1. B.Chakraborty, N.Mondal, N.Das, N. Samanta, and C.RoyChaudhuri, “Competitive Impedance Spectroscopy in a Schottky Contacted ZnO Nanorod Structure for Ultrasensitive and Specific Biosensing in Physiological Analyte”, ACS Sensors , 6, 1634–1647, 2022.
2. N. Das, B. Chakraborty and C. RoyChaudhuri, “ A Review on Nanopores based Single-Molecule Sensing in Complex Analyte”, Talanta ,Vol. 243,pp. 123368, 2022.
3. N. Das, V. Damodaran, B. Chakraborty and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Experiment and FEM Analysis of Silica Nanoparticle based Impedance Immunosensor for Sensitivity Enhancement”, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 20, pp. 247-255, 2021.
4. B.Chakraborty, A.Das, N.Mondal, N. Samanta, N.Das, and C.RoyChaudhuri, “Label Free, Electric Field Mediated, Flexible Electrochemical Aptasensor using Graphene-ZnO Nanorod Heterostructure with Screen Printed Electrodes and Smartphone Interface for CEA Detection”, Scientific Reports,Vol.11, pp. 2962 ,2021.
5. N. Mandal, V. Pakira, N. Samanta, N. Das, S. Chakraborty, B. Pramanick and C. RoyChaudhuri, “PSA Detection using Label Free Graphene FET with Coplanar Electrodes Based Microfluidic Point of Care Diagnostic Device”, Talanta ,vol. 222,pp. 121581,2021.
6. N. Das, N. Mandal, P. K. Sekhar and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Signal Processing for Single Biomolecule Identification using Nanopores: A Review”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, pp. 12808-12820, 2021.
7. N. Das, G.D. Ropmay, A. M. Joseph and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Modelling the Effective Conductance Drop due to a Particle in a Solid State Nanopore Towards Optimized Design” ,IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 19, pp.598-608, 2020.
8. N. Das, N. Samanta, A.M.Joseph, H. Ghosh and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Noise Spectroscopy Analysis for Estimation of Specific Biomolecule in Complex Mixture Using Solid State Nanopore”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 17,pp. 1138-1145, 2018.
9. N. Das, R. Ray, S. Ray and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Intelligent Quantification of Picomolar Protein Concentration in Serum by Functionalized Nanopores”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, pp. 10183 – 10191, 2018. (Impact Factor:3.076)
10. N. Das et al, “Processes at Nanopores and Bio-Nanointerfaces: General Discussion”, Faraday Discussions, vol. 210, pp. 145-171, 2018.
11. B. Chakraborty, S. Ghosh, N. Das and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Liquid Gated ZnO Nanorod FET Sensor for Ultrasensitive Detection of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen with Vertical Electrode Configuration”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 122, pp. 58-67, 2018.
12. N. Das and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Reliability Study of Nanoporous Silicon Oxide Impedance Biosensor for Virus Detection: Influence of Surface Roughness”, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 402-409, 2015.
13. N. Das, J. Basu , C. RoyChaudhuri, “Graphene coated nanoporous silicon immunosensor for food toxin detection”, Intl. J. of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Special issue on MEMS (Springer), Volume 7, Issue 4, pp 204-209 ,2015.
14. N. Das, N. Samanta, L. Pandey, C. Roy Chaudhuri, “Ultrasensitive Hepatitis B Virus Detection in Blood Using Nano-Porous Silicon Oxide: Towards POC Diagnostics”, Intl. J. of Medical, Health, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 5,pp. 353-357, 2015.
Book chapter
1. Saketha, Y., Neeraja, G., Chakraborty, B., & Das, N. (2024). Point-of-care nanotechnology-based sensors for environmental pollutants. In Elsevier eBooks (pp. 439–454).
2. C. RoyChaudhri and N. Das, “Porous silicon electrochemical biosensors: Performance and commercial prospects”, Journal: Handbook of Porous Silicon, pp 1293-1313,2018.
1. N. Mandal, V. Pakira, N. Samanta, N. Das, S. Chakraborty, B. Pramanick, C. RoyChaudhuri, “Nanostructured Coplanar Graphene Fet Biosensor Integrated With CD Based Microfluidic Platform For Point-Of-Care Application” 10th ISSS National Conference on Micro and Smart Systems NCMSS2019, October 21-23, 2019, NMAM Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India.
2. C. RoyChaudhuri , R. Ray, N. Das, N. Samanta, S. Roy and A.M. Joseph , “Quantification of Transient Signals in Nanopore for Rapid Selective Estimation of Proteins in Real Sample”, Electrochemistry at Nano-interfaces: Faraday Discussion, 26 - 28 June 2018, Bath, United Kingdom.
3. N. Das, V. Damodaran and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Silica Nanoparticle Based Label Free Impedance Immunosensor: Role of Particle Size in Sensitivity Enhancement”, 2017 IEEE 12th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), pp. 43-44, October 2-4, 2017, Singapore. DOI:10.1109/NMDC.2017.8350495.
4. N. Das, A.M.Joseph and C. RoyChaudhuri, “Noise Spectroscopy Analysis for Estimation of Specific Biomolecule in Complex Mixture Using Solid State Nanopore” 2017 IEEE 12th Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), PP. 208-209, October 2-4, 2017, Singapore.DOI: 10.1109/NMDC.2017.8350559.
5. N.Das, C.RoyChaudhuri, “Noise Spectroscopy Analysis in Nanoporous Silicon Oxide Immunosensor for Virus Detection in Blood”, Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology PSST”, March 6 – 11, Tarragona, Spain, 2016.
6. N.Das, N.Samanta, C.RoyChaudhuri, "Nanostructured Silicon Oxide Immunosensor Integrated with Noise Spectroscopy Electronics for POC Diagnostics ",29th International Conference on VLSI Design and 5th International Conference on Embedded System, pp.367-372, January 4-8, Kolkata, India,2016.
7. N. Das, N. Samanta, L. Pandey, and C. RoyChaudhuri, "Ultrasensitive Hepatitis B Virus Detection in Blood Using Nanostructured Porous Silicon Oxide: Towards POC Diagnostics," XIII Int. Conf. on Emerging Biosensors and Biotechnology, May 11 - 12, 2015 , Montreal, Canada.
8. N. Das, J. Basu and C. Roychaudhuri, “Graphene Coated Nanoporous Silicon Immunosensor for Food Toxin Detection”, International Conference on Mems and Sensors (ICMEMSS 2014), December 18-20, 2014, IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
9. N.Das, J.Basu and C.RoyChaudhuri, “High Performance Graphene Based Nanoporous Silicon Sensor for Food Toxin Detection”, National Seminar on Thin Film and MEMS Science and Technology, March 21-22, 2014, Kolkata. India.
10. N.Das and C.RoyChaudhuri,” Modeling of Silicon Oxide Nanoporous Structure for Sensitive and Specific Detection of Food Toxin,” National Seminar-cum-Workshop on "Sensor and Sensing System for Taste Characterization of Food and Agro Produces,May 09-10,2013 ,IIT Kharagpur, India.
11. N.Das, C.RoyChaudhuri, “Polymer Nanowire Based Impedance Biosensor”, COMSOL Conference, November 2-3, 2012, Bangalore, India.