Journal Publications:
- Moral, P., Mustafi, D. & Sahana, S.K. PODBoost: an explainable AI model for polycystic ovarian syndrome detection using grey wolf-based feature selection approach. Neural Comput & Applic (2024), Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10171-9 (SCIE, IF-4.5)
- Moral, P., Mustafi, D., Mustafi, A. et al. CystNet: An AI driven model for PCOS detection using multilevel thresholding of ultrasound images. Sci Rep 14, 25012 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-75964-3. (SCIE, IF-3.8)
- Tanu Priya, Bikash Kanti Sarkar, Sudip Kumar Sahana,Regression based machine learning models for forecasting preterm birth cases, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 235, 2024, Pages 830-839, ISSN 1877-0509, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2024.04.079. (SCOPUS)
- Singh, V., Sahana, S. K., & Bhattacharjee, V. (2024). Integrated Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting. Applied Sciences, 14(24), 11477. https://doi.org/10.3390/app142411477. (SCIE, IF-2.5)
- Kumari, N., Anwar, S., Bhattacharjee, V. and Sahana, S.K., 2023. Visually evoked brain signals guided image regeneration using GAN variants. Multimed Tools Appl (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-14769-4.(Accepted, SCIE, IF 2.577 & SCOPUS)
- Dholey, M.K., Sinha, D., Mukherjee, S. et al. MSHRP: Mobile Sink Based Limited Hop Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Pers Commun (2023). ISSN- 0929-6212, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10752-2 (IF2.2, SCIE)
- Kumari, P. and Sahana S.K., 2022. “Heuristic Initialization Based Modified ACO (HIMACO) Mimicking Ant Safety Features for Multicast Routing and its Parameter Tuning”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, ISSN: 0141-9331, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2022.104574 (Accepted, SCIE, IF 3.503 & SCOPUS)
- Kumari P. and Sahana S.K. ,2022, “PSO-DQ: An Improved Routing Protocol Based on PSO using Dynamic Queue Mechanism for MANETs”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 38 No. 1, 41-56, ISSN: 1016-2364 (SCIE, IF 1.142 & SCOPUS)
- Srivastava, S. Stephan, T and Sahana, S.K., 2022. “An Innovative Hybrid Biologically Inspired Method for Traffic Optimization Problem”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, World Scientific Publishing, Vol. 31, No. 2 (2022) 2240004 (22 pages), ISSN (print): 0218-2130. (SCIE, IF 1.208 & SCOPUS)
- Kumari, P., Sahana, S.K. Swarm Based Hybrid ACO-PSO Meta-Heuristic (HAPM) for QoS Multicast Routing Optimization in MANETs. , 2022, Wireless Pers Commun 123(2), 1145–1167 (2022). ISSN: 0929-6212, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-09174-9, (SCIE, IF 2.017 & SCOPUS)
- Parashar, A., Goyal, R.K., Kaushal, S., and Sahana, S.K., 2022, “Machine Learning Approach for Software Defect Prediction using Multi-Core Parallel Computing”, Autom Softw Eng, Springer 29, 44 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10515-022-00340-2, ISSN- 0928-8910 (Accepted, SCIE, IF 3.40 & SCOPUS)
- Ankita and Sahana, S. K. (2022). Ba-PSO: A Balanced PSO to solve multi-objective grid scheduling problem. Applied Intelligence, 52(4), 4015- 4027.ISSN: 1573-7497, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-021-02625-7 (SCI, IF 5.3 & SCOPUS)
- Chongdar, C., Giri, P.K., Pal, R.K., Haldar, A., Acharya, S., Dhal, D., Khowas, M. and Sahana, S.K., 2021. “Solving a Mathematical Model for Small Vegetable Sellers in India by a Stochastic Knapsack Problem: An Advanced Genetic Algorithm Based Approach”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, World Scientific Press, Volume No. 30, Issue No. 05, pp. 897 - 921, ISSN (print): 0218-4885. (SCIE, IF 1.518 & SCOPUS)
- Sakshi, Snigdh, I and Sahana S.K, 2021, “A fuzzy Logic Approach for Predicting Efficient LoRa Communication”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS), Springer,1-9, ISSN: 2199-3211, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40815-021-01233-4 (Accepted, SCIE, IF 4.673 & SCOPUS)
- A. Priya and S. K. Sahana, 2021, “An optimized modelling and simulation on task scheduling for multi-processor system using hybridized ACO-CVOA”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.38 no.5, ISSN: 1016-2364 (Accepted, SCIE, IF 1.142 & SCOPUS)
- Chhabra, A.; Sahana, S.K.; Sani, N.S.; Mohammadzadeh, A.; Omar, H.A. Energy-Aware Bag-Of-Tasks Scheduling in the Cloud Computing System Using Hybrid Oppositional Differential Evolution-Enabled Whale Optimization Algorithm. Energies 2022, 15(13), 4571. ISSN: 1996-1073 https://doi.org/10.3390/en15134571 (SCIE, IF 3.2 & SCOPUS)
- Kujur., S.S. and Sahana, S.K., 2022, Medical Image Registration utilizing Tissue P Systems, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Elsevier. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.949872 (Accepted, SCIE, IF 5.988 & SCOPUS)
- Jha, R., Bhattacharjee, V., Mustafi, A and Sahana, S.K., 2022, Improved Disease Diagnosis System for COVID-19 with Data Refactoring and Handling methods, Frontiers in Psychology, Elsevier, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.951027. (Accepted, SCIE, IF 4.232 & SCOPUS)
- Singh, V.; Sahana, S.K.; Bhattacharjee, V., 2022, Nature-Inspired Cloud–Crowd Computing for Intelligent Transportation System. Sustainability 2022, 14, 16322. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142316322 (SCIE, IF 3.889)
- Anwar, S., Tulsyan, R., Saha, S., and Sahana, S.K., 2022 “AnonChain: A Secure File sharing framework using IPFS integrated Blockchain”, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS), ISSN: 2455-7749 (IF 1.6, SCOPUS & ESCI)
- Sahu, N., Mukherjee, I. and Sahana S.K.,2021 "Simulation and Modeling for Anomaly Detection in IoT Network using Machine Learning", International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 1-17, ISSN: 1572-8129, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-021-00542-7 (IF 2.5,, ESCI & SCOPUS)
- Pramanik, A., Changdar, C., Khan, A., Sahana, S.K.,. A 0–1 knapsack problem-based approach for solving open-pit mining problem with type-2 fuzzy parameters. Innovations Syst Softw Eng (2022). (A NASA JOURNAL) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-022-00491-1. (IF 1.2, ESCI & SCOPUS)
- Ankita, Sahana, S.K., 2021. “Solving grid scheduling problem using an amalgam of swarm and traditional approach”. Sadhana, Vol 46,202(2021) Indian Academy of Sciences, ISSN 0973-7677, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12046-021-01725-x (SCIE, IF 1.6 & SCOPUS)
- A. Priya and S. K. Sahana, 2020, "Multiprocessor Scheduling based on Evolutionary Technique for Solving Permutation Flow Shop Problem," in IEEE Access, Vol 8, pp. 53151-53161. ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2973575. (SCIE, IF 3.745).
- Dholey,M.K., Sinha,D., Mukherjee,S., Das, A.K. and Sahana,S.K. 2020. "A Novel Broadcast Network Design for Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 188269-188283, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030802. (SCIE, IF 3.745).
- A. Priya and S. K. Sahana, 2020, A Deterministic Flowshop Scheduling Problem to minimizing the Makespan using PA-ACO, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-3, pp 1555-1560. (SCOPUS)
- Srivastava, S. & Sahana, S.K., 2019, “A survey on traffic optimization problem using biologically inspired techniques”, Natural Computing (2019), Vol-16, No-67, pp1-15, ISSN: 1567-7818(Print) 1572-9796(Online). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11047-019-09731-z. (SCIE & SCOPUS) IF -1.495.
- Ankita and Sahana, S.K, 2019, Evolutionary based hybrid GA for solving multi-objective grid scheduling problem, Microsystem Technologies, Springer, 26(5), 1405-1416. ISSN: 0946-7076 (Print) 1432-1858 (Online) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-019-04673-z (SCI) (IF 1.513).
- Srivastava, S., Sahana, S, K., 2019, “Application of Bat Algorithm for Transport Network Design Problem,” Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing, vol. 2019, Article ID 9864090, 12 pages,2019, ISSN:1687-9724. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9864090, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/acisc/2019/9864090/cta/ (ESCI & SCOPUS)
- Sahana, S.K.,2019 “Hybrid optimizer for the travelling salesman problem”, Evolutionary Intelligence, Springer, 12(2), 179-188, ISSN- 1864-5909, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-019-00208-7. (ESCI & SCOPUS)
- Kumari P. and Sahana S.K. ,2019, “Comprehensive Survey and Comparative Experimental Performance Gain of AODV, DSR and OLSR in MANETs”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-8 Issue-5,pp 1036-1045, ISSN: 2249-8958, https://www.ijeat.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i5/E7083068519.pdf (SCOPUS)
- Ankita and Sahana, S, K., 2019, "An Automated Parameter Tuning Method for Ant Colony Optimization for Scheduling Jobs in Grid Environment", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), Vol.11, No.3, pp.11-21, 2019. DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2019.03.02, http://www.mecs-press.org/ijisa/ijisa-v11-n3/IJISA-V11-N3-2.pdf
- Priya A., Sinha K., Sahana S.K., Mahanti. P.K, (2019), “ "An Improved Global Image Denoising Technique", Advanced Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1 - 12, 2019, ISSN 1976-3700(Print),2233-9345(Online) http://www.globalcis.org/aiss/ppl/AISS3879PPL.pdf
- Choudhary, A. K, and Sahana, S.K., 2018, “Multicast Routing: Conventional Algorithms Vs Ant Colony System”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume XII, pp1-6, ISSN 2321-3469, http://www.ijcea.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ICRTCST-2018-139.pdf
- Sahana, S.K., Mukherjee, I., Mahanti, P.K.,2018 " Parallel Artificial Bee Colony (PABC) for Job Shop Scheduling Problems”, Advanced Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), Volume 10, No-3, pp1-11, Oct 31, 2018, ISSN: 1976-3700(Print),2233-9345(Print), http://www.globalcis.org/aiss/ppl/AISS3877PPL.pdf
- Mukherjee, I., Sahana, S., Mahanti, P.K.,2017 "An Improved Information Retrieval Approach to Short Text Classification", International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB), Vol.9, No.4, pp.31-37, 2017. DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2017.04.05,http://www.mecs-press.org/ijieeb/ijieeb-v9-n4/IJIEEB-V9-N4-5.pdf.
- Srivastava, S., Sahana, S, K., 2016, “Nested hybrid evolutionary model for traffic signal optimization", Applied Intelligence (2016), Springer, Volume 46(1), pp1-11, ISSN 0924-669X(print), 1573-7497(online), doi:10.1007/s10489-016-0827-6 (SCI, I.F 5.068 & SCOPUS)
- Sahana,S,K., AL-Fayoumi, M and Mahanti,P.K. 2016, “ Application of Modified Ant Colony Optimization (MACO) for Multicast Routing Problem”, I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications 2016,Vol-8,Number-4,pp.43-48,ISSN-2074-904X(print),2074-9058(online), DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2016.04.05, http://www.mecs-press.org/ijisa/ijisa-v8-n4/IJISA-V8-N4-5.pdf. (SCOPUS)
- Sahana,S,K., and Mahanti,P.K. 2015, “An Analysis of Email Encryption using Neural Cryptography”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, Volume-2(1), pp. 83-87, ISSN: 3159-0040, www.jmest.org/wp-content/uploads/JMESTN42350307.pdf.
- Srivastava,S., Sahana,S,K.,Pant,D., and Mahanti,P.K, 2015, “Hybrid Microscopic Discrete Evolutionary Model for Traffic Signal Optimization”, Journal of Next Generation Information Technology (JNIT), Volume 6(2), pp.1-6, 29th May,2015, ISSN: 2092-8637(Print) 2233-9388(Online). (SCOPUS)
- Malhotra, A., Pandey,V., Sahana,S.K., and Dutta,S., 2015, “Ant Colony Optimization for Scheduling of PCS’s using Single Machine”, ELK Asia Pacific Journals-Special Issue”, pp 341-346, ISBN: 978-81-930411-4-7.
- Arfi, H. , Ahmad Y. A. , and Sahana, S.K., 2015, “Cloud Resource Management System Using SNMP”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Volume 10, Number 55 (2015) pp.2453-2458 , Print ISSN 0973-4562, Online ISSN 1087—1090. (SCOPUS).
- Sahana,S,K., Jain,A and Mahanti,P.K. 2014,”Ant Colony Optimization for Train Scheduling:An Analysis”, I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications 2014,Vol-6,Number-2,pp.29-36,ISSN-2074-904X(print),2074-9058(online), DOI:10.5815/ijisa.2014.02.04,www.mecs-press.org/ijisa/ijisa-v6-n2/v6n2-4.html. (SCOPUS)
- Sahana,S,K., Al-Fayoumi,M., Jain,A and Mahanti,P.K. 2012, “Solution of Traveling Salesman Problem Using Hybrid Ant Colony Algorithm”, Advances in Information Technology and Applied Computing , Volume (1), pp 11-16, ISSN 2251-3418.
- Sahana, S.K., and Jain, A., 2011. An Improved Modular Hybrid Ant Colony Approach for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem. International Journal on Computing (JoC), Vol-1, Number-2, pp. 123-127, ISSN: 2010-2283, doi: 10.5176-2010-2283_1.249.
- Sahana, S. K, Jain, A and Mustafi, A., 2010. A Comparative Study on Multicast Routing using Dijkstra’s, Prims and Ant Colony Systems. International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET), Vol-2, Number-2, pp. 301-310. ISSN Print: 0976-6367, ISSN Online: ISSN 0976-6375.
Conference Publication:
- Neha Kumari, Poonam Moral, Debjani Mustafi,Abhijit Mustafi, Shamama Anwar, Sudip Kumar Sahana, 2024, Deep Learning for Post-Hurricane Damage Detection with SAR-Based Analysis using DenseNet201 and SVM, Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology – CIIT 2024, Apr 24-25, 2024, Kochi, India.
- Kajal Kumari, Debjani Mustafi, and Sudip Kumar Sahana, 2024, A Data-Driven Approach to Air Quality Prediction in Jharkhand's Coalfields using Machine Learning, Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology – CIIT 2024, Apr 24-25, 2024, Kochi, India.
- Vandana Singh, Sudip Kumar Sahana, Vandana Bhattacharjee; Graph convolutional neural networks for traffic forecasting and prediction: A review. AIP Conf. Proc. 28 May 2024; 3164 (1): 040003. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0214616
- Singh, V., Sahana, S.K., Bhattacharjee, V. (2023). PSO-Based Traffic Signals in a Real-World City. In: Chakraborty, B., Biswas, A., Chakrabarti, A. (eds) Advances in Data Science and Computing Technologies. ADSC 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1056. Pp-411-420, Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-3656-4_42, ISBN-978-981-99-3655-7.
- Mukherjee, R., Sahana, S.K., Kumar, S., Agrawal, S., Singh, S. (2024). Application of Different Decision Tree Classifier for Diabetes Prediction: A Machine Learning Approach. In: Kole, D.K., Roy Chowdhury, S., Basu, S., Plewczynski, D., Bhattacharjee, D. (eds) Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems. COMSYS 2023. at IIT Mandi, October 16-17, 2023, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 974. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-2611-0_4.
- Kujur, S.S and Sahana, S.K.,(2022) 2nd International Conference on Nano-electronics, Machine Learning, Internet of Things & Computing Systems (NMIC-2022), Title: GPU based Optimization Algorithms governing P System Execution on 19-20th March 2022 at ARTTC, BSNL, Ranchi.
- Kujur, S.S and Sahana, S.K.,(2022) 2nd International Conference on Nano-electronics, Machine Learning, Internet of Things & Computing Systems (NMIC-2022), Title: GPU based Optimization Algorithms governing P System Execution on 19-20th March 2022 at ARTTC, BSNL, Ranchi.
- Kumari P., Sahana S.K. (2021) QoS-Based ACO Routing Protocols in MANETs: A Review. In: Nath V., Mandal J.K. (eds) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 673. Springer, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-15-5545-9, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5546-6_27 (SCOPUS)
- Gupta V., Sahana S.K. (2020) Nudge-Based Hybrid Intelligent System for Influencing Buying Decision. In: Sahana S., Bhattacharjee V. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 988. Springer, Singapore, Print ISBN: 978-981-13-8221-5, Online ISBN: 978-981-13-8222-2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8222-2_14, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-8222-2_14 (SCOPUS)
- Priyadarshi N., Bhoi A.K., Sahana S.K., Mallick P.K., Chakrabarti P. (2020) Performance Enhancement Using Novel Soft Computing AFLC Approach for PV Power System. In: Mallick P., Balas V., Bhoi A., Chae GS. (eds) Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1040. Springer, Singapore, pp 439-447 ISBN: 978-981-15-1450-0, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1451-7_47. (SCOPUS)
- Kumari P., Sahana S.K. ,2019, “An Efficient Swarm-Based Multicast Routing Technique—Review”. In: Behera H., Nayak J., Naik B., Abraham A. (eds) Computational Intelligence in Data Mining. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 711, pp 123-134, Springer, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-10-8054-8(print), online (978-981-10-8055-5), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8055-5_12, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-8055-5_12. (SCOPUS)
- Priya A., Sinha K., Darshani M.P., Sahana S. (2019), “A Novel Multimedia Encryption and Decryption Technique Using Binary Tree Traversal”. In: Nath V., Mandal J. (eds) Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing & Communication Systems (MCCS 2017). Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 476, pp163-178. Springer, Singapore, Print ISBN 978-981-10-8233-7, Online ISBN: 978-981-10-8234-4, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8234-4_15, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-8234-4_15. (SCOPUS)
- Ankita, Sahana S.K. (2019), “A Comprehensive Survey on Computational Grid Resource Management”. In: Nath V., Mandal J. (eds) Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing & Communication Systems (MCCS 2017). Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 476, pp 97-108. Springer, Singapore, Print ISBN 978-981-10-8233-7, Online ISBN: 978-981-10-8234-4, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8234-4_10, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-8234-4_10. (SCOPUS)
- Ankita, Sahana S.K. (2019) A Survey on Grid Schedulers. In: Nath V., Mandal J. (eds) Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 511, pp 169-179, Springer, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-13-0775-1,DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0776-8_25, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-0776-8_25. (SCOPUS)
- Priya A., Sahana S.K. (2019), “A Survey on Multiprocessor Scheduling Using Evolutionary Technique”. In: Nath V., Mandal J. (eds) Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 511, pp 149-160, Springer, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-13-0775-1, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0776-8_14, ,https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-0776-8_14. (SCOPUS)
- Priya A., Sahana S.K. (2019), “Processor Scheduling in High-Performance Computing Environment Using MPI”. In: Chattopadhyay J., Singh R., Bhattacherjee V. (eds) Innovations in Soft Computing and Information Technology. Springer, Singapore, Vol 3, pp 43-54, ISBN: 978-981-13-3184-8(print), 978-981-13-3185-5(online),https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3185-5_5, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-13-3185-5_5
- Pandey V., Malhotra A., Kant R., Sahana S.K. (2019) Solving Scheduling Problems in PCB Assembly and Its Optimization Using ACO. In: Tan Y., Shi Y., Niu B. (eds) Advances in Swarm Intelligence. ICSI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11655. Springer, Cham, Print ISBN : 978-3-030-26368-3, Online ISBN: 978-3-030-26369-0, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-26369-0_23, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-26369-0_23. (SCOPUS)
- Srivastava, S. and Sahana,S. K. 2017, “The Insects of Innovative Computational Intelligence”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence Dec10-12, 2015, In: Advances in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Series: 509, Vol 1, pp.177-186, Series ISSN: 2194-5357 , ISBN: 978-981-10-2524-2(Print), 978-981-10-2525-9(E-book), DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2525-9. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-981-10-2525-9. (SCOPUS)
- Jhunjhunwala, A and Sahana,S. K. 2017, “Scalable Framework for Developing Adaptive and Personalized User Interfaces” ”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence Dec10-12, 2015, In: Advances in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Series: 509, Vol 1, pp.289-298, Series ISSN: 2194-5357 , ISBN: 978-981-10-2524-2(Print), 978-981-10-2525-9(E-book), DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2525-9. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-981-10-2525-9. (SCOPUS)
- Srivastava,S. and Sahana,S.K. 2015, “ACONN- A Multicast Routing Implementation”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Data Mining 2015,Bhubaneswar,Orrisa, India, December 5-6, 2015, In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and computing, Springer, Vol-411, Book Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Springer India, Vol 2, pp 133-142, ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic), ISBN 978-81-322-2729-8 ISBN 978-81-322-2731-1 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2731-1. (SCOPUS)
- Sahana,S.K and Jain,A. 2014, “High Performance Ant Colony Optimizer (HPACO) for Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)”, 5th International Conference on ICSI 2014, Hefei, China, October 17-20, 2014, In: Advances in Swarm Intelligence, Vol 8794, Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),pp 165-172, Print ISBN-978-3-319-11856-7,Online ISBN-978-3-319-11857-4,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11857-4_19, link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-11857-4_19. (SCOPUS)
- Sahana,S.K and Kumar,K. 2014, “Hybrid Synchronous Discrete Distance Time Model for Traffic Signal Optimization”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Data Mining 2014,Burla,Orrisa, India, December 20-21, 2014, In: Series Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies,Vol-31, Book Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Springer India, pp 23-33, Print ISBN- 978-81-322-2204-0,Online ISBN- 978-81-322-2205-7,DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2205-7_3. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-981-10-2525-9. (SCOPUS)
- Adhikari, A. and Sahana, S.K. 2013, “Job Shop Scheduling Based on Ant Colony Optimization”, In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference ICACM-2013 by Elsevier,2-3 August 2013, Hyderabad, pp-13-19, ISBN:9789351071495.
- Sahana, S.K. and Jain. A. 2012. “Modified Ant Colony Optimizer (MACO) for the Travelling Salesman Problem”, Computational Intelligence and Information Technology CIIT 2012, 3-4 Dec,2012, Chennai, In: ACEEE Conference Proceedings Series 3 by Elsevier, pp 267-276, ISBN:978-93-5107-194-5, searchdl.org/public/book_series/elsevierst/7/46.pdf.
- Sahana, S.K. and Jain, A., 2010. “A modular hybrid Ant Colony Approach for solving traveling salesman problem”, In: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Infocomm Technologies in Competitive Strategies (ICT 2010), Global Science and Technology Forum, Singapore, pp.978-981,ISBN:978-981-08-7240-3, doi:10.5176/978-981-08-7240-3_I-43, dl4.globalstf.org/?wpsc-product=a-modular-hybrid-ant-colony.