Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Dr. (Mrs.) Ila Sahay Dayal
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Ph.D (University of Delhi) , Awarded JRF, GATE Qualified ,M.Sc (MATH), B.Sc (MATH Hons)
Contact Address
Permanent Address Mayur Vihar, Delhi
Phone (Office) 0120- 2553661
Phone Residence 011-40107026
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 20-Jul-2002

  Work Experience
Teaching : 22 Years

Research : 22 Years

Individual: 12 Years

  Research Areas

Applied Mathematics

  Award and Honours

1)- Awarded JRF by UGC-CSIR

2)- Merit Scholarship in M.Sc



  1. Bifurcation in the Expansion of a Gas Bubble in the Rayleigh Model. News Bulletin.Cal.Math.Soc (2002)
  2. On Irregular and Chaotic Evolution of Duffing System. News Bulletin. Cal.Math Soc.(2003)
  3. Filtering Data and Effect of Noise on the Evolution in Dynamical System. Journal of Mathematical Sciences(2004).
  4. Controlling chaos by periodic parametric excitation in Froude Pendulum National Academy Sciences Letters (2004)
  5. Controlling Chaos in Buckled Beam.[Proceedings of CBRI Diamond Jubilee years Conference on Challenges and Application of Mathematical Modeling Techniques in Building Science and Technology,7-8 February 2008, Roorkee
  6. Creep Transition of a Thin Rotating Annular Disk of Exponentially Variable  Thickness with Inclusion and Edge Load, 6 International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction (CF-6) Mamallapuram, India, January 22- 25, 2012


    Creep Transition in Non Homogeneous Thick-Walled Circular Cylinder under internal and external pressure,Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol 6,2012  number122, 6075-6080 

  8. Image Encryption with Discrete Fractional Fourier transform and Chaos, International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, (SIPP - 2013) February 18 ~ 20, 2013, Bangalore, India , (Communicated)