Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey
Assistant Professor and In charge, Management
MBA, LLM, D.Phil.(MONIRBA, University Of Allahabad).
Contact Address
Permanent Address S/O, Sri Parmatma Nand Pandey, 308/E,B.H.S,(Bhaghambari Housing Scheme), Shiv Nagar Colony, Allahapur, Allahabad.(U.P), Pin. 211006.
Local Address C/O, Smt. Situ Kumari, New Birla Colony, Phulawari Sharif, Near Shiv Mandir, Patna, Bihar.
Phone (Office) 0612-2223545
Phone Residence 0532-2500981
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 23-Jul-2005

  Work Experience
Teaching : 16 Years

Research : 12 Years

Individual: 22 Years

  Professional Background

Having  graduated in humanities discipline from the University of  Allahabad , and a masters in business administration MBA (HR),from Veer Bahadur Singh Poorvanchal University, Jaunpur, U.P,(India), pursued LLB.  from the  University of Allahabad, followed, by a doctor of philosophy , ( D.Phil), from( MONIRBA), University of Allahabad, and LLM (PT) from NGBU(Nehru Gram Bharti University), Allahabad. Holds varied exposure of  nearly  22 years of training and teaching under graduate and post graduate students in  management, computer science, and engineering along with research and academic administration under  various capacities in institutions of National  repute: is continuously engaged in imparting professional services in the field of management education as a respected teacher and researcher.  

  Research Areas

General Management, HRM And Law

  Award and Honours


Awards and Honours

Was Certified as an excellent project monitor by WHO(World Health Organization). Awarded Certificate of appreciation for the duties discharged at(Kamala Nehru Institute Of Technology) K. N. N. I. T. Engineering college and was selected as a visiting faculty by the selection board at K. N. N. I. T. Sultanpur. Appointed as an examiner at Faizabad University, SMU(Sikkim Manipal University) etc. Appointed as expert empanelist for selecting MBA students of Bharti Vidyapeethi University





Publications in National/International Journal


Ashutosh Shukla, Ashish Mohan Dubey, Sunil Kumar Pandey, A Blended Approach to Organizational Learning in Indian software in dustry Vision The Journal of Business Perspective., 2023,1177, 22-23

Ashutosh Shukla Sunil Kumar Pandey.Ashish Mohan Dubey, Organizational learning factors responsible for achieving business excellence in IT Industry in India, International Journal of Business Excellence, 2021,X,Y,xxxx (In Press)DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.10043395.ISSN online1756-0047

S.Ashutosh, P.K.Sunil, D.MAshish ‘Determinants of Organizational Learning in a firm:An Empirical Analysis of Indian IT Industry’, Journal of Global Business Review (Published online June2018); SAGE Volume21, Issue4, 2020, 1051-1064.

S.Vivek, M.K.Adhip, P.K.Sunil" Determinants of organizational success: An empirical analysis of insurance sector in  India" International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020,29(5s), 1689-1707,  ISSN: 2005-4238.(Print) ISSN 2207-6360(Online)

S. Ashutosh, P.K. Sunil, D.M. Ashish, "A Pilot Study on Organizational Learning in Indian Software Industry" The Journal of Business & Economic Studies, 2018, XI (II), 54- 61.


V Srivastava, S K Pandey, A K Mohanty, Training and development: A tool for retention and productivity, The journal of Indian Management, 2018. 8 (3), 67-71,

ISSN N0:2249-7803

S. Ashutosh, P.K. Sunil, D.M Ashish Accelerating Learning in Organizations: The Next Thing in Organizational Learning Research, Samiksha ,  2016 ,xxx,08-11.  ISSN NO. 0975-7708

S. Vivek, D.M. Ashish, M.K. Adhip, P.K. Sunil, "Insurance market in India - A critical study of life insurance", Wesleyan Journal of Research, 2015, 13(49), 78-89.  ISSN :0975-1386

S. Vivek, P.K. Sunil, M.K. Adhip,"Employee retention: a good investment for future", ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, ,2015,5(10), 27-33, ISSN:2249-8826.(Online)

Munda Pradeep, Pandey S.K. "Significance of Indian Capital Market in the Growth of Economy", Vidhan: A Research Journal, June 2011, Vol. 2, 56-66.  ISSN No. 2230-9896.

Pandey S.K. and Munda Pradeep,"A Basic Review of Indian Capital Market", The Journal of Business & Economic Studies: 2011, IV, No. II,  RNI-UPBIL/2007/23544.

Book Chapter

Kamari, A., Pandey, S. K., & Agrawal, V., Employee Retention; a Contemporary  Challenge in Indian IT sector, Emerging Trends of Technological Innovations in Start Ups, N.K Mehra for Norasa Publishing house Pvt. Ltd, 2024,182-190. ISBN 978-81-8487-783-0

Kumari, A., & Pandey, S. K., Impact of Green HRM Practices on employee Retension: towords a sustainable future,In Public Policy Praxis: Contemporary Issues, Perspectives & Research, Bharti Publications 2023, 1st ed., 242-255.  ISBN: 978-81-19079-9 7

Shukla, A., Dubey, A.M., Pandey, S.K.. Operating in Industry 4.0: The Need for Gig-Workers and Systems Approach. In: Gupta, A., Tewary, T., Gopala krishnan, B.N. (eds) Sustainability in the Gig Economy. Springer, Singapore, 2022.

S.Vivek, P.K.Sunil, M .K. Adhip,T. Nidhi, "Employee diversification and organizational success" , National conference on modernization in society upcoming trends, at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Sara book publication, 2017,397-402 ISBN: 978-1-73035-617-9

S. Vivek, P.K. Sunil , M.K. Adhip, "Corporate social responsibility for rural development" in national conference on Dimensions of public policy: changing scenario, at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Excel India publishers,  2014 ,391-396,  ISBN: 978-93-83842-22-3

  Member of Professional Bodies
  • Member Society Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  Current Sponsored Projects
  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Patent Number: 2021104529    


  Member, Editorial Board