Research Supervision: PhD: 1 (Awarded); MTech: 9; MSc: 57; BTech: 36; BSc: 6
Research Publications:
- Monisha Singhal M, Chaturvedi P, Gothwal R K, Mohan M K & Solanki P S (2021). Comparative study of synonymous codon usage in bacteria growing at extreme temperatures. Int. J. Bioinfo. Res. Appl., 17(1): 53-68. DOI: 10.1504/IJBRA.2021.113966.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Meena P, Ghosh P & Trivedi P C (2020). Fungal diseases associated with coconut and their management - A review. J. Ind. Bot. Soc. – Special Centenary Volume, 100 (A): 239-250.
- Pradhan S., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2019). Evaluating bacterial cell immobilization of Brevibacillus formosus BISR-1 and Paenibacillus sp. BISR-047 with different matrices. Int. J. Engg. Res. Technol., 8(6): 1358-1363. DOI: 10.17577/IJERTV8IS060713.
- Meena S., Gothwal R. K., Saxena J., Nehra S., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2015). Effect of metal ions and chemical compounds on chitinase produced by a newly isolated thermotolerant Paenibacillus sp. BISR-047 and its shelf-life. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 4(5): 872-881.
- Yadav H., Gothwal R. K., Mathur S. and Ghosh P. (2015). Bioactivation of Jhamarkotra rock phosphate by a thermotolerant phosphate solubilizing bacterium Bacillus sp. BISR-HY63 isolated from phosphate mines. Arch. Agron. Soil Sci., 61 (8): 1125-1135. DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2014.980239.
- Yadav H., Gothwal R. K., Solanki P. S., Nehra S, Sinha-Roy S. and Ghosh P. (2015). Isolation and characterization of thermo-tolerant phosphate-solubilizing bacteria from a phosphate mine and their rock phosphate solubilizing abilities. Geomicrobiology J., 32 (6): 475-481. DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2014.943856.
- Meena S., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2014). Production and purification of a hyperthermostable chitinase from Brevibacillus formosus BISR-1 isolated from the Great Indian Desert soils. Extremophiles, 18 (2): 451-462.
- Meena S., Gothwal R. K., Saxena J., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2014). Chitinase production by a newly isolated thermotolerant Paenibacillus sp. BISR-047. Ann. Microbiol., 64 (2): 787-797. DOI 10.1007/s13213-013-0715-9.
- Yadav H., Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Sinha-Roy S. and Ghosh P. (2013). Optimization of culture conditions for phosphate solubilization by a thermo-tolerant phosphate-solubilizing bacterium Brevibacillus sp. BISR-HY65 isolated from phosphate mines. Bioc. Agricul. Biotechnol., 2 (3): 217-225.
- Nehra S., Gothwal R. K., Chandra S., Meena P., Mohan M. K., Trivedi P. C. and Ghosh P. (2012). Screening and characterization of Pseudomonas fluorescence: A biological control against wilt fungus in Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. LS–An International Journal of Life Sciences, 1 (3): 175-185.
- Rajvanshi A., Kulshreshtha S., Nigam V. K., Gothwal R. K. and Pareek R. P. (2011). Antagonistic properties of different bacteria isolated from salads. Asian J. Exp. Sci., 25 (2): 45-51.
- Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2010). Synthesis of low cost adhesives from pulp and paper industry waste. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 69: 390-395.
- Nigam, V. K., Khandelwal, A. K., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K., Choudhury, B., Vidyarthi, A. S. and Ghosh P. (2009). Nitrilase-catalysed conversion of acrylonitrile by free and immobilized cells of Streptomyces sp. J. Biosciences, 34 (1): 21-26.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2008). Screening of nitrogen fixers from rhizospheric bacterial isolates associated with important desert plants. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res., 6 (2): 101-109.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2008). Evaluation of plant growth promotory activities of rhizobacterial isolates from two plants of Thar arid regions. Asian J. Exp. Sci., 22 (3): 205-212.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2007). Extraction of bulk DNA from Thar Desert soils for optimization of PCR-DGGE based microbial community analysis. Electronic J. Biotechnol., 10 (3): 400-408.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2006). Phosphate solubilization by rhizospheric bacterial isolates from economically important desert plants. Ind. J. Microbiol., 46 (4): 355-361.
- Choudhury B., Aggarwal P., Gothwal R. K., Mantri R., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2006). Biobleaching of nonwoody pulps using xylanase of Bacillus brevis BISR-062. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 128 (2): 159-170.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2006). Small scale DNA extraction from soils of hot arid zones. http://www.protocol-online.org.
- Gothwal, R. K., Joshi, A., Ganesh, R., Sharma, A. and Sharma, G. S. (1998). Major biochemical constituents in stem-disc derived callus of Chlorophytum borivilianum L. Ann. Plant Physiol., 12 (2): 181-183.
Review Articles:
- Gothwal R K, Nehra S, Sinha P, Shekhar A and Ghosh P (2022). Proteomic-driven approaches for unravelling plant-microbe interactions. In: Plant Proteomics: Implications in Growth, Quality Improvement and Stress resilience, CRC Press, Tailor and Francis Group (In Press).
- Gothwal R K, Nehra S, Varshney A K, Solanki P S and Ghosh P (2022). Endophytes: distribution, molecular characterization and biodiversity evaluation. In: Industrial Application of Soil Microbes, Volume-4, Bentham Science Publisher (In Press).
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Varshney A K, Solanki P S, Meena P, Trivedi P C and Ghosh P (2022). Alleviation of salinity stress by microbes. In: Industrial Application of Soil Microbes, Volume-2, Bentham Science Publisher (In Press).
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Varshney A K, Meena P, Trivedi P C and Ghosh P (2022). Carotenoids in microorganisms and their applications. In: Industrial Application of Soil Microbes, Volume-3, Bentham Science Publisher (In Press).
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Varshney A K, Meena P, Ghosh P and Trivedi P C (2022). Bioactives and Pharmacology of Capparis decidua (Forssk.) Edgew. (Syn.: Capparis aphylla Roth) (Family: Capparaceae)”. In: Bioactives and Pharmacology of Medicinal plants. Volume-1. (Ed.) T. Pullaiah, Apple Academic - CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN: 9781774910283 pp. 207-220. ISBN: 9781774910283.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Dhingra S, Varshney A K, Solanki P S, Meena P, Ghosh P and Trivedi P C (2022). Mechanism of Antagonism: Hyperparasitism and Antibiosis. In: Microbial Biocontrol: Sustainable Agriculture and Phytopathogen Management. Volume 1. Ajay Kumar (Ed.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG. ISBN: 9783030875114 pp. 257-277.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Varshney A K, Solanki P S, Chandra S, Meena P, Trivedi P C and Ghosh P (2021). Biomanagement of Fusarium spp. associated with pulse crops. In: Food Security and Plant Disease Management. (Eds.) A Kumar and S Droby, Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier, pp. 423-452. ISBN: 9780128218433.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Varshney A K, Solanki P S, Chandra S, Meena P, Trivedi P C and Ghosh P (2021). Biomanagement of Fusarium spp. associated with oil crops. In: Microbiome Stimulants for Crops: Mechanisms and Applications. (Eds.) J White, A Kumar and S Droby, Woodhead Publisher, Elsevier, pp 453-474. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-822122-8.00026-1. ISBN 9780128221228.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Varshney A K, Solanki P S, Chandra S, Meena P, Trivedi P C and Ghosh P (2021). Bio-management of Fusarium spp. associated with fruit crops. (Eds.) V K Sharma, M P Shah, S Parmar and A Kumar. In: Fungi Bio-Prospects in Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Nano-technology, Volume-1, pp 475-505. Academic Press, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128213940.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K and Ghosh P (2014). Biodiversity conservation: An Indian agenda for the millennium. In: Biodiversity in India: Assessment, Scope and Conservation, Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), Germany, pp. 323-340.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Chandra S, Meena P, Mohan M K and Ghosh P (2014). Role of microbes in bioremediation. In: Applied Microbiology (Ed.) Nehra S, Pointer Publication, Jaipur, pp. 232-248.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Chandra S Meena P, Mohan M K and Ghosh, P (2014). Rhizobium: Nitrogen fixation and agriculture, In: Biofertilizers for sustainable agriculture (Ed.) Nehra S., Pointer Publication, Jaipur, pp. 209-221.
- Karkho R, Gothwal R K and Nehra S (2014). The treatment of leprosy using various drugs and antileprotic plants: A Review. In: Plant Disease Management and Microbes (Ed.) Nehra S., Aavishkar Publication, Jaipur, pp. 250-258.
- Saxena T, Varshney A K, Gothwal R K, Kaushik P, Mohan M K and Nehra S (2014). Immunological Techniques-Role in disease management. In: Plant Disease Management and Microbes (Ed.) Nehra S., Aavishkar Publication, Jaipur, pp. 259-268.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Chandra S Meena P, Mohan M K and Ghosh P (2013). Mycorrhizae and its application in plant disease management. In: Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Crop Production (Ed.) Nehra S., Pointer Publication, Jaipur, pp. 20-61.
- Nehra S, Gothwal R K, Chandra S Meena P, Mohan M K and Ghosh P (2013). Biotechnology for medicinal plants: micropropagation and improvement. In: Medicinal Plants: Chemistry and Properties. (Ed.) Nehra S., Aavishkar Publication, Jaipur, pp. 146-162.
- Nigam V K, Khandelwal A K, Agarwal A, Vidyarthi A S, Mohan M K, Gothwal R K and Ghosh P (2012). Biotransformation of Nitriles. In: Recent Advances in Microbiology. (Eds.) Tiwari S. P., Sharma R. and Singh R. K., Nova Publishers, India, pp. 461-478.
- Gothwal R K, Nigam V K, Mohan M K and Ghosh P (2011). Rhizosphere associated plant-microbial interactions in Thar arid ecosystem. In: Plant Tissue Culture and Applied Plant Biotechnology. (Eds.) Ashwani Kumar and Shikha Roy, Avishkar Publishers, Distributors, India, pp. 292-313.
Presentations in Conferences/Workshops/Symposia:
- Gothwal R. K., Karale B., Joseph A., Varshney A.K., Nehra S., Solanki P. S., Punia M. P. and Ghosh P. (2022). An efficient metagenomic DNA extraction method from Thar Desert soils for exploring petrolium hydrocarbon utilizing bacterial diversity. Presented in 4th Biological Engineering Society Conference BESCON-2022 ‘Smart and Sustainable Bioprocessing through gene and process scale collaboration’ organized by IIT Kharagpur at Bose Institute, Kolkata during November 4-6, 2022.
- Solaki P. S., Gothwal R. K., Varshney A. K., Nehra S. and Ghosh P. (2022). Database of biochemical tests of pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae family. Presented in 4th Biological Engineering Society Conference BESCON-2022 ‘Smart and Sustainable Bioprocessing through gene and process scale collaboration’ organized by IIT Kharagpur at Bose Institute, Kolkata during November 4-6, 2022.
Nehra S., Patel A., Varshney A. K., Solanki P. S., Punia M. P., Gothwal R. K. and Ghosh P. (2022). Development of a redox dye based novel and reliable method for detecting hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria directly from the soil samples” Presented in 4th Biological Engineering Society Conference BESCON-2022 ‘Smart and Sustainable Bioprocessing through gene and process scale collaboration’ organized by IIT Kharagpur at Bose Institute, Kolkata during November 4-6, 2022.
- Meena P., Gothwal R. K. and Nehra S. (2021). Biodegradation of textile azo dyes by bacteria isolated from dyeing industry effluent. Presented in 44th All India Botanical Conference of the IBS and National Symposium on Plant Science Research in Present Scenario: Opportunities and Challenges, organized by JNVU, Jodhpur during October 18-20.
- Pooran Singh Solanki, Raj Kumar Gothwal, Krishna Mohan Medicherla (2019). PIASP: A tool to determine structurally conserved atomic interactions in protein-ligand Complexes. Presented in Inbix'19: Indian Conference on Bioinformatics organized by Hansraj Mahila Maha Vidyalay (HMV), Jalandhar, India, February 22-23.
- Gothwal R. K. (2000). In vitro and biochemical studies in Chlorophytum borivilianum. National Symposium on Prospects and Potentials of Plant Biotechnology in India in the 21st Century and 23rd Annual Meeting of PTCA, India organized by Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan during October 18-21.
- PS Solanki, Monisha Singhal, Pragya Chaturvedi, Priyanka Yadav, Gothwal R. K., M K Mohan (2018). Database of specific primers and probes of water pathogens. Presented in International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (INCOB-2018) organized by JNU, New Delhi, September 26-28.
Solanki P. S., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2018). Poster presentation at XXIX Annual Bioinformatics Review cum Coordinators Meeting organized by MS University, Tirunelveli during February 3-4, 2018.
Meena S., Gothwal R. K., Jyoti Saxena, A. K. Varshney, P. S. Solanki, S. Nehra, Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2017). Utilization of sea food waste for chitinase production by Brevibacillus formosus BISR-1 and Paenibacillus sp. BISR-047 in National Conference of Biological Engineering Society on Biological Engineering in 21st Century organized by NSIT, New Delhi during September 8-9, 2017.
Dadheech P. K. and Gothwal R. K. (2016). Significance of DNA-barcoding in the systematics of fungi: An overview. National conference on Fungal Biotechnology and 43rd Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of India organized by Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur during November 16-18, 2022.
Gothwal R. K., Meena S., Sharma Y. K., Nehra S., Solanki P. S., Mohan M.K. and Ghosh P. (2014). A hyper-thermostable chitinase from Paenibacillus sp. BISR-047: Its characterization and biocontrol potential. 55th Annual Conference of AMI and National Conference on Empowering Mankind with Microbial Technologies organized by TNAU, Coimbatore, India during November 12-14 (AM56).
Yadav H., Gothwal R. K., Nehra S., Solanki P. S. and Ghosh P. (2014). Isolation and characterization of thermotolerant bacterial strains from Jhamarkotra phosphate mines producing alkaline phosphatase. 55th Annual Conference of AMI and National Conference on Empowering Mankind with Microbial Technologies organized by TNAU, Coimbatore, India during November 12-14 (AM74).
Gothwal R. K. (2013). Mineral-Microbe interactions: a driver for mineral weathering. Contact programme workshop on Earth Surface Processes organized by IIT Gandhinagar during December 9-10.
Nehra S., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2013). Characterization of rhizobacteria for plant growth promoting activities and to manage wilt disease complex in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). Emerging Trends in Nanobiotechnology organized by Jaipur National University, Jaipur during November 29-30.
Nehra S., Gothwal R. K., Solanki P., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2013). Genotyping of antifungal compounds producing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescence. Emerging Trends in Nanobiotechnology organized by Jaipur National University, Jaipur during November 29-30.
Gothwal R. K., Meena S., Nehra S., Solanki P. S., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2013). Chitinase production and biocontrol potential of a newly isolated chitinolytic bacterium Brevibacillus formosus BISR-1. 54th Annual Conference of AMI and International Symposium on Frontier Discoveries and Innovations in Microbiology and its Interdisciplinary Relevance organized by MDU, Rohtak, India during November 17-20.
Yadav H., Sharma S., Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sinha-Roy S. and Ghosh P. (2012). Rock phosphate solubilization by thermo-tolerant bacterial strains isolated from Jhamarkotra phosphate mines of Rajasthan. 53rd Annual Conference of AMI & International Conference on Microbial World: Recent Innovations and Future Trends organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar, India during November, 22-25.
Meena S., Solanki P. S., Nehra S., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2012). Optimization of culture conditions for chitinase production by Paenibacillus sp. BISR-047. 53rd Annual Conference of AMI & International Conference on Microbial World: Recent Innovations and Future Trends organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar, India during November, 22-25.
Chitranshi K., Meena S., Sharma Y. K., Solanki P. S., Nehra S., Gothwal R. K., and Ghosh P. (2012). Antifungal activity of chitinolytic bacterial strains and their potential for biocontrol of important fungal phytopathogens of cumin. 53rd Annual Conference of AMI & International Conference on Microbial World: Recent Innovations and Future Trends organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar, India during November, 22-25.
Meena S., Gothwal R. K., Sharma Y. K. and Ghosh P. (2012). Production of chitinase by Paenibacillus sp. BISR-047 and its potential for the biocontrol of important fungal phytopathogens of cumin. 4th Indian Youth Science Congress on Young Scientists and Shaping India’s Future at Nagpur, Maharashtra during November 9-11.
Gothwal R. K. (2012). Chitinolytic enzymes. National Seminar on Science for Shaping the Future of India organized by CCT, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur during October 6-7.
Solanki P. S., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K., Ghosh P. and Kothari S. L. (2012). Comparative analysis of secondary structure elements (SSEs) in extremophiles using CASSP. National Symposium on Bioinformatics: Challenges in the post-genomic era organized by University of Jammu during February 2.
Pareek R. P., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Dey S., Gothwal R. K. and Ghosh P. (2011). Development of liquid biofertilizer formulation for Rhizobium in Cicer arietinum. International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology towards Tolerance to Stresses and Enhancing Crop Yield organized by BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand during September 28 - October 1, 2011.
Meena S., Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2010). Studies on chitin solubilizing bacterial isolates from hot arid zones of Rajasthan. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Cross-disciplinary Microbiology: Avenues & Challenges organized by BIT, Mesra, Ranchi during December 14-17.
Sinash S., Yadav H., Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sinha-Roy S. and Ghosh P. (2010). Phosphate solubilizing rhizobacteria from sandy soils of Jaipur region. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Cross-disciplinary Microbiology: Avenues & Challenges organized by BIT, Mesra, Ranchi during December 14-17.
Akanksha, Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2008). Studies on antifungal metabolites produced by endophytic and rhizobacterial isolates of Catharanthus roseus. National Symposium on Biotechnology in plant disease management for sustainable crop protection organized by Agharkar Research Institute, Pune during September, 17-18.
Nigam V. K., R. Verma, Gothwal R. K., S. Kundu and Ghosh P. (2005). Evaluation of cephalosporin-C production at different inoculum conditions. National conference on Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology: Trends and Opportunities organized by BIT, Mesra, Ranchi during March 17-19.
Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2005). Rhizospheric community analysis of desert plants: An approach for optimization of DNA amplification. National conference on Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology: Trends and Opportunities organized by BIT, Mesra, Ranchi during March 17-19.
Dadheech P. K., Gothwal R. K., Sinha S. and Mohan M. K. (2004). Cyanobacterial diversity in the Great Indian Desert inferred with polyphasic approach. 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research at Luxembourg, Germany during August 30 - September 3.
Gothwal R. K. (2004). Isolation of bacterial genomic DNA, its electrophoresis and PCR amplification. Science Congress organized by Navodaya Vidyalaya, Paota, Jaipur, Rajasthan during November.
Gothwal R. K. (2004). Use of lignin for wood adhesive. National Seminar on Biomass as Source of Energy and Chemicals organized by Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology, BHU, Varanasi during February 28-29.
Organization of 6-Months Certificate Courses:
- Co-coordinator of the 6-Months Certificate course (Under DIC) on Computer Assisted Drug Design (CADD) held during September 3, 2021 to March 2022, jointly organized by Birla Institute of Scientific Research and Design and Innovation Centre (Online Mode).
- Co-coordinator of the 6-Months Certificate course (Under DIC) on Computer Assisted Drug Design (CADD) starting from October 7, 2022, jointly organized by Design and Innovation Centre (DIC), Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur and DIC, CCT, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (Hybrid Mode).
Organization of Training Programmes:
- Co-coordinator of the 6-Months dissertation programme being conducted every year twice in the months of January-June and July-December.
- Co-coordinator of the 6-Weeks Summer Training Programme in Microbiology; Molecular Biology; Fermentation, Protein Extraction and Estimation; Bioinformatics, drug design and next generation sequencing; Laboratory equipment and Bioinformatics software for data analysis being conducted every year in the months of May-July.
Organization of Conferences/Seminars/Workshops:
- Coordinator, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Annual Convention at BISR, Jaipur held during December 12-14, 2019.
- Co-Coordinator, 3-days National Workshop on Bioinformatics Applications in Modeling and Drug Design at BISR, Jaipur held during Feb 15-17, 2018.
- Coordinator, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Youth Conclave at BISR, Jaipur held during August 11-12, 2017.
- Joint Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Fungal Biotechnology and 43rd Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of India held during November 16-18, 2016.
- Coordinator, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Annual Convention held during 11-13 December 2014.
- Co-Coordinator, XVI Annual BTISnet Coordinators Meet at BISR, Jaipur held , February 2005.
- Co-Coordinator, 74th Annual Session of National Academy of Sciences, India at BISR and UOR, Jaipur, December 2004.
Extracurricular Activities
- Represented Rajasthan Agricultural University in Inter-University Cricket Tournament organized at Bharuch, Gujarat during 1990-91.
- Represented Rajasthan Agricultural University in Inter-University Tennis Tournament organized at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu during 1989-90.
- Represented Rajasthan Agricultural University in National West Zone Youth Festival organized by Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya at Indore, Madhya Pradesh during 1988-89.