- Purushottam Singh, Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta, “Optimizing Cryptographic Protocols Against Side Channel Attacks Using WGAN-GP And Genetic Algorithms”, Scientific Reports, Nature, 15, 2130 (2025) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-025-86118-4 (SCIE, Impact Factor – 3.8)
- Deepshikha Kumari, Prashant Pranav, Abhinav Sinha, Sandip Dutta, “A Hybrid Cheetah and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Network Intrusion Detection”, Engineering Research Express, IOP Science, Volume 7, Issue – 1, February (2025), 10.1088/2631-8695/adb47b (SCOPUS, ESCI, Impact Factor – 1.5)
- Deepshikha Kumari, Abhinav Sinha, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “Optimizing Neural Networks Using Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm for Intrusion Detection System”, Scientific Reports, Nature, 14, 17196 (2024) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-68342-6 (SCIE, Impact Factor – 3.8)
- Purushottam Singh, Prashant Pranav, Shamama Anwar, Sandip Dutta, “Leveraging Generative Adversarial Networks for Enhanced Cryptographic Key Generation”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Wiley, 2024, e8226. doi: 10.1002/cpe.8226 (SCIE, Impact Factor – 2)
- Purushottam Singh, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “Optimizing GANs for Cryptography: The Role and Impact of Activation Functions in Neural Layers Assessing the Cryptographic Strength”, Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2024; 14(6):2379. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14062379 (SCIE, Impact Factor – 2.4)
- Ankita Kumari, Purushottam Singh, Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta, Soubhik Chakraborty, “Prevention of Sleep Deprivation Attack in MANET using Cumulative Priority Based Cluster Head Selection”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 36 (16), Wiley, e8118, https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.8118 (2024) (SCIE, Impact Factor – 2)
- Purushottam Singh, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “A Modified RC-4 Cryptosystems to Enhance Security by using Negative Key Schedule”, Security and Privacy, Wiley, e438. doi: 10.1002/spy2.438 (2024) (ESCI, Impact Factor – 1.9)
- Animesh Kumar, Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta, Soubhik Chakraborty “Analysis of the Empirical Complexity of AES - 128 Statistically”, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, Taru Publications, September – 2024, Volume – 27, Issue – 6, pp. 1887-1903 (SCOPUS, ESCI, Impact Factor – 1.4)
- Animesh Kumar, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “Analysis of SQL Injection Attacks in the Cloud and in WEB Applications”, Security and Privacy, Wiley, 7 (3), 10.1002/spy2.370 (2024) (ESCI, Impact Factor – 1.9)
- Purushottam Singh, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “Network Security and Cryptography: Threats, Obstacles and Solutions - A Bibliometric Analysis”, Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, Bentham Science (SCOPUS)
- Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta and Soubhik Chakraborty, “Empirical and Statistical Comparison of Intermediate Steps of AES – 128 and RSA in Terms of Time Consumption”, Soft Computing Springer, August 2021, Volume – 25, pp. 13127 – 13145 (SCIE, Impact Factor – 4.1)
- Prashant Pranav, Soubhik Chakraborty and Sandip Dutta, “A New Cipher System using Semi-natural Composition in Indian Raga”, Soft Computing Springer, January 2020, Volume – 24, pp. 1529 – 1537 (SCIE, Impact Factor – 4.1)
- Naghma Khatoon, Prashant Pranav, Sharmistha Roy and Amritanjali, “FQ – MEC: Fuzzy – Based Q – Learning Approach for Mobility – Aware Energy – Efficient Clustering in MANET”, Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing, Hindawi, August 2021 (SCIE, Impact Factor – 2.3)
- Animesh Kumar, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “FQBDDA: Fuzzy Q-learning based DDoS Attack Detection Algorithm for Cloud Computing Environment”, International Journal of Information Technology, Springer (2023) (SCOPUS)
- Animesh Kumar, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “Supervised Learning for Attack Detection in Cloud”, International Journal of Experimental Research and Review: Vol 31 No Spl Volume (2023): Recent trends in Science, Technology & Design (SCOPUS)
- Animesh Kumar, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, “Prevention of VM Timing Side-channel Attack in a Cloud Environment using Randomized Timing Approach in AES – 128”, International Journal of Experimental Research and Review: Vol 31 No Spl Volume (2023): Recent trends in Science, Technology & Design (SCOPUS)
- Animesh Kumar, Sandip Dutta, Prashant Pranav, "A Comparative Study of DDoS Attack in Cloud Computing Environment”, SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 87-96, 2023 (SCOPUS)
- Naela Rizvi, Prashant Pranav, Bibhaw Raj, and Sanchita Paul, “Auction Model Using RR Approach for SLA Based Resource Provisioning in Multi-Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2016, Volume – 8, pp. 774-784 8 (SCOPUS)
- Prashant Pranav and Naela Rizvi, “Security in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Review”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2016, Volume – 8
- Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta and Soubhik Chakraborty, “Musical Cipher Systems: An Isolated but Challenging Research Domain”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities, Volume – 5
- Purushottam Singh, Prashant Pranav and Sandip Dutta, “Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks using WGAN-GP: A Novel Approach for Robust IoT Security”, 4th International Conference on Cryptography, Network Security and Blockchain Technology (ICNSBT 2025), Proceedings in Lecture Notes in Networks and System, Springer (SCOPUS)
- Deepshikha Kumari, Abhinav Sinha, Sandip Dutta and Prashant Pranav, “SMO-ANN: A Hybrid Classifier for Network Intrusion Detection System using Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm”, In: Mittal, H., Nanda, S.J., Lim, MH. (eds), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics (PCCDA 2024), Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, Springer (SCOPUS)
- Naghma Khatoon, Rishav Rishu, Sushant Verma and Prashant Pranav, “Proposing a Modified Proof of Stake System to Counter 51% Attack in Blockchain”, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing, and Communication Technologies (DICCT 2024), IEEEE (SCOPUS)
- Sonu Kumar Deo, Mahak Shah, Paramita Mallick, Shamama Anwar and Prashant Pranav, “A Blockchain based Electronic Health Record Management System with PoA Consensus”, In: Nayak, R., Mittal, N., Kumar, M., Polkowski, Z., Khunteta, A. (eds), Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (ICRAAI 2024), Innovations in Sustainable Technologies and Computing, Springer (SCOPUS)
- Purushottam Singh, Prashant Pranav, Vijay Nath, and Sandip Dutta, “Unmasking the Digital Illusion: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Deepfake Detection Research”, 9th International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Computational Intelligence and Communication Systems (NCCS – 2023)
- Deepshikha Kumari, Abhinav Sinha, Sandip Dutta and Prashant Pranav, “A Comprehensive Analysis of Various Cyber Attack Datasets used for Intrusion Detection System”, International Conference on Machine Intelligence with Applications (ICMIA 2023), Springer (SCOPUS)
- Saurabh Gupta, Banshikha Agarwal, Prashant Pranav, Shamama Anwar, “Enhancing Security in Blockchain-Based EHR Retrieval: A Comparative Analysis of Block Ciphers with a Special Emphasis on PRESENT-80”, International Conference on Machine Intelligence with Applications (ICMIA 2023), Springer (SCOPUS)
- Purnima Kumari Srivastava, Sharmistha Roy and Prashant Pranav, “A Review of Sentiment Analysis of Educational Sector Stakeholders”, Machine Learning and Information Processing: Proceedings of ICMLIP 2023, AIP Conf. Proc. 2981, Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4757-8 (SCOPUS)
- Ankita Kumari, Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta and Soubhik Chakraborty, “Empirical and Statistical Comparison of RSA and El-Gamal in Terms of Time Complexity”, In: Hemanth, J., Pelusi, D., Chen, J.IZ. (eds), Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things, Engineering Cyber – Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructure, 2023, Springer (SCOPUS)
- Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta and Soubhik Chakraborty, “An Involution Function-Based Symmetric Stream Cipher”, In: Nath V., Mandal J.K. (eds), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021, Volume – 673, Springer (SCOPUS)
- Prashant Pranav, Naela Rizvi, Naghma Khatoon and Sharmistha Roy, “A Review on SLA-Based Resource Provisioning in Cloud”, In: Swain D., Pattnaik P., Gupta P. (eds), Machine Learning and Information Processing, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021, Volume – 1101, Springer (SCOPUS)
- Prashant Pranav, Naela Rizvi and Ritesh Jha, “QoS Aware VM Allocation Policy in Cloud using a Credit Based Scheduling Algorithm”, In: Prasad et. al. (eds), Communication and Computing System, 2017, Taylor and Francis (SCOPUS)
- Naela Rizvi, Prashant Pranav, Bibhaw Raj and Sanchita Paul, “Auction Mechanism using SJF Scheduling for SLA Based Resource Provisioning in a Multi-Cloud Environment”, In: Prasad et. al. (eds), Communication and Computing System, 2017, Taylor and Francis (SCOPUS)
- Bibhaw Raj, Pratyush Ranjan, Naela Rizvi, Prashant Pranav and Sanchita Paul, “Improvised Bat Algorithm for Load Balancing-Based Task Scheduling”, In: Sa P., Sahoo M., Murugappan M., Wu Y., Majhi B. (eds), Progress in Intelligent Computing Techniques: Theory, Practice, and Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018, Volume – 518, Springer (SCOPUS)
Book Chapter
- Prashant Pranav, Anushkaa Prabhat, Deepshikha Kumari and Sandip Dutta, “Intrusion Detection System: Datasets, Threats, and Taxonomy”, Chapter – 03 In: Minakshi, Bijalwan A., Kumar T. (eds), Exploiting Machine Learning for Robust Security, 2025, IGI Global (SCOPUS)
- Purushottam Singh, Prashant Pranav, and Sandip Dutta. "GAN Cryptography”, Chapter – 14 In: Pranav P., Patel A., Jain S. (eds), Machine Learning in Healthcare and Security (pp. 184-194), 2024, CRC Press (SCOPUS)
- Prashant Pranav, Sandip Dutta and Soubhik Chakraborty, “Security Issues for the Semantic Web”, Chapter – 18 In: Jain S., Jain A., Balas V. (eds), Web Semantics: Cutting Edge and Future Directions in Healthcare, 2021, Elsevier (SCOPUS)
- Prashant Pranav, Soubhik Chakraborty and Sandip Dutta, “Statistical Comparative Study of the Execution Time of AES-128, RSA and Blowfish through ANOVA”, In: S. Chakraborty, P. Pal Choudhury, S. S. Hassan, J. K. Das and A. Sengupta (eds.), A Treatise on Computational Mathematics, Kolkata Press Books, Ist Ed., 2022, p.289-298 (ISBN: 978-93-94689-08-4)
- Sharmistha Roy, Prashant Pranav and Vandana Bhattacharjee, “Securing the Internet of Things: Current and Future State of the Art”, In: Pattnaik P., Mohanty S., Mohanty S. (eds), Smart Healthcare Analytics in IoT Enabled Environment. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 2020, Volume – 178, Springer (SCOPUS)
- Naghma Khatoon, Sharmistha Roy and Prashant Pranav, “A Survey on Applications of Internet of Things in Healthcare”, In: Balas V., Solanki V., Kumar R. (eds), Internet of Things and Big Data Applications, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 2020, Volume – 180, Springer (SCOPUS)