Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Dr. Bikash Kanti Sarkar
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engg
Ph.D. (Jadavpur Univ.-2013), M.Phil(Comp. Sc.), MCA (BESU-1999), M.Sc. (Maths. from IIT KGP-1993), [ UGC-NET(Comp. Sc.), GATE(CS)]
Contact Address
Permanent Address Mesra
Local Address Mesra
Phone (Office) 09431382752
Phone Residence 09431382752
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 4-Jan-2000

  Work Experience
Teaching : 23 Years

Research : 12 Years

Individual: 00 Years

  Professional Background

Laboratory assignments with solutions on   INFORMATION AND CODING THEORY

[Click the link - ]

Teaching  Experience

i) Served as Lecturer   in   the  department  of  Computer  Science  and  Engineering,    B.I.T Mesra,  Ranchi,  India   from   03.01.2000   to   31.05.2007.

ii)  Served   as    Sr.   Lecturer   in   the   department   of   Computer Science   and   Engineering,   B.I.T.Mesra   from    01.06.2007   to   31.8.2008.

iii)  Currently  working   as  Assistant Professor (Senior)  in  the  department  of   Computer Science   and   Engineering,  B.I.T., Mesra, Ranchi.

Subjects  taught  at   U.G.(B.E.)   level  and   P.G.(M.Tech./ M.C.A)  level:

(i) C  (ii) C++   (iii) Java  (iv) Data  Structure  (v)  Automata  Theory  (vi) Compiler   Design  (vii) Parallel  Computing  (viii) Artificial  Intelligence (ix) Computer Graphics (x) Coding Theory (xi) Distributed Systems

Conducted short term training programme  on "Automata Theory, Formal languages and Compiler Design" from 19.01.2018 - 25.01.2018 (Under TEQIP  Phase - III) in the Department of Computer Sc. and Engg., BIT Mesra.

Short term courses attended (2014-2018):


Type of Course 



No. of weeks





Summer Training Program on Active Learning

IIT Gandhinagar





National Workshop on HPC-2016




(BIT Mesra)





 Refresher course:

Introduction to Design of Algorithms








Refresher Course on Information Technology


( UGC) Academic Staff College Ranchi University, Ranchi








Scientific Computation and Documentation using Open Source Softwares  (SCDOSS)











Mission  KYaaT









  Research Areas

Data Mining, Machine learning, Big data analytics and security, Parallel Computing

  Award and Honours


ii)  GATE



SCI/SCIE    [Total 12]


Kar B. and Sarkar B.K. (2022): A Hybrid Feature Reduction Approach for Medical Decision Support System.- Mathematical Problems in Engineering (SCIE, I.F. - 1.430), Volume 2022, Article ID 3984082,20 pages,     


1. Raja R., Mukjerjee I. and Sarkar B.K. (2021): A Machine Learning Prediction Model for Preterm Birth in Rural India. - Journal of Healthcare Engineering (Hindawi, ISSN- 20402295,SCIE, I.F.- 2.682),


1. Gupta A. and Sarkar B.K. (2020): BSN MOT: A Fast and Cost-efficient Optoelectronic Architecture. -IETE Technical Review (T&F, ISSN 0974-5971, SCIE , I.F. -2.071) pp. 1-12,

2. Sarkar B.K. (2020): Hybrid model for prediction of heart disease. -Soft Computing (Springer, ISSN:1432-764324, SCI,   I.F. - 3.050),  24(3): 1903-1925, DOI 10.1007/s00500-019-04022-2

3.  Sarkar B.K. (2020):  A Two-Step Knowledge Extraction Framework for Improving Disease Diagnosis .-   The  Computer Journal (OUP, ISSN: 1460-2067,  SCIE,  I.F. – 1.077),  63 (3): 364-382

4. Rakesh Raja, Indrajit  Mukherjee and Bikash Kanti Sarkar(2020): A Systematic Review of Healthcare Big Data. - Scientific Programming (Hindawi, ISSN: 1875-919X,  SCIE, I.F. – 0.963), Volume 2020, Article ID 5471849,15 pages,

5. Gupta A. & Sarkar B.K. (2020): Biswapped–Torus Network: A New Efficient Node-Symmetrical Optoelectronic Network. - National Academy Science Letters (Springer, ISSN: 0250-541X, SCIE,               I.F. - 0.416), Pages -5,  DOI 10.1007/s40009-020-00942-y


1. Gupta A.  &  Sarkar B.K. (2018): The recursive and symmetrical optoelectronic network architecture: biswapped network hyper hexa-cell. - Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering(Springer, ISSN 1319-8025, SCIEI.F. - 1.711),  43 (12): 7635-7653


1. Sarkar Bikash (2017): Big data for secure healthcare system: a conceptual design, Complex & Intelligent Systems (Springer, ISSN: 2198-6053, SCIE, I.F. - 3.791 ), 3(2017):133–151, DOI 10.1007/s40747-017-0040-1


1. Sarkar B. K., Sana S.S., Chaudhuri K.S. (2012):  A Genetic Algorithm-based Rule  Extraction System.-  Applied  Soft  Computing  (Elsevier publ., ISSN: 1568-4946), 12(1): 238 – 254.   [SCI, I.F. – 5.472


1.  Sarkar B. K., Sana S.S., Chaudhuri K.S. (2011):  Selecting Informative rules with Parallel Genetic Algorithm in Classification Problem.- Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier  publ.,                  ISSN: 0096-3003),  218(7): 3247–3264. [SCI, I.F. – 3.472]


1. Sarkar B. K., Sana S.S. (2009):  A hybrid approach to design efficient learning classifiers.-  Computers  and  Mathematics  with  Applications  (Elsevier Publ., ISSN: 0898-1221), 58(1):  65-73. [SCI,   I.F. - 3.370]

SCOPUS (Unpaid)

1. Sarkar B.K. & Sana S.S. (2019):  An e-healthcare system for disease prediction using hybrid data mining technique. - Journal of Modelling in Management (Emerald, Scopus, ISSN: 1746-5664), 4(3), DOI10.1108/JM2-05-2018-0069

2. Kumar A. and Sarkar B. K. (2018): A Hybrid Predictive Model Integrating C4. 5 and Decision Table Classifiers for Medical Data Sets. - Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) (IGI-Global, ISSN: 1938-7857  Scopus) , 11(2): 150- 167, DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2018040109

3. Sarkar B.K. (2017):  Improving disease diagnosis by a new hybrid model.- New Horizons in Translational Medicine (Elsevier Science, Scopus): 4 (2017): 31–47

4. Kumar A. and Sarkar B. K (2017): Performance analysis of GA-based iterative and non-iterative learning  approaches for medical domain data sets, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IOS-press publ.: ESCI, Scopus, ISSN-1872-4981), 11 (2017): 321–334, DOI 10.3233/IDT-170298

5.  Kumar A. and Sarkar B.K.(2016):  A case study  on Machine Learning and Classification.-    International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (Inderscience,  ISSN:  1756-7025, Scopus),  9(2): 2016

6.  Sarkar  B.K. (2016): A case study on partitioning data for classification.- in International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (Inderscience,  ISSN:  1756-7025, Scopus), 8( 1):73-91.

7. Sarkar B.K. (2013): Local Area Rainfall Prediction Using Hybrid Approach.- International Journal of  Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA) (Inderscience  publ., ISSN: 1751-6498, Scopus),  5( 4): 213-227

8. Sarkar  B. K., Sana S.S., Chaudhuri  K.S. (2012):  A Combined  Approach  to  tackle  Imbalanced  Data  sets.-  International  Journal  of  Hybrid Intelligent Systems (IOS  Press, Netherlands, ISSN: 1448-5869, Scopus), 9(2012): 185-202.

9. Sarkar B. K., Sana S.S., Chaudhuri K.S. (2011):   Minimum Information Loss (MIL):  A  Data  Discretization   Approach. - International Journal of Data Mining,  Modelling and Management (IJDMMM) (Inderscience Publ., ISSN: 1759-1171, Scopus),  3(3): 303-318.

10. S. S. Sana, S. K. Mondal , B. K. Sarkar, K.S. Chaudhuri (2011): Two-warehouse inventory model on pricing decision.- International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management (World Academic Press, ISSN: 1750-9661, Scopus), 6(6): 403-416.

11. Sarkar B.K., Sana S.S.,Chaudhuri K.S.(2010): Accuracy Based Learning Classification System.- International Journal of Information and Decision System (Inderscience Publ., ISSN: 1756-7025, Scopus), 2 (1): 68 – 86.

12.  Sarkar B.K.,  Sana S. S. (2009): A  Modified  Version  of  Jacobi   Approach.-  International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications (IJICA) (Inderscience  publ., ISSN: 1751-6498, Scopus), 2(1): 60-65.

13.  Sana S.S., Sarkar B.K., Chaudhui K.S. (2009):  The EFFECT OF STOCK, PRICE AND ADVERTISING  ON   DEMAND – AN   EOQ   MODEL.- International  Journal   of  Modeling,  Identification  and   Control ( Inderscience  publ., ISSN online: 1746-6180, Scopus), 6(1):81-88.

14. Sarkar B.K. (2017): Big Data and Healthcare Data: A Survey.- International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IGI-global publ.), 7(4):50-77

International   Conferences

1. Gupta A. and Sarkar B.K. (2016): Parallel algorithm for Lagrange’s Interpolation on BSN-Mesh.- International Conference on Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices (ICICCD-2016, April-2-3), University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Derhadun, India (Springer Conference Ref. No.-45700)

 2. Sarkar B.K.  and  Kumar P. (2007): Rule  Induction  using  Genetic Algorithm,  published  in the Proceedings of  the  International  Conference  on  Intelligent  Systems  and  Networks  ( IISN-2007 ), pp. 277-280,  Jagadhri, Haryana, India, Feb. 23-25,2007.

3.  Sarkar B.K. and Jamal S. (2006): An efficient parallel algorithm for finding the largest and the second largest elements from  a    list  of elements, published in the Proceedings of the ninth International Conference(ICIT-2006) (IEEE-CS),  pp. 269-272, Bhubaneswar, India,  Dec.18- 21, 2006 ( double blind review, 83 regular papers accepted, out  of  231   submissions:  acceptance   rate - 35%).

4.  Sarkar B.K., Sachdev K. and  Bharti S.(2005):  An Interface  for  converting  rules generated  by C4.5 to the  most suitable format for Genetic   Algorithm,  published  in  the  eighth   International  Conference (CIT-2005), pp. 113-115,  Bhubaneswar,  India, Dec. 20-23, 2005.

National   Conferences

1. Sarkar B.K.  and  Jamal S.(2007): Communication Optimization on Distributed Memory Machine for Solving Sparse Linear  System using Jacobi Method, published  in the Proceedings of the  National Conference  on  Computer  Science  and  Communication  Technology (NCSCT-2007), pp. 40-44, St. Joseph College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India,   Feb. 16-17, 2007.

2.  Sarkar B.K.,  Jamal S.  and Kumar B. (2005):  A space and time optimal EREW P-RAM  algorithm for Square Matrix Transposition, published in the National Conference on Information and   Communication Technology (NCICT-2005), pp. 60-61,Ahmedabad, India, March-27, 2005, (one  of  the  best  papers in this conference).

3. Sarkar B.K.  and Jamal S. (2005):  An efficient algorithm on MIMD model for finding binary equivalent of decimal integer,    published   in   the   National Conference   on Computer Science and Informatics(NCCSI-2005), pp. 46-49, St. Joseph  College, Tamilnadu, Feb. 18-19,    2005.

  Member of Professional Bodies

i) Member of Technical Program Committee in the International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015),15-16 May,2015, School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, UP, India (


  Current Sponsored Projects

 Research  Project (Completed)

               Minor  Research  Project  supported  by  UGC:

                Title:  “Local  Rainfall  prediction  using  hybrid  approach”   

             Funding agency:  University  Grant  Commission, new Delhi-110002,  India
,  Amount-  Rs.- 1,45,000/- ,   w.e.f.- 1.2.2011  for  a  period of 1.6  years

Ongoing project    

Title of the current project: “Improving health services of rural areas in Indian healthcare system through  Machine Learning approaches

Sponsoring agency - IDEA: Technology Innovation Hub@ Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata for maximum  3 years (started from 23.09.2022)

Amount – Rs. 5.79 lakh (initially)

Role -PI


  Text and Reference Books

Text  Book Publication:

1Sarkar B.K. and Kumar A. (2019):  Introduction to Theory of Computation.-  University Press, Hyderabad, India, ISBN No. - 978-93-86235-75-6

2.  Chakraborty  S.K. and Sarkar B.K. (2010):   Discrete  Mathematics.-  Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India,  ISBN  No.- 0-19-806543-4  (Recommended by AICTE).

3.  Sarkar B.K. and Chakraborty (2016):  Combinatorics and Graph Theory.- PHI, New Delhi, India, ISBN No. 978-81-203-5173-8.




Awarded  Ph.D.  Students 

                 i) Name of the candidate  and Roll  No.:      AMIT  KUMAR ,    PHD/IT/10055/2013   

                                                                   Department of Computer Sc. and Engg.

                    Research Topic :       Designing Efficient Hybrid  Classification System

The proposed programme aims to apply the prediction task in real life problems under   natural  and  artificial domain.

                ii) Name of the candidate  and Roll  No.:      ASHISH GUPTA ,    PHD/CS/10002/2014 

                                                               Department of Computer Sc. and Engg.

                             Research Topic Designing Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Numerical Problems

 The proposed  research programme aims to design interconnection networks and  efficient parallel algorithms  for Numerical Problems.

iii)  Name of the candidate  and Roll  No RAKESH RAJA, PHD/CS/10061/2017

    Thesis Title:    Healthcare Data Analytics using Machine Learning Approaches

  • The work aims to analyse healthcare data to get health related information to improve health services

Ongoing Ph D Students - 02

i)          Dr. Bikram Kar (PHD/CS/10053/20).   Title - Use of machine learning approaches in Healthcare management system

ii)         Tanu Priya ( PHD/CS/10052/21). Title -   Use of  digital technologies to improve Indian healthcare system 

 No. of  P.G.  students (guided):  17

  Member, Editorial Board

i) Member of Technical Program Committee in the International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA2015),15-16 May,2015, School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, UP, India (