1. Gorakh Pandey and Arthur Rimbaud: Social Reformation and their Poems. Studies in Literature and Translation. ISBN 978-93-82120-44-5 Page no. 53-67, 2015
2. The Rebellious Poet of 19th Century French Literature: Arthur Rimbaud and His Literary Silence. Enquiries in Literature and Translation. Vol-2. Page no.412-430 ISBN 978-93-82120-71-1, 2015
3. FLE : Enrichir la Langue Francaise en Enseignant ses Littératures. Research Highlights, Special Issue (Jan'16-Mar'16). ISSN 2350-0611 Page no 63-66, 2016, Co Author- Dr Amit Raghuvanshi
4. Forster's Passage: A Reflection of a Novelist. Jigyasa, An Interdisciplinary Refereed Research Journal, Vol.- IX, No -1, Page no. 66-78, ISSN 0974-7648 March 2016. Co-Author, Dr Rohit Pandey
5. Foreign Language Acquisition. Sodha Pravaha, A Multidisciplinary Refereed Research Journal, Vol.- VI, Issue-1, Page no. 160-166, ISSN 2231-4113. January 2016, Co-Author, Dr Rohit Pandey
6. Forster's Faith: Aspects of Humanism. Shodh Prerak, A Multidisciplinary Quarterly International Refereed Research Journal. Vol.- VI, Issue-2, Page no. 135-139, ISSN 2231-413X April 2016, Co-Author, Dr Rohit Pandey
7. Une Etude Comparée des Écrivains humanistes de France et des Écrivains hindoustanis associés au Mouvement Bhakti de l’Inde. Shodh Pravah, International Research Journal of All Stream, UGC Serial No.: 40965, Impact Factor 2.131, ISSN: 2249-6742, Vol. VIII No. 7, Jan. to March 2019, Page no. 237-240. Co-Author- Dharmendra Kr Chand
8. Exploitation Pedagogique Du Bateau Ivre De Rimabud Dans Une Classe De Francais. CURRENT JOURNAL, An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Research Peer Reviewed Journal, Vol-10, No-28, ISSN: - 2348-6228, UGC No- 42685, Impact Factor: 5.132, April-June 2022, Page No- 208-215.
9. Analyse critique de « Les pauvres à l'église » d’Arthur Rimbaud. CURRENT JOURNAL, An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Research Peer Reviewed Journal, Vol-7, No-11, ISSN: - 2348-6228, UGC No- 42685, Impact Factor: 5.132, Oct-Dec 2023, Page No- 172-174.
10. Problem in Developing Listening Skills. Saidhantiki Journal, Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Bilingual Journal, Vol-17, Isssue-1, ISSN 0974-8504, Impact Factor 5.150, Jan-Mar 2024, page No- 170-174. Co-Author- Dharmendra Kr Chand
11. Humanism in French literature in the 16th century. "Educational Administration: Theory and Practice" with E-ISSN:2148-2403, P-ISSN: 1300-4832, Paper ID-2326, April 2024. Scopus. Co-Author- Dharmendra Kr Chand