Publications in National/International Journal
Ashutosh Shukla, Ashish Mohan Dubey, Sunil Kumar Pandey, A Blended Approach to Organizational Learning in Indian software in dustry Vision The Journal of Business Perspective., 2023,1177, 22-23
Ashutosh Shukla Sunil Kumar Pandey.Ashish Mohan Dubey, Organizational learning factors responsible for achieving business excellence in IT Industry in India, International Journal of Business Excellence, 2021,X,Y,xxxx (In Press)DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.10043395.ISSN online1756-0047
S.Ashutosh, P.K.Sunil, D.MAshish ‘Determinants of Organizational Learning in a firm:An Empirical Analysis of Indian IT Industry’, Journal of Global Business Review (Published online June2018); SAGE Volume21, Issue4, 2020, 1051-1064.
S.Vivek, M.K.Adhip, P.K.Sunil" Determinants of organizational success: An empirical analysis of insurance sector in India" International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020,29(5s), 1689-1707, ISSN: 2005-4238.(Print) ISSN 2207-6360(Online)
S. Ashutosh, P.K. Sunil, D.M. Ashish, "A Pilot Study on Organizational Learning in Indian Software Industry" The Journal of Business & Economic Studies, 2018, XI (II), 54- 61.
V Srivastava, S K Pandey, A K Mohanty, Training and development: A tool for retention and productivity, The journal of Indian Management, 2018. 8 (3), 67-71,
ISSN N0:2249-7803
S. Ashutosh, P.K. Sunil, D.M Ashish Accelerating Learning in Organizations: The Next Thing in Organizational Learning Research, Samiksha , 2016 ,xxx,08-11. ISSN NO. 0975-7708
S. Vivek, D.M. Ashish, M.K. Adhip, P.K. Sunil, "Insurance market in India - A critical study of life insurance", Wesleyan Journal of Research, 2015, 13(49), 78-89. ISSN :0975-1386
S. Vivek, P.K. Sunil, M.K. Adhip,"Employee retention: a good investment for future", ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, ,2015,5(10), 27-33, ISSN:2249-8826.(Online)
Munda Pradeep, Pandey S.K. "Significance of Indian Capital Market in the Growth of Economy", Vidhan: A Research Journal, June 2011, Vol. 2, 56-66. ISSN No. 2230-9896.
Pandey S.K. and Munda Pradeep,"A Basic Review of Indian Capital Market", The Journal of Business & Economic Studies: 2011, IV, No. II, RNI-UPBIL/2007/23544.
Book Chapter
Kamari, A., Pandey, S. K., & Agrawal, V., Employee Retention; a Contemporary Challenge in Indian IT sector, Emerging Trends of Technological Innovations in Start Ups, N.K Mehra for Norasa Publishing house Pvt. Ltd, 2024,182-190. ISBN 978-81-8487-783-0
Kumari, A., & Pandey, S. K., Impact of Green HRM Practices on employee Retension: towords a sustainable future,In Public Policy Praxis: Contemporary Issues, Perspectives & Research, Bharti Publications 2023, 1st ed., 242-255. ISBN: 978-81-19079-9 7
Shukla, A., Dubey, A.M., Pandey, S.K.. Operating in Industry 4.0: The Need for Gig-Workers and Systems Approach. In: Gupta, A., Tewary, T., Gopala krishnan, B.N. (eds) Sustainability in the Gig Economy. Springer, Singapore, 2022.
S.Vivek, P.K.Sunil, M .K. Adhip,T. Nidhi, "Employee diversification and organizational success" , National conference on modernization in society upcoming trends, at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Sara book publication, 2017,397-402 ISBN: 978-1-73035-617-9
S. Vivek, P.K. Sunil , M.K. Adhip, "Corporate social responsibility for rural development" in national conference on Dimensions of public policy: changing scenario, at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, Excel India publishers, 2014 ,391-396, ISBN: 978-93-83842-22-3