Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Dr. Vijay Agrawal
Associate Professor, Management
Ph.D (Management), MBA (Finance), B.Sc.(Maths)
Contact Address
Permanent Address Flat Number D-404 Dumardaga 4th Floor Shree Narayana Enclave Ranchi Ranchi-835217 JHARKHAND
Local Address Flat Number C-102, Aradhana Enclave, Khajpura, opposite Keshaw Palace, Bailey Road, Patna-800014 BIHAR
Phone (Office) 9431382607
Phone Residence 8809909623
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 3-Jul-2002

  Work Experience
Teaching : 19 Years

Research : 16 Years

Individual: 6 Years

  Professional Background

Career Summary

I have worked with leading corporate explicitly Raymond’s and Reliance Industries under ERP environment for 7 years. Post Industrial experience adopted teaching and research profession in the area of Financial Management as my specialization in Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi with a total career span of 24 years including teaching, research and industry as of now. Presently associated with Department of Management Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Patna Campus as Associate Professor Department of Management. 

Industrial Experience

  1. Officer (Finance & Accounts) in JVG Finance Ltd. New Delhi Duration Jun 1996 – Jan 1997

Handling of commercial activities, bill section, preparation and monitoring of budgets, cash management and miscellaneous purchases.

  1. Officer (Finance & Accounts) in Raymond's Synthetics Ltd. Allahabad Duration Feb 1997 - Dec 1999

Procurement and inventory control activities for continuous shift plant with production capacity of 75000 MT p.a. which include; evaluating departmental requirements; developing and implementing strategic plans; diversified purchasing and inventory management; updating procurement policies; dead stock reduction; handling procedural and legal implications arising in imported procurements and ensuring compliance with ISO certification.

  1. Assistant Manager (Finance) in Recron Synthetics Ltd., a unit of Reliance Group of Industries, Allahabad Duration Jan 1999 - Jun 2002

Preparation of Final Accounts, Conducting Internal Audit, ISO routine & surveillance audit, preparation & monitoring of budgetary control activities handling of import documents & Funds Management.

  Research Areas
  1. Financial Management and Accounting
  2. Corporate Finance
  3. Indian Economy
  Award and Honours
  1. Nominated as Scrutiny/Re-Scrutiny/Visit/Expert and observer by AICTE from March 2017-2019.
  2. Appointed as Resource Person for Academic Staff College Patna University since 2014-2019 and Ranchi University in 2012.
  3. Best Paper Award in "International Journal of Business and General Management" Vol. 5-Issue-5, ISSN: 2319-2267; Impact Factor (JCC) 4.1263; Index Copernicus Value (ICV); 3.0; NASS Rating:2.97
  4. Nominated member of Advisory Council in Nimbus Academy of Management
  5. Nominated member of Board of Governors of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra in the year 2012 as a faculty nominee.
  6. Awarded Certificate of Merit for acting as SPOC, BIT-Patna for the India Skills Bihar 2018 organised by Bihar Skill Development Mission, Labour Resource Department, Government of Bihar.


  1. Agrawal, V. (2004). "Implication of Globalization of World Economy - Strategies for Growth & Internationalization". The Alternative, Journal of Department of Management B.I.T. Mesra, Vol.3(2), pp.84-103,ISSN No. 0973-0451.
  2. Agrawal, V. (2006). "Booming Sensex under Glooming Economy: What’s the Big Deal". The Alternative, Journal of Department of Management B.I.T. Mesra, Vol.2(2), pp.82-89, ISSN No. 0973-0451.
  3. Agrawal, V. (2006). "Rebuilding Indian Economy with Lean Entrepreneurship". Prabandhan Joyti, Journal of SNSIBM, Vol.1, pp.37-39.
  4. Agrawal, V. (2007). "Indian Economy-where do we stand". Eastern U.P. Chamber of Commerce and Industries Bulletin, Vol.369, pp. pp.12-13.
  5. Agrawal, V. (2007). "Prospering Economy Outcast the prospect of Common Man? It’s a paradox". Eastern U.P. Chamber of Commerce and Industries Bulletin, Vol.371, p. pp.2.
  6. Agrawal, V. (2008). "Corporate Excellence in Global resilience – Role of a CFO through effective financial planning". Growth, Journal of Management Training Institute, SAIL, Vol.36(1), pp.43-48, ISSN: 249-6394.
  7. Agrawal, V. (2008). "Micro and Small Enterprises-An engine of growth with special reference to Khadi and Village Industries". The Alternative, Journal of Department of Management B.I.T. Mesra, Vol.7(1&2), pp.59-77, ISSN No: 0973-0451.
  8. Agrawal, V. (2009). "Significance of Knowledge Capital in Indian Economy: a Paradox". BIZCRAFT, Journal of Department of Management science SRMS College of Engineering and Technology, Vol.3(1), pp.22-28, RNI - UPENG/ 2007/ 19207.
  9. Agrawal, V. (2010). "Effective Financial Strategy: An Approach towards Sustainable Corporate Growth". Growth, Journal of Management Training Institute, SAIL, Vol.38(1), pp.39-43, ISSN: 249-6394.
  10. Agrawal, V. (2010). "India banks on Patent power: Battle’s Won or Lost with reference to Pharmaceutical Sector". ACME, Journal of Management & IT, Vol.8, pp.79-85, ISSN No: 0974-1763.
  11. Agrawal, V. (2010). "Role of financial Management in Value based Management". BIZCRAFT, Journal of Department of Management science SRMS College of Engineering and Technology, Vol.3(1), pp.14-24, ISSN: 2231-0231.
  12. Agrawal, V., & Agrawal, A. (2004). "Business Process Outsourcing - Magic Mantra". Masterstroke, The journal of Masters School of Management, Vol.1, pp.3-10 ISSN No. 0972-9895.
  13. Agrawal, V., & Choudhary, S. (2011). "Khadi and Village Industries and its role in Rural Economy". BIZCRAFT, Journal of Department of Management science SRMS College of Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, pp.75-84, ISSN: 2231-0231.
  14. Agrawal, V., & Mitra, P. (2013). "Importance and Perception towards Sustainability Reporting – A study through Literature Overview". Paripex – Indian Journal of Research Sara Publishing Academy, Vol.2(2), pp.35-39, ISSN: 2250-1991.
  15. Agrawal, V., & Ravidra, A. (2008). "“Resurgence through consolidation: A spurt in steel Industry". Pragyaan, Journal of Management of Institute of Management Studies , Vol.6(1), pp.62-68.
  16. Gupta, N., & Agrawal, V. (2013). "A study of the Constituents of domestic savings and investments in urban cities with special focus on Mumbai and Delhi". Indian Journal of Finance, Vol.7(2), pp.17-26, ISSN:0973-8711 Indexed Scopus (Elsevier).
  17. Gupta, N., & Agrawal, V. (2013). "Factors influencing economic aspect of subjective quality of life in metro cities of India". Indian Journal of Commerce- Quarterly publication of Indian Commerce Association, Vol.66(2), pp.84-100, ISSN: 0019-512X.
  18. Gupta, N., & Agrawal, V. (2013). "Savings and Investment Pattern in Largest Cities of India". The Alternative” - Biannual Journal of Management Studies and Research, BIT, Mesra, Vol.12(2), pp.91-111, ISSN: 0973-05451.
  19. Nupur Gupta, J. S., & Agrawal, V. (2013). "Interrelationship among stock indices, economic indicators and quality of Life: A study through review of literature". Growth A Quarterly Journal of Management Training Institute of SAIL, Vol.40(4), pp.1-8, ISSN: 249-6394.
  20. Singh, R., & Agrawal, V. (2019). "Impact of Disinvestment on Financial Performance of Select PSUs Post Liberalization". Indian Journal of Finance, Vol.13(11), pp.36-52, ISSN:0973-8711 Indexed Scopus (Elsevier). doi:10.17010/ijf/2019/v13i11/148416.
  21. Chand, D., & Agrawal, V. (2021). Sustainable Currency Derivative Framework for EffectiveRisk Management of Indian Corporates. Purushartha: A jornal of Management , Ethics & Sprituality, XIV(1), 73-87. Indexed Scopus (Elsevier).
  22. Kumar, G., & Agrawal, V. (2022). Financial Leverage and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firm. ECS Transactions– A journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 107(1), 12097-12108, doi: 10.1149/10701.12097 Indexed Scopus.


  1. Agrawal, V. (2016). "A conceptual Framework of Governance: Corporate-Third Sector Partnership for Corporate Social Responsibility". International Journal of Business and General Management, Vol.5(5), pp.35-40.
  2. Agrawal, V., & Choudhary, S. (2012, February). "Rural Economy: Achieving Inclusive Growth through Khadi and Village Industries". Journal of Entrepreneurship and Managenemt, Vol.1(1), pp.37-45, ISSN 2277-6850.
  3. Agrawal, V., & Dash, S. (2011). "Role of Human Capital Management in Economic Value Addition of Large Scale Organization". International Journal of Financial Management, Vol.2, pp.63-74, ISSN 2229-5682.
  4. Agrawal, V., & Gupta, N. (2014, October-December). "Impact of Economic and Demographic Factors on Stock Market Investments in India: A Triangulated Study". International Journal of South Asian Journal Management (SAJM), Vol.21(4), pp.72-99, ABDC (Rated C).
  5. Dash, S., & Agrawal, V. (2013). "Inclusion of human capital in the calculation of WACC". European Scientific Journal, Vol.9(28), pp.405-421.
  6. Gupta, N., & Agrawal, V. (2011a, July). "Comparative study of Distribution of Indian Stock Markets with other Asian Markets". International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems., Vol.1(2). Retrieved from
  7. Gupta, N., & Agrawal, V. (2011b, September). "Demystifying quality of life: A study through review of literature". International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research, ISSN No:2249-054X. Retrieved from
  8. Mitra Pradip Kumar, A. G., & Agrawal, V. (2015). "Exploring the Factors for Effective Sustainability Reporting: A Survey of Indian Chemical Industry". International Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol.11(3), pp.197-211, ABDC (Rated C).
  9. Mitra Pradip Kumar, A. G., & Agrawal, V. (2015). "Sustainability Reporting Framework for Indian Chemical Industry- A Simplified Approach Surveyed through Industry Participants". Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, Vol.11(1), pp.68-81, ISSN: 1813-0534 E-ISSN 1911-2025 ABDC (Rated B).
  10. Pradip Kumar Mitra, A. G., & Agrawal, V. (2013, December). "Factors to be Reported for Sustainability Reporting in Indian Chemical Industry– The Way Industry Thinks". International Journal of Accounting and Financial Management Research (IJAFMR), Vol.3(5), pp.11-24, ISSN(P): 2249-6882; ISSN(E): 2249-7994.
  11. Singh, R., & Agrawal, V. (2016, January). "An Overview of Reforms and Sustainability of Indian Public Sector Enterprises". International Journal of Financial Management (IJFM), Vol.5(1), pp.21-28, ISSN (Print): 2319-491X; Impact Factor (JCC) - 2015:1.8456; Index Copernicus Value (ICV) - 2015: 3.0; NAAS Rating: 2.25.
  12. Singh, R., & Agrawal, V. (2016, February). "Disinvestment Of Indian Public Sector Enterprises: A Global Perspective". International Journal of Management Information Technology and Engineering (BEST, Vol.4(2), pp.81-94, ISSN (P): 2348-0513.
  13. Singh, R., & Agrawal, V. (2016). "Disinvestment Pattern Of Pses; Exploring New Dimensions Of Sustainability". International Journal of Research in Business Management (IMPACT: IJRBM), Vol.4(3), pp.11-28, ISSN (P): 2347-4572.
  14. Singh, R., & Agrawal, V. (2016). "Financial performance of PSE's Post-Disinvestment". International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences (IRJMIS), Vol.5(5), pp.31-40, Scopus Indexed.
  15. Kumar, G., & Agrawal, V. (2021). An Empirical Analysis on Determinants of Financial Leverage of Listed Manufacturing Firms of India. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 12(3), 1366-1397., Scopus Indexed.
  16. Vineet Kumar, Agrawal, V. (2021). “Augmenting commercial banks’ other income through off-balance sheet activities in relation to their determinants in the Indian banking system.” JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE FINANCE & INVESTMENT, 11(4), 1-26. doi:10.1080/20430795.2021.1990833 ESCI (Web of Science) & Scopus Indexed (Elsevier)
  17. Kumar, A., & Agrawal, V. (2023). Impact of Financial Leverage Variability on Economic Value Added: A Relational Model to Visualize Sustainable Growth of Business in the Long Run. European Economic Letters, XIII(4), 1089-1100. doi: ABDC (Rated C).
  18. Kumar, A., & Agrawal, V. (2023). A Study Of Economic Value-Added Disclosures In The Annual Reports: Is Eva A Superior Measure Of Corporate Performance. Korea Review Of International Studies, XVI(50), 260-276. ABDC (Rated C).
  19. Kumar, A., & Agrawal, V. (2024). An Analysis of Relationship between Enterprise Risk Management and Economic Value Added. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, IV(1), 13-23. ABDC (Rated C).

Conference Proceedings

  1. Agrawal, V. (2006). "Rebuilding Indian Economy with Lean Entrepreneurship". proceedings of 2 – days National seminar on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” organized by SNSIMB in collaboration with IIPA, (pp. 37-39). New Delhi.
  2. Agrawal, V. (2008). "Globalization and its impact on Manufacturing Sector and Economy". proceedings of 2 – days National seminar on “Globalization and National Growth” organized by IIPA and sponsored by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, (pp. 59-64). New Delhi.
  3. Agrawal, V. (2009). "Prospects and Challenges of Globalization on Indian Economy”. proceedings of 2 days National seminar on “Enhancing Managerial Effectiveness in a Globalized Economy” organized by ISM Pundag, (pp. 10-15). Ranchi.
  4. Agrawal, V. (2010). "Indian Economy and the changing nature of Globalization: How to sustain". proceedings of 2 days National seminar on “Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Global Recession” organized by ISM Pundag, (pp. 34-37). Ranchi.

Ph.D. Research Guidance

  1. Ms. Nupur Gupta (Assistant Professor, K G Somaya) guided thesis on the topic An empirical study of interrelationship between stock indices, economic indicators and quality of life for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Awarded in Convocation, 2016)
  2. Mr. Pradip Kumar Mitra (HOD Management NGIITM Surat) guided thesis on the topic Developing Sustainability Reporting Framework for the Chemical Industry for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Awarded in Convocation, 2017)
  3. Mrs. Rakhi Singh (Full-time Research Scholar) guided thesis on the topic A study of Sustainability of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) with Special Reference to Disinvestment Policy for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Awarded in Convocation, 2022)
  4. Mr. Debdatta Chand (DGM, PNB) as a part-time research scholar is preparing his thesis on the topic Problems and Prospects of Derivatives financing for the sustainability of Indian Corporate for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Awarded in Convocation, 2022)
  5. M. Vineet Kumar (Chief Manager, SBI) as a part-time research scholar is preparing his thesis on the topic Study Of Financial Performance, Asset-Quality & Customer Level Satisfaction Of State Bank of India: A post-liberalization analysis for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Awarded in Convocation, 2022)
  6. Mr. Gaurav Kumar a full-time research scholar is preparing his thesis on the area Impact of capital structure on profitability of select manufacturing sector listed in BSE for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Awarded in Convocation, 2023)
  7. Mr. Amit Kumar, a full-time research scholar is preparing his thesis on the area Challenges of implementation and Reporting of Economic Value Addition by Indian Corporate sector for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Ongoing)
  8. Ms. Nisha Prasad, a full-time research scholar is preparing her thesis on the area Occupational Stress Management of Resident Doctors for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Ongoing)
  9. Ms. Priya Mishra, a full-time research scholar is preparing her thesis on the area A study of challenges for establishing brand equity under digital era with special reference to generation Z Doctors for the Ph.D. degree of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. (Ongoing)

Orientation and Faculty Development Programme Attended

  1. Attended UGC sponsored refresher course in “Financial Management “from 10.6.2011 to 30.6.2011
  2. Attended Faculty Development Programme on Advance Pedagogy “from 14.12.2015 to 19.12.2015 organized by Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Patna Campus.
  Member of Professional Bodies
  1. Life Time Member of Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi, Membership Number, LM 86357.
  2. Life Time Member of Indian Commerce Association, New Delhi, Membership Number, B-284.
  Current Sponsored Projects

Academic Projects

  1. Completed Major Project funded by UGC titled “A study on Imperatives for Quality and Effective Teaching in Indian-B-Schools” on 30-01-2015 as Co-Principal Investigator with a grant of Rs. 8.92 Lakhs.
  2. Completed Minor Project funded by NMOFP, Dept. of Industries, Govt. of Bihar titled “Six Weeks Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Food Processing Technology” on 25-07-2014 as Principal Investigator with a grant of Rs. 4.0 Lakhs.
  3. Completed Minor project funded by DST, New Delhi titled “Six Weeks Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Food Processing Technology” in the year 2013 as Co-Principal Investigator with a grant of Rs. 2.0 Lakhs.
  4. Completed Minor project funded by ICSSR titled “Capacity Building Programme on Research Methodology” in the year 2014 as Co-Principal Investigator with a grant of Rs. 4.95 Lakhs.

Industrial Projects

  1. Project on “Reduction of Packaging Cost of POY transportation” as Principal Investigator in the year 1999 allotted as cost reduction exercise in Recron Synthetics Ltd. Naini Allahabad Plant a unit of Reliance Industries. The cost savings target was achieved through remodeling of procurement procedures based on yearly consumption.
  2. Project on “Bad debt recovery and constructing financial modeling” for a Welfare Society as Principal Investigator on gratis basis being a non-profit organisation in the year 2009. The financial restructuring model was established in the bylaws of welfare society and bad debts were recovered through its implementation overcoming liquidity problem of the society.
  3. Project on “Preparation of DPR" for 24 districts of Jharkhand as Principal Investigator on gratis basis being a non-profit organisation in the year 2008. DPR prepared and successfully handed over to the NGO-RSMIT.
  4. Project on “Financial Loading for Projected Inflation” as Principal Investigator in the year 1995 in GEC Alsthom India Ltd. Allahabad Plant assessing financial exposures on manufacturing jobs of transformers & switchgears against orders placed by State Electricity Boards faced post award of contract due to inflation. The report was submitted with comprehensive exploration and submissions identifying the financial exposures applicable to the Company.
  5. Project on “Hire Purchase & Leasing of Assets” as Principal Investigator in the year 1998 in Lions Finance Corporation, Lucknow assessing problems in procedural and legal implication of Hire Purchase and Lease agreement of Light Motor Vehicle.
  Text and Reference Books
  1. Agrawal, V., & Dash, S. (2011). "Importance of Human Capital in Economic Value Addition for Corporate Sustainability: A perspective in NHRD Sustainable Corporate Growth: Exploring New Frontiers in: Technology and Management". New Delhi: Excel India Publishing, pp. 143-154, ISBN 93-80697-94-5.
  2. Agrawal, V., & Gupta, S. (2014). "Imperative for Quality and Effective Teaching in Indian B-schools: A perspective". New Delhi: Wisdom Publications, pp.9-15, ISBN 978-93-81505-71-7.
  3. Agrawal, V., & Sinha, A. (2011). "Impact of coal Mining on Environment and its Effective Management: A Case Study of Piparwar Coal Mining in Jharkhand State in: NHRD Sustainable Corporate Growth: Exploring New Frontiers in Technology and Management". New Delhi: Excel India Publishing, pp.109-118, ISBN 93-80697-94-5.
  Member, Editorial Board
  1. Member of Editorial Review Board of “Amity Journal of Finance"- An International, Biannual, Refereed Journal of Finance.
  2. Editor of an accredited Journal of Management Anusandhanika of Ranchi University as a referee.
  3. Executive Editor of an accredited Journal of Management AURA of Institute of Science & Management, Pundag, Ranchi as a referee.
  4. Peer reviewer of International Journal of Business Excellence Inderscience Submissions
  5. Member of Editorial Review Board of Journal of Development Research (JDR) SAGE Publishing of VESIM Business School.