Govt. Of Bihar (Skill-2018)