International Journals
- T. K. Parashar and R. K. Lal “Theoretical modelling of InP based photodetector for hydrogen fluoride gas detection in short wavelength region”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2011, pp. 732 – 737. ISSN: 1842-6573, SNIP 0.404. (SCI Index).
- T. K. Parashar and R. K. Lal “Modeling and Simulation of HgCdTe Based Photodetector for N2O Gas Detection”, Journal of Electron Devices, Vol. 11, 2011, pp. 527-537.ISSN: 1682 - 3427 (Print) http://www.jeldev.org/index.php/available-issues
- T. K. Parashar and R. K. Lal, “Modeling of GaAs/Al0.2Ga0.8As Quantum Well Gas Detector for LWIR Region”, MIT International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 97-100.ISSN:2230-7664.
- Trilok Kumar Parashar, “COMPUTER AIDED MODELING OF HgCdTe BASED PHOTODETECTORFOR NO2 GAS DETECTION”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. IJRTE (31-10-17(Accepted). ISSN:2231-6612, IF:1.10.
- Trilok Kumar Parashar, “Theoretical Modelling of Basics Parameters of HgCdTe Material”, Organized by (IETE, Bengaluru) Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560032, 26th November 2017, International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM-2017), proceeding in International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System (IJEECS) ISSN 2348-117X Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2017.
- Trilok Kumar Parashar, “Modeling and Simulation Infrared Photodetectors for MWIR & LWIR”, Organized by (IETE, Bengaluru) Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560032, 26th November 2017, International Conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICAEASM-2017), proceeding in International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research (IJETSR) www.ijetsr.com ISSN 2394 – 3386, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2017.
- Trilok Kumar Parashar, “Theoretical Modelling of Infrared Photodetector for CO2 Gas Detection”, International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA), pp18-21, August2018. ISSN: 0123-4560.
Seminars/ Conference paper
International conference
- Trilok Kumar Parashar1, Brajesh Gupt2 and R.K. Lal3, “Modeling of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector”, ICAEEE-2011, Organized by MIT, Moradabad.25-26 February 2011, pp-31. (International conference on Advances in Electrical & Electronis Eneinnering)- (ICAEEE-2011).
- Trilok Kumar Parashar “Analytical modelling of room temperature GaAs/InAs0.3Sb0.7 detector for H2S gas detection, Organized by IETE & ISLV Advanced Regional Telecom Training Ranch (MCCS-2017) May13-14, 2017.Paper ID: MCCSB17013.
National conference
- T. K .Parashar and R. K. Lal, “Modeling of an Infrared Photodetector for Carbon Mono Oxide Monitoring”, NASDEC
(National Seminar on Devices, Circuits & Communication)- Organized by BIT Mesra Ranchi, PP-19, 6-7 November 2008.
- T. K .Parashar and R. K. Lal, “Modeling of an InAs/InAsSb Based Infrared Hetrojunction Photodetector fo CH4 gas detection”, (Advances in Microwave communication, devices and Applications) Organized by Rajsthan Institute of Engineering and Technology (RIET) Jaipur 16th-17th February 2010.
- T. K. Parashar and R. K. Lal, “Effect of temperature and mole fraction on carrier lifetime of HgCdTe material” Recent Developments in Engineering Materials (RDEM-2011). Organized by BIT Mesra, Ranchi, pp-56.11-14 may, 2011.
- Trilok Kumar Parashar, “Modeling of Mid Infrared Region Photodetector for Monitoring of Toxic Gases”, NCREEE-2017 (National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Electrical Engineering) Organized by Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad 16 – 17 February 2017, ISBN:978-93-86238-13-9,pp73-77.
- “Musical Instruments Classification Neural Network”, Ritesh Surin, Arvind Kumar, Mahesh Chandra, T. K Parashar, NCREEE-2017 (National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics and Electrical Engineering) Organized by Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad 16 – 17 February 2017, ISBN:978-93-86238-13-9, pp152-156.