Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Dr. Dinesh Prasad
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering and Biotechnology
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Contact Address
Permanent Address Ranchi
Local Address BIT Mesra
Phone (Office) 06512276223
Phone Residence 9934355682
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 1-Oct-2011

  Work Experience
Teaching : 14 Years

Research : 19 Years

Individual: 19 Years

  Professional Background
  • Worked as Visiting professor at DAFNAE, University of Padova, Italy for one month starting 6th Sep. to 12th Oct. 2018. Fellowship provided by Erasmus Plus Program, European Union.
  • Working as Assistant Professor Department of Biotechnology, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi  since October 2011 
  • Worked as postdoctoral fellow in Department DAFNAE, University of Padova, Italy. Fellowship awarded by University of Padova Italy for one year starting January 2014 – December 2014 
  • Worked as Young Researcher in  Dept of Agricultural Biotechnology, University of Padova, Italy Fellowship Awarded by Ministry of University and Research, Italy starting November  2, 2007 -,October 20, 2008. 
  • Worked as Lab In-charge cum tutor, Department of Biotechnology, ST. Columba’s College, Hazaribag, Jharkhand starting  April 1, 2004 to February 28, 2005.

Ph.D. Awarded (02)

Student Name



Level Ph.D/PG

Guidance (Guide/Co-Guide)

Titled of Thesis

Satyajit Saurabh




An RNAi Approach to Induce Parthenocarpy in Trichosanthes diocia Roxb. by Regulating Phytohormones

Dhirendra Prabhakar





Detection of Heavy metals in environmental samples through porous silicon based nanosensor

Ph.D. Ongoing (04)


Courses taught


Sl. No.



Cell and Molecular Biology


Cell Biology and Biochemistry Lab


Biological Science for Engineers


Functional Genomics and rDNA technology


Molecular Biology and rDNA Technology Lab


Food Science and Technology


Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology



Food Biotechnology (Chem. Engg Dept)


Advanced Food Chemistry and Microbiology (Chem. Engg Dept)


Molecular Cell Biology


Cell Biology and Biochemistry Lab




Biosafety and IPR


rDNA Technology and Genetic Engineering


Publications and activities out of Collaborations:


Manuscript published (* authors contributed equally as first authors)

  1. Saurabh, S., Prasad, D*., Masi, A., & Vidyarthi, A. S. (2022). Next generation sequencing and transcriptome analysis for identification of ARF and Aux/IAA in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.), a non-model plant. Scientia Horticulturae, 301, 111152. (IF 4.3, SCI)
  2. Giaretta, S., Prasad, D*., Forieri, I., Vamerali, T., Trentin, A. R., Wirtz, M., & Masi, A. (2017). Apoplastic gamma-glutamyl transferase activity encoded by GGT1 and GGT2 is important for vegetative and generative development. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 115, 44-56. (IF 5.5, SCI)
  3. Trentin, A. R., Pivato, M., Mehdi, S. M., Barnabas, L. E., Giaretta, S., Fabrega-Prats, M, Prasad D, Giorgio Arrigoni and Antonio Masi (2015) Proteome readjustments in the apoplastic space of Arabidopsis thaliana ggt1 mutant leaves exposed to UV-B radiation.  Front. Plant Sci.   doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00128. (IF 6.7, SCI)
  4. Tiziana Destro, Dinesh Prasad*, Damiano Martignago, Ignacio Lliso Bernet, Anna Rita Trentin, Indu Kumari Renu, Massimo Ferretti and Antonio Masi. (2011) Compensatory expression and substrate inducibility of g-glutamyl transferase GGT2 isoform in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 805-814. doi:10.1093/jxb/erq316. (IF-7.9, SCI)


Workshop :

  1. Plant signal transduction and adaptations to environmental stresses by Prof. MARC KNIGHT Durham University, UK. 28th March – 14th April 2014
  2. “Diagnosis of ultrastructural changes through fixation and embedding of biological samples for TEM investigation” (at Institute for Electron Microscopy and Fine Structure Research, University of Graz, Austria) with Bernd Zechman. Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Institute of Plant Sciences, Graz, Austria during June 09-10, 2014.
  3. ProteoMIX International workshop held in Padova (Italy) during 7th to 8th September 2018.
  4. Conducted workshop on “Theoretical and practical course on plant Micropropagation” held on 24th to 5th October, DAFNAE, University of Padova.


Invited lecture:

  1. Global burden of food borne pathogens and their management. October 3, 2018, at AGRIPOLIS, Legnaro, Padova.
  2. Biotechnological Interventions in southeast Asian countries. October 3, 2018, at AGRIPOLIS, Legnaro, Padova.
  3. Inducing parthenocarpy in trichosanthus dioica Roxb. A vegetable frop in Gangetic plains; Exploring the possibilities through gene silencing. 21st September 2018 at DAFNAE, University of Padova, Italy



Hands-on training on various equipment:

  1. Cryotom for Enzyme histochemistry (Tissue-Tek® Cryo3® Flex Cryostat)
  2. ABI Quant Studio, 3456 well 48×72 (0.001 – 0.005; Usage in UHTS) (Ultra HTS).
  3. Gene pulsar for Agrobacterium mediated transformation (BIO-RAD)
  4. Handling Greenhouse and climate control chambers.



  1. Garg, R., Maurya, A., Mani, N. K., & Prasad, D. (2024). Thread-powered cell lysis and isotachophoresis: unlocking microbial DNA for diverse molecular applications. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 40(3), 97. (IF 4.3, SCI)
  2. Das, Sujit, Anamika Roy, Renu Masiwal, Mamun Mandal, Robert Popek, Monojit Chakraborty, Dinesh Prasad, Filip Chyli?ski, Amit Awasthi, and Abhijit Sarkar. 2023. "Comprehensive Analysis of PM1 Composition in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Basin: A Three-Year Urban Study" Sustainability 15, no. 20: 14894. (IF 3.3, SCI)
  3. Sudarsan, S., Prabhu, A., Prasad, D., & Mani, N. K. (2023). DNA Compaction Enhances Sensitivity of Fluorescence-Based Nucleic Acid Assays: Game changer in Point of Care Sensors?. Analyst. 48, 2295-2307. (IF 5.2, SCI)
  4. Prasad, D., Mani, N. K., & Pandey, D. M. (2022). CRISPR/Cas Technology: Opportunities for Phytopathogenic Viruses detection. Journal of Biotechnology. 360, 211-217. (IF 4.1, SCOPUS)
  5. Ray, R., Prabhu, A., Prasad, D., Garlapati, V. K., Aminabhavi, T. M., Mani, N. K., & Simal-Gandara, J. (2022). Paper-based Microfluidic Devices for Food Adulterants: Cost-Effective Technological Monitoring Systems. Food Chemistry, 133173. (IF 8.5, SCI)



  1. National workshop on 3D printing and allied technologies conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati under TEQIP, sponsored by MHRD, GOI Held on 06-10 January 2020.
  2. Summar Training program on Active Learning during June 18-22, 2018, at IIT, Gandhinagar.
  3. AICTE sponsored one-week QIP short term course on Modern Biophysical Techniques held at IIT, Bombay during December 11-15, 2017.
  4. Visited Department of Biotechnology, MIT, Manipal for collaborative research during December 2023.

  Research Areas

My current research interest is in the field of Biomolecular Engineering. Application of Nanotechnology and  Molecular Biology in various areas. 


  Award and Honours
  1. Awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by University of Padova Italy (2014 – 2015)
  2. Awarded Young Researcher in Dept of Agricultural Biotechnology, University of Padova by Ministry of University and Research, Italy (2007-2008). 
  3. Awarded CSIR Senior Research Fellowship.
  4. CSIR Travel Grant for presenting paper at 14th European congress on Biotechnology, Barcelona, Spain
  5. Selected among 20 best poster in 14th European congress on Biotechnology, 13-16 Sep 2009, Barcelona, Spain
  6. Second prize for project proposal in TLEP 2010, CSIR
  7. CSIR NET Dec- 2004 qualified
  8. GATE 2003 qualified




22. Garg, R., & Prasad, D. (2024). Enhanced pyrophosphate detection: Utilizing oPD-derived carbon dots and Fe3+ interactions in a paper strip biosensor. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 739, 150577. IF 2.5
21.    Garg, R., Maurya, A., Mani, N. K., & Prasad, D. (2024). Thread-powered cell lysis and isotachophoresis: unlocking microbial DNA for diverse molecular applications. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 40(3), 97. IF:4.2    
20.    Das, Sujit, Anamika Roy, Renu Masiwal, Mamun Mandal, Robert Popek, Monojit Chakraborty, Dinesh Prasad, Filip Chyli?ski, Amit Awasthi, and Abhijit Sarkar. 2023. "Comprehensive Analysis of PM1 Composition in the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Basin: A Three-Year Urban Study" Sustainability 15, no. 20: 14894.    IF: 3.9    

19.    Srivastava, P., & Prasad, D. (2023). Human Norovirus Detection: How Much Are We Prepared?. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. Published online IF:2.8    
18.    Garg, R., & Prasad, D. (2023). Carbon dots and their interactions with recognition molecules for enhanced nucleic acid detection. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 680:93-107. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.09.033 IF:3.1    
17.    Srivastava, P., & Prasad, D. (2023). Isothermal nucleic acid amplification and its uses in modern diagnostic technologies. 3 Biotech, 13(6), 200. IF: 2.9    
16.    Sudarsan, S., Prabhu, A., Prasad, D., & Mani, N. K. (2023). DNA Compaction Enhances Sensitivity of Fluorescence-Based Nucleic Acid Assays: Game changer in Point of Care Sensors?. Analyst. 48, 2295-2307 IF: 5.23    

15.    Prasad, D., Mani, N. K., & Pandey, D. M. (2022). CRISPR/Cas Technology: Opportunities for Phytopathogenic Viruses detection. Journal of Biotechnology. 360, 211-217 IF:3.6    
14.    Ray, R., Prabhu, A., Prasad, D., Garlapati, V. K., Aminabhavi, T. M., Mani, N. K., & Simal-Gandara, J. (2022). Paper-based Microfluidic Devices for Food Adulterants: Cost-Effective Technological Monitoring Systems. Food Chemistry, 390, 133173. IF:9.23    
13.    Saurabh, S., Prasad, D., Masi, A., & Vidyarthi, A. S. (2022). Next generation sequencing and transcriptome analysis for identification of ARF and Aux/IAA in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.), a non-model plant. Scientia Horticulturae, 301, 111152.    IF: 4.34    

12.    Saurabh, S., Prasad, D., & Vidyarthi, A. S. (2017). In vitro propagation of Trichosanthus dioica Roxb. for nutritional security. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 20(2), 81-87.1.02    
11.    Giaretta, S., Prasad, D., Forieri, I., Vamerali, T., Trentin, A. R., Wirtz, M., & Masi, A. (2017). Apoplastic gamma-glutamyl transferase activity encoded by GGT1 and GGT2 is important for vegetative and generative development. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 115, 44-56.    IF:5.43    
10.    Prabhakar, D., Prasad, D., & Vidyarthi, A. S. (2017). Modifying Porous Silicon with Dithizone for Environmental Application. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 76 (1) 57-62 IF: 1.06    

9.    Prabhakar, D., Prasad, D., & Vidyarthi, A. S. (2016). APS-ENSPb: Adapted Porous Silicon Based Electrochemical Nano-Sensor for Lead Detection. Sensor Letters, 14(11), 1099-1105 IF: 0.70    
8.    Dhirendra Prabhakar, Ambarish Sharan VIdyarthi, Dinesh Prasad(2016) Heavy Metals: Their Impact on Ecosystem and methods of detection Indian Journal of Environmental Protection 36 (9), 751-766 IF: 0.25    
7.    Vishal Kumar Singh, Shubham Choudhary, Ramesh Chandra, Dinesh Prasad(2016) Shorea robusta: A sustainable biomass feedstock Carbon - Science and Technology 8(3):112-117 · April 2016 8 (3), 112-117  

6.    Trentin, A. R., Pivato, M., Mehdi, S. M., Barnabas, L. E., Giaretta, S., Fabrega-Prats, M, Prasad D, Giorgio Arrigoni and Antonio Masi (2015) Proteome readjustments in the apoplastic space of Arabidopsis thaliana ggt1 mutant leaves exposed to UV-B radiation.  Front. Plant Sci.   doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00128 IF:6.67    

5.    Satyajit Saurabh, Ambarish S. Vidyarthi , Dinesh Prasad(2014) RNA interference: concept to reality in crop improvement. Planta 239: 543-564 IF: 4.54

4.    Tiziana Destro, Dinesh Prasad, Damiano Martignago, Ignacio Lliso Bernet, Anna Rita Trentin, Indu Kumari Renu, Massimo Ferretti and Antonio Masi. (2011) Compensatory expression and substrate inducibility of g-glutamyl transferase GGT2 isoform in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 805-814. doi:10.1093/jxb/erq316 IF:7.29    
3.    Prasad D, Shankaracharya, Vidyarthi A S. (2011) Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) based colorimetric assay for rapid detection of Salmonella species in food samples. World Journal of microbiology and Biotechnology. DOI 10.1007/s11274-011-0679-5 IF:4.27

2.    Theoretical Investigations on Structure and Function of Human Homologue hABH4 of E. coli ALKB4, S Shankaracharya, S Das, D Prasad, AS Vidyarthi Interdisciplinary Bio Central 2 (3), 8.1-8.5     IF: 1
1..    DNA based methods used for characterization and detection of food borne bacterial pathogens with special consideration to recent rapid methods D Prasad, AS Vidyarthi, African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (9) IF:2.5


Detail may be obtained from the following link


Scopus Author ID: 49663982900

ResearcherID: M-6484-2017



  Member of Professional Bodies
  1. Member of European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB)
  2. Life Member of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI)
  3. Life Member of Biotechnology Research Society of India (BRSI)
  Current Sponsored Projects
  1. Development of LAMP based dipstick format biosensor for sensitive and specific DNA detection. DST SERB 15.85 lakh 
  2. A RNAi approach to induce parthenocarpy in Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. By regulating phytohormones UGC BSR 6.00 lakh
  3. Seed Money Scheme, BIT Mesra (Completed) 2019-2020

  4. BIT Mesra PG Grant (2 Completed), 2022, 2023

  Text and Reference Books
  1. Rishabh Garg, Sourav Nandi, Hrithik Baradia, Aharnish Maurya, Dinesh Prasad and Kamel Abd-Elsalam Inorganic nanofertilizers production and characterization Nanofertilizer Synthesis: Methods and Types Elsevier 443135355, 36, 2024
  2. Srivastava, Pulkit, Dinesh Prasad, and Vinod Kumar Nigam. "Insight into microbial biosensors: Design, types and applications." In Bioprospecting of Microbial Diversity, pp. 425-440. Elsevier, 2022.
  3. Saurabh, Satyajit, and Dinesh Prasad. "Targeted genome engineering for insects control." In CRISPR and RNAi Systems, pp. 15-31. Elsevier, 2021.
  4. Saurabh, Satyajit, and Dinesh Prasad. "Role of CRISPR/Cas system in altering phenolic and carotenoid biosynthesis in plants defense activation." In CRISPR and RNAi Systems, pp. 319-331. Elsevier, 2021.
  5. Prasad D., Singh H. R., Pandey D. M., Prasad A. B. and Vidyarthi A. S. (2010) Biotechnology Interventions for sustainable rural development and upliftment. In Seyed E Hasnain, Rashmi, Bhavanath Jha, RN Sharan (Eds)  Biotechnology for Sustainable Development; Achievement and Challenges (pp-101-127). Ranchi: Mc-Graw Hill Publications.


  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  1. Indian patent – Appl. No : 1228/KOL/2010, Ref. No. Temp/144/KOL/2010, CBR No : 7423. Title of Invention: Colorimetric method and kit for the detection of specific nucleic acid sequence using non functionalized Gold nanoparticle.
  2. A method and device for nucleic acid extraction and purification. App. No: 202431007428; Ref. No: TEMP/E-1/8520/2024-KOL
  3. A polymer sheet for determining nucleic acid and method of use thereof. App. No: 202431038910; Ref. No: TEMP/E-1/45432/2024-KOL

  Member, Editorial Board

Invited Reviewer for Food Borne Pathogen and Disease, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. USA