International Journals
- Priyadarshi Suraj, Vibha Rani Gupta and Manish Saxena, " Design and Analysis of Monopole Patch Antenna With Triple Band Rejection Characteristics" Microwave and optical technology letter, vol. 59, p.p. 138-142, 2017.
- Priyadarshi Suraj, Vibha Rani Gupta and Manish Saxena, " CPW Fed Dual Notched Band UWB Antenna for Indoor Communication Systems " National Academy of Science letters, vol. 40 (6), p.p. 415-419, 2017.
- Priyadarshi Suraj, Vibha Rani Gupta and Manish Saxena, “Design and optimization of single notched UWB antenna using Genetic Algorithm” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10 (7) p.p. 1815-16823, 2015.
- Bharat Bhushan Agrawal, Priyadarshi Suraj, Vibha Rani Gupta, “Printed Monopole antenna for UWB Application” International Journal Of Microwave And Optical Technology, vol. 5 (4), p.p. 207-211, 2010.
International Conferences
- P. Suraj, V. R. Gupta, "Design of CPW Fed Slot Antenna for UWB Communication ”ICIEM 2013 BIT Patna Feb 22-23 2013.
- P. Suraj, V. R. Gupta, " Design of Microstrip Slot Antenna for UWB Communication using CPW-Feed” ICAEEE_2011 MIT, Moradbad Feb 25-26,2011.
- P.Suraj, V.R. Gupta, "CPW fed monopole patch antenna for lower range of UWB application” ICMARS-2011, ICRS, Jodhpur, Dec.,2011.
- P. Suraj, V.R Gupta, "Design of CPW-Fed Microstrip Slot Antenna for Ulltra Wideband Communication” ICMARS-2010, ICRS, Jodhpur, Dec.14-17,2010.
- P. Suraj, V.R.Gupta, "On the Behavior of Monopole Patch Antenna” ICMARS-2009, ICRS, Jodhpur Dec.19-21,2009.
- P.Suraj, Dr. V.R.Gupta and Dr. Manish saxena, "Improvement in Performance of Monopole Patch Antenna using Genetic Algorithm for UWB Applications” SDCETMZN S.D.College of Engg., Muzaffarnagar Nov.29-30,2009.
- P.Suraj and V.R.Gupta, " Design & Optimization of Monopole Patch Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm for UWB” ICIT’09 (IEEE, Delhi Chapter) PDM College of Engg. Bahadurgarh June 18-19, 2009.