- Yogesh H. Bhosale ,K. Sridhar Patnaik, S. R. Zanwar, Saket Kr. Singh, Vandana Singh, U. B. Shinde,Thoracic?net: Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) based few shots learning feature fusion technique for multi?classifying thoracic diseases using medical imaging,,Multimedia Tools and Applications,Spinger https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-20327-3,Sep 2024
- Saket Kumar Singh,K.Sridhar Patnaik,”Convergence of various computer aided systems for breast tumor diagnosis: a comparative insight,”Multimedia Tools and Applications,Spinger,July,2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-024-19620-y
- Bhosale, Y.H., Patnaik, K.Sridhar,”Thoracic-Net: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) based Few Shots Learning Feature Fusion Technique for Multi-classifying Thoracic Diseases Using Medical Imaging", accepted for publication in Multimedia Tools and Applications,Spinger,2024
- Autonomous UAV navigation using deep learning-based computer vision frameworks: A systematic literature review, Aditya Vardhan Reddy Katkuri , Hakka Madan , Narendra Khatri , Antar Shaddad Hamed Abdul-Qawy, K.Sridhar Patnaik, Array23,Elsevier,Vol-23,pp1-20,Sep 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.array.2024.100361
- Bhosale, Y.H., Patnaik, K.Sridhar. Bio-medical imaging (X-ray, CT, ultrasound, ECG), genome sequences applications of deep neural network and machine learning in diagnosis, detection, classification, and segmentation of COVID-19: a Meta-analysis & systematic review. Multimedia Tools and Applications ,Spinger (2023), pp: 1-54, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-15029-1
- Bhosale, Y.H., Patnaik, K.Sridhar. "Application of Deep Learning Techniques in Diagnosis of Covid-19 (Coronavirus): A Systematic Review." Neural Processing Letters,Spinger (2022), pp. 1-53, 1doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11063-022-11023-0.
- Yogesh H. Bhosale, K. Sridhar Patnaik, PulDi-COVID: Chronic obstructive pulmonary (lung) diseases with COVID-19 classification using ensemble deep convolutional neural network from chest X-ray images to minimize severity and mortality rates, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 81,2023, 104445, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2022.104445
- Sweta Mehta,K.Sridhar Patnaik,Improved Prediction of Software Defects Using Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques" Neural Computing and Applications. Spinger, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-05811-3,SCIE,2021
- R.Mukherjee,K.S Patnaik,” A Survey on Different Approaches for Software Test Case Prioritization,” Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences,33(1041-1054),Elsevier,Nov.2021, IF-3.98.
- K.Sridhar Patnaik,Itu Snigdh,”Architectural Modeling of Cyber Physical Systems using UML”,International Journal of Cyber Physical Systems,pp 19-37,Vol.1,Issue.2,July-December,2019, DOI: 10.4018/IJCPS.2019070102,IGI-Global.
- Pooja Jha,K.Sridhar Patnaik,” Relative risk proneness in phases of software development: metric based approach with Cox model” International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-019-00904-8, 0976-4348 ,Spinger.ESCI/SCOPUS, Oct-23,2019.IF-1.02.
- R.Mukherjee,K.S Patnaik,” Prioritizing JUnit Test Cases Without Coverage Information: An Optimization Heuristics Based Approach”,IEEEAccess, SCIE/Scopus,Vol.9,pp-78092-78107,2019, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2922387.June,2019.IF-4.098.
- Priyanka Srivastava, K.S.Patnaik,”Valuation of Facial Images likeness under different posture”, MicroSystem Technologies, Spinger (SCI),2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-019-04441-z.April,2019,IF=1.61
- Pooja Jha, K Sridhar Patnaik, “Can Metric Judge Usability of Software: A Psychometric Walkthrough “, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology,(Scopus-Elsevier,Inderscience) ,Vol-58(1).2018.IF-1.1.
- Pooja Jha, K.S. Patnaik, “Applicability of Process Capability Analysis in Metrifying Quality of Software”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, (Scopus), Vol.85,No.3,pp. 279-289, March, 2016.
- Pooja Jha, K Sridhar Patnaik, “Empirical Bug Estimation Model: Replicating Ideas with Analysis and Implication of Bugs in CK Metric Suite”, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications (Scopus), 9(12),pp. 267-284, 2015
- Pooja Jha, K S Patnaik, “Enhancing Software Productivity Using Metrics and Improving Software Performance Using Proposed Model: An Empirical Study of Effect of Variance”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus), 10(8), pp. 19949-19966, 2015.
- B.Chakrbarty,K.S.Patnaik,”Software Development Effort Estimation using Fuzzy Bayesian Belief Network with COCOMO II”, International Journal of Software Engineering” Vol 8,No 1,pp 3-18,January,2015
- P. Jha,K.S Patnaik,“Product Based Software Metrics: A Review”, International Journal of Computer Science information and Engineering Technologies, 1(2), ISSN 2277-4408 || 01032012-001 , March 2012
- K.S.Patnaik, Lipika Jha,” A Proposed Method for Interprocedural Slicing”, International Journal of Software Engineering” Vol 6,pp 83-96,January,2013 .
- K.S.Patnaik, A.Sanober,” Plastic Surgery Facial Image Correspondence: A Near Set Approach,”International Journal of Computer Applications,Vol-42,No.1,pp 16-22,March-2012.
- K.S.Patnaik, Pooja Jha,” Comparative Analysis of COCOMO81 using various Fuzzy Membership Functions”,International Journal of Computer Applications,Vol-58,0975-8887,Nov-2012.
- K.S.Patnaik,D.K Srivastava,L.Bhambu,”Data Classification :A Rough-SVM Approach,” International Journal of Contemporary Engg Sciences. Vol .3, page 77-86, 2010.(Hikari Ltd,Bulgaria).
- K.S.Patnaik,J.F.Peters,G.Sahoo,” Comparing Behavior Patterns of Swarms that Learn Using Tolerance Perceptual Near Sets,” International Journal of Computer Science and Intelligent Computing.Vol.1.No.1,27-32,Sept-2010.
- K.S.Patnaik,A.Mustafi,”Perceptual Resemblance of Facial Images: A Near Set Approach”,Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engg.Vol 1,No.3,152- 156,Oct-Nov,2010.
- K.S.Patnaik , J.F.Peters , S.Anwar,, “Influence of Temperature on Swarmbots that Learn” International Journal of Cybernetics and Systems . Vol 39, page 502-519, 2008. (Taylor and Francis)
- K.S.Patnaik , S.Gupta ,” Enhancing Performance of Face Recognition System by Using Near Set Approach for Selecting Facial Features”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol .4, page 5-9, 2008
- Bhosale, Y.H., Singh, P., Patnaik, K.S. (2023). COVID-19 and Associated Lung Disease Classification Using Deep Learning. In: Gupta, D., Khanna, A., Hassanien, A.E., Anand, S., Jaiswal, A. (eds) International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 492. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3679-1_22
- Yogesh H Bhosale,K.Sridhar Patnaik,”IoT Deployable Lightweight Deep Learning Application For COVID-19 Detection With Lung Diseases Using RaspberryPi”,IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technology,6-8 May,2022,BIT Mesra Ranchi,India.10.1109/ICIBT52874.2022.9807725.
- Y. H. Bhosale and K. S. Patnaik, "Graph and Capsule Convolutional Neural Network Based Classification of Lung Cancer, Pneumonia, COVID-19 using Lung CT and Ultrasound Radiography Imaging," 2022 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), Noida, India, 2022, pp. 381-387, doi: 10.1109/ICSC56524.2022.10009568, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSC56524.2022.10009568
Y. H. Bhosale and K. Sridhar Patnaik, "ECG-CCNet: Cardiovascular(Cardiac) and COVID?19 Disease Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network Learning Pipeline Approaches From Electrocardiography(ECG)- A Study," 2022 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON), Silchar, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SILCON55242.2022.10028792. https://doi.org/10.1109/SILCON55242.2022.10028792
- Pooja Jha,K.S Patnaik,"Accessing Overall Software Defect Based Risk Using Analytic Hierarchical Process"Proc of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics,Conputing and Communication Systems,MCCS-2019,LNEE,Spinger,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5546-6_11.
- Rajendrani Mukherjee,K.Sridhar Patnaik,”Introducing a Fuzzy Model for Cost Cognizant Software Test Case Prioritization ”In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference,TENCON-2019,Region 10,Page 502-507,17-19 Oct,2019,Kochi,Kerala,India.
- Ashwin Khadatkar, Roshni Khedgaonkar,K.S.Patnaik, Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition System, 2016 World Conference on Futuristic Trends in Research and Innovation for Social Welfare (Startup Conclave),( 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE),2016.
- Pooja Jha, K Sridhar Patnaik ,”Program Code Understandability and Authenticating Code Predicting Systems: A Metric-Based Approach. Springer India 2016 D.K. Lobiyal et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal, Networks, Computing, and Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 396, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3589-7_10,Spinger2016.
- M.Sajwan,, K Sridhar Patnaik ,”Quantifiable Image Nearness Approach using Descriptive Neighbourhood" Springer India 2016 D.K. Lobiyal et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal, Networks, Computing, and Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 396, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-3589-7_10,Spinger2016.
- K.S.Patnaik,A.Bhattacharjee,"Modified Rough Fuzzy C Means Algorithm for MR Image segmentation,Proceedings of First International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Research Advancement IEEE,ICMIRA 2013,Dec 21-23,2013,SMVDU,Katra,Jammu.
- K.S.Patnaik, S.Patel,”Analysis of Clustring Algorithms for MRI image Segmentation using IQI”,Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communication,Computing and Secruity(ICCCS-2012),Elsevier,Sciverse ScienceDirect,NIT,Rourkela,389-396,Oct-2012.
- K.S.Patnaik, S.Patel,”Analysis of Clustring Algorithms for MR Image Segmentation Using IQI”, Proc. Of International Conference on Communication, Computing and Security(ICCCS-2012), Elsevier, SciVerse ScienceDirect ,387-396,Oct-2012,NIT,Rourkela
- K.S Patnaik , G.Sahoo , S.Anwar ,”Temperature Variation Near Actor Learning for Swarms that Learn,”IEEE Region 10 Colloquim and Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems ,ICIIS 2008, IIT, Kharagpur , India,pp-96,8-10 Dec,2008.
- K.S.Patnaik , Anwar. S ,” Actor critic learning: A near set approach”, in C. Chien- Chung, J.W. Grzymala-Busse, W. Ziarko, Eds., The Sixth Int. Conf. on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2008), Akron, Ohio, USA, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 23-25 Oct. 2008. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-88425-5_26.DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-88425-5_26.
- K.S.Patnaik , J.F.Peters , D.Tiwari , P.K.Pandey ,” Temperature Variation in Q-Learning,” Proc.of the National Seminar on Recent Advances on InformationTechnology(RAIT-2007),pp176-185,Feb26-2727,2007,ISM,Dhanbad,India.
- K.S Patnaik , J.F.Peters , D.Tiwari , P.K.Pandey ,”Effect of Temerature on Swarms that Learn using Actor Critic Learning,” Proc.of the International Conf.on Systemics, Cybernetics and Information, pp 1-5, Vol 2, (ICSCI-2007), Jan 03-07,2007,Hyderabad,India.
- K.S Patnaik , N.Aggarwal , G.Sahoo ,”Application of Rough Set Reducts in Data Mining of Diabetes Data”, Proc.of the National Conf. on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering Applications,, pp 369-376, March 24-26,2006,NIT,Rourkela,India.
- K.S Patnaik , S.Malhotra , B.D.Sahoo ,”Software Development Effort Estimation using CBR:A Review”, Proc.of the National Conf. on Software Engineering Principles and Practices(SEPP-04),, pp 87-94, March 05-06,2004,TIET,Patiala,Punjab,India.
- K.S Patnaik , S.Malhotra , G.Sahoo ,”Genetic Programming Approach to Software Development Effort Estimation “, Proc.of the 39th Annual National Convention of Computer Society of India,(CSI-2004), pp 222-227, Dec 01-04,2004,Mumbai,India
- Other Information:
- Conducted Symposium on Computer Education: Needs and Expectations on 19-20 Nov,2010 as Organizing Secretary.
- Conducted National Workshop on Testing of Object Oriented Software from March 11-13,2011 as Course Coordinator.(Sponsored by MCIT-DIT,GOI).
- Conducted National Workshop on High Performance Computing from May 02-06, 2016 as Course Coordinator.(Sponsored by TEQIP-II).
- Conducted IoT Lab sessions for UG/PG students in association with CDAC Bangalore and TEQIP-III on 4-5 April,2018
- Coordinator IoT Challenge 2019,Prelims,Oct 13-14,2018 at BIT Mesra in association with I3India Tech and IIT Bombay
- Conducted Software Testing Lab sessions for UG/PG students in association with LDRA Bangalore and TEQIP-III on 29-30 Sept,2018.
- Coordinator 12th National Workshop on Recent Trends in Software Testing (RTST2019) from 20th May to 24th May,2019,Sponsored by TEQIP-III,LDRA,ACMISoft,OUP.
- Course Coordinator,IoT BootCamp,Aug 14 to Aug 19,2019,Sponosred by TEQIP-III in association with madBlocks Tec Pvt Ltd ,Hyderabad.
- Coordinator,ATAL-FDP on Blockchain,Sep 7-11,2020
- Coordinator,ATAL-FDP on Quantum Computing,Jun 21-25,2021
- Org.Chair,IEEE International Conference on IoT and Blockchain Technology,May-6-8,2022
- SPOC,SIH2022 Finals,BIT Mesra ,Nodal Center
- Delivered Online Talk on Blockchan Technology in FDP (27th March to 2nd April 2023 by Make Skilled, Hyderabad as part of Corporate Innovation Accelerator Program 2023 ) at Malineni Lakshmaiah Womens Engineering College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
Dept Activities Identified By HOD:
a)Dept BoS Member,2019-
b)NBA Coordinator,M.Tech(CSE),2015-2019
b)Syllabus,Course Structure Revision,2015
c)Departmental Purchase Committee,2015
d)Departmental Academic Council,2011-2015
Administrative/ Institute Support Work
Section/ Office/ Institute level Committee
Position Held
Responsibility Type
1 |
Associate Dean,Student Affairs |
March 1,2021 |
28 Feb,2023 |
Associate Dean |
Student Activities |
Asst Warden
July 2008
July 2013
Asst Warden
Hostel 10,7,11
July 2013
July 2014
Hostel 07
July 2014
July 2015
Hostel 11
Faculty Incharge
April 2013
July 2014
Faculty Incharge
ACM Student Chapter
April 2011
Feb 2013
PhD Scholars :
a) Pooja Jha, 29 April,2019,Title-Statistical Analysis and Investigation of Software Metrics.
b) Priyanka Srivastava, 13 Mar,2020, Title- Investigation of Near System in Terms of Image Resemblance.
c) Rajendrani Mukherjee, Sep-1 ,2020,Title-Investigation of Software Test Case Prioritization Techniques.
d)Yogesh H.Bhosale,PhD/CSE/10010/20,Feb 27,2024,Title-An Automated Lung Workflow For Diagnostic Assistance In COVID-19
On Going
a) Saket Kumar Singh,PhD/CSE/10009/2021,(Medical Imaging)
b) Sweta Mehta(Reg,SBU),Ext Guide(ML in Software Defect Prediction)
c)Kundan Kumar,PhD/CSE/10006/24(CPS)
PG Thesis Guided(Since last promotion i.e 2012 onwards): 14
Workshops/Training Programs:
- One week Online Mobile App Development,RIT IEEE Branch,Vizag in association with MadBlocks Technologies PvT Ltd.Hyderabad,28 July - 1st Aug,2020
- One Week Online FDP on"MATLAB & Its Applications in AI and ML,E&ICT,NIT Patna,19-26 May,2020
- Six Day FDP on Machine learning Applications in Software Engineering ,E&ICT,NIT Warangal,11-16 June,2019
- GIAN Course on Internet of Things in Smart Living & Cyber-Physical-Social System,IIT Kanpur,8-17 Jan,2018.
- 11th National Workshop on Recent Trends in Software Testing (RTST-2018),KIIT Bhubaneshwar,18-22 May,2018
- STTP on Internet of Things,Cloud,Sensors and Big Data,July 13-26,2016,IIT KGP
- National Workshop on Recent Trends in Software Testing,May 16-18 ,2016,NIT,Rourkela
- Application of GPU Programming in Engineering Fields-2015, ,YCCE,Nagpur in Association with IIT Guwahati. 20-24 Feb, 2015
- Two Week Workshop on Design and Analysis of Algorithms”NMEICT,IIT KGP,June 25-30,2015 BIT Mesra,Ranchi.
- Faculty Residency Program on Cloud Computing By IBM Pune,June 25-27,2014
- National Workshop on Engineering Optimization using Matlab and Excel,QIP,IIT,Guwahati,Feb 29-March 3,2012.
- National Workshop on Object Oriented Software Testing, June-2008, NIT, Rourkela, India.
- Short Term Course on Oracle Based Application Development, Nov 20-24, 2007, CDTE, IIT, Kanpur, India
- National Workshop on SVM, Centre for Soft Computing and Research, A National Facility, Nov 9-11, 2006, ISI, Kolkata, India.
- Workshop on Quality Enhancement of Engineering Education Through NPTEL, March 27-28, 2006, CET, IIT, Kharagpur, India.
- Workshop on Software Testing: A Practical Approach, September 02-03, 2005, ESCI-EI (I) Hyderabad, India.
Book Chapters:
- Bhosale, Y.H., Singh, P., Patnaik, K.S. (2023). COVID-19 and Associated Lung Disease Classification Using Deep Learning. In: Gupta, D., Khanna, A., Hassanien, A.E., Anand, S., Jaiswal, A. (eds) International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 492. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3679-1_22
- Pooja Jha,K.Sridhar Patnaik,"Self Driving Cars:Role of Machine Learning,pp 490-507,,Handbook of Reserach on Emerging Trends and Applications of Machine Learning,IGI-Global,Dec-2019.
- Itu Snigdh ,K Sridhar Patnaik,"Energy Management in OppNets" in "Opportunistic Networks-Mobility models,Protocols,Security and Privacy"CRC Press,Sept,2018
- K.Sridhar Patnaik,Itu Snigdh,"Modeling and Design of IoT System using UML Diagrams:An Introduction"in Integrating the IoT into Software Engineering Practices,IGI-Global,Jan-2019