- Annu Mishra, Pankaj Gupta, and Peeyush Tewari.,”Global U-Net with Amalgamation of Inception Model and Improved Kernel Variation for MRI Brain Image Segmentation”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, SCIE(Published 18 March 2022), DOI: 10.1007/s11042-022-12094-w
- Narwal, P., Kumar, D., Singh, S. N., Tewari, P., “Stochastic Intrusion Detection Game-Based Arrangement using Controlled Markov Chain for Prevention of DoS and DDoS bypass on DHCP Server Attacks in Cloud”, Journal of Information Technology Research, IGI GLOBAL, (SCOPUS and E-SCI indexed) 2020
- Narwal, P., Kumar, D., Singh, S. N., Tewari, P., “SVMS: An Efficient Multi-Objecti ve Secured Virtual Machine Scheduling on Cloud using Enhanced Optimization Framework”, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer proceedings (Communicated) (SCOPUS and E-SCI indexed), 2020
- Deepti Gupta., Mathur, P., Tewari, P.,. Simulated Output of Continuous Interleaved Sampling and Frequency Amplitude Modulation Encoding techniques used in Cochlear Implant, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, 2019. (Unpaid Scopus Index Journal)
- Deepti Gupta., Mathur, P., Tewari, P., Use of preprocessor with Frequency Amplitude Modulation Encoding (FAME) for speech quality enhancement in Cochlear Implant to aid hearing impairment, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, 2019. (Unpaid Scopus Index Journal)
- Deepti Gupta, Pratistha Mathur, Peeyush Tewari, “Signal processing and neural network techniques used in Cochlear Implant for different types of noises”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 03, 06, June, 2016, e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 , p-ISSN: 2395-0072. Impact Factor 7.211(2018), peer reviewed online, https://www.irjet.net/archives/V3/i6/IRJET-V3I6580.pdf.
- Peeyush Tewari, U S Gupta, Sriniwas, “Modelling of solidification process in magma chamber cooled from above”, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung Journal, Hungary, 32(1-2), 3 -13, 1997, http://a.ggki.hu/new/agg/abst32.html, Impact Factor : 1.00, ISSN Number : 2213-5812 ISSN: 2213-5812, EISSN:2213-5820, peer reviewed, SCIE Indexed
- Peeyush Tewari, U S Gupta, Sriniwas, “Numerical solution of a phase boundary problem using Fourier series”,21, (5-6),157-164, National academy science letters, India, 1998, Impact Factor = 0.331, peer reviewed, SCIE Indexed, ISSN: 0250-541X, Springer
- Peeyush Tewari, Boby George Jacob, “Application of ROVIS in Human Resource Application in the Gulf region”, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research Vol.1 No.8 [77-84] | November, 2011, Impact factor=0.631, peer reviewed online research journal, published monthly, http://www.ajbmr.com/articlepdf/AJBMR_18_10ai1n8a10.pdf , https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/details?jmlId=10372&org=Australian%20Journal%20of%20Business%20and%20Management%20Research%20AJBMR,p10372,3.html
- Ambuj Khare, Anurag Saxena, Peeyush Tewari, “Supply Chain Performance Measures for gaining Competitive Advantage: A Review” Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 3, No. 2; April, 2012, PP 25-32. peer-reviewed SCIEDU, http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/jms/article/view/968/485, ISSN:19233973, used as electronic Course Reserve for the course MAFED2014 - Supply Chain Management (43 students) from 19/3/2014 to 14/4/2014, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Electronic Course Reserves via Gobbi, 5 - 20136 Milano
- Mohammed Mohtram, Praveen Dhyani, Peeyush Tewari, “Quadratic and Exponential Cost Function in Economic Load Dispatch of Thermal Power Plants: A Comparison” Caledonian Journal of Engineering, Vol 4, Issue 2, July-December 2008, ISSN: 1999-9496
- Mohammad Mohatram, Praveen Dhyani, Peeyush Tewari, A different Approach to economic load dispatch of Thermal power Plants using an exponential cost function, International Journal of COMADEM, 13(4), Oct 2010, PP 16-21, ISSN Number : 1363-7681
- Mohammad Mohatram, Peeyush Tewari and Shahjahan, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Electric Power Industry: A Review; International Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISSN:0974-2158, Volume4, Number 2, 2011, pp.161-171 , Impact Factor : 1.00, http://ripublication.com/irph/volume/ijeev4v2.htm
- Pradeep kumar yadav, Nadeem Ahamad, Peeyush Tewari, “Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Distributed Processing Systems Through Systematic Allocation of Tasks”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Volume 5, Number 1, January-June, 2011, pp. 19– 24.
- Ambuj Khare, Anurag Saxena, Peeyush Tewari,” Customer & core technology suppliers: some upstream supply chain evidences from consumer electronics & durable industry in Oman” , Australian Journal of Business and Management Research Vol.1 No.4 [117-121] | July-2011, http://www.ajbmr.com/articlepdf/ajbmrv01n0413.pdf
- Ambuj Khare, Anurag Saxena, Peeyush Tewari, “Supply Chain Elements that affects the retail sales of electronic goods in the Oman region” Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 1, No.8; PP 15-22, April, 2012, http://arabianjbmr.com/pdfs/KD_VOL_1_8/2.pdf
- Sanjay Kumar, Santosh Kumar Ray, Peeyush Tewari, “A Combined Approach Using Fuzzy Clustering and Local Image Fitting Level Set Method for Global Image Segmentation”, Canadian Journal on Image Processing and Computer Vision Vol. 3 No. 1, March, 2012, http://www.ampublisher.com/Mar%202012/IPCV-1203-012-Fuzzy-Clustering-Local-Image-Fitting-Level-Set-Global-Image-Segmentation.pdf , ISSN 1923 -1717
- Peeyush Tewari, “Analysis of a PVC Pipe Manufacturing Plant in a medium Scale Industry” July-Dec 2005, Productivity Journal, NPC, India, 2005
Gurminder Singh Malhotra and Peeyush Tewari, “MODELLING THE TOTAL INCOME OF A HINDI MOVIE USING MODIFIED EXPONENTIAL MODEL” International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Science, T-303, RTES 2023, NIT Surat
- Peeyush Tewari, “Educational Technologies: Some Aspects”, International Conference, SQU, Muscat, 2004
- Peeyush Tewari, U S Gupta, Sriniwas “Numerical solution of a Stefan problem using Fourier series method”, International Conference proceedings, Roorkee University, Narosa publications, India 1997
- Peeyush Tewari, U S Gupta, Sriniwas, “Mathematical Modelling of solidification of magma chamber using moving boundary criteria”, Physical sciences International Conference, Varanasi, India 1996
- Peeyush Tewari, U S Gupta, Sriniwas “Mathematics and its application in Engineering and industry”, International Conference, IITR, Roorkee University, Narosa Publications India, 1995
- Kranti Kumar, M. Parida, V.K. katiyar, Peeyush Tewari, Use of Nano filters for the control of emission from exhaust of vehicles, 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology November 27-30, 2011, IT Building – Male Side, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE. presented by me
- K.Venkateshwarlu, V.K.katiyar, Bhupinder Singh, Peeyush Tewari, Mathematical Modeling of Water Purification by Nano Sized Alumina Phages, 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology November 27-30, 2011 United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE. presented by me.
- Boby George Jacob, Peeyush Tewari, Ambuj Khare, Application of ROVIS theory in maximizing customer satisfaction, through optimal decision models, International Conference on Knowledge management & Resource Sharing Feb 27-28, 2012, ICKMARS-12, Waljat college of Applies Sciences Oman, (Session CHAIR)
- Ambuj Khare, Peeyush Tewari, Anurag Saxena, Application of knowledge management to study the effect of supplier/ Manufacturer ‘s profile on the sale of the product, International Conference on Knowledge management & Resource Sharing Feb 27-28, 2012, ICKMARS-12, Waljat college of Applies Sciences Oman,
- Mohammed Mohtram, Praveen Dhyani, Peeyush Tewari, “A Non-Iterative algorithm to optimize the generation schedule of thermal power plants” International Conference on Knowledge management & Resource Sharing Feb 27-28, 2012, ICKMARS-12, Waljat college of Applied Sciences Oman,
- Mohammad Mohatram, Peeyush Tewari, Nutan latanath, “Economic Load Flow Using Lagrange Neural Network” , NSPEC Accession Number: 12063495, Publisher: IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/SIECPC.2011.5876896, 24-26, April, 2011.
- Mohammed Mohtram, Praveen Dhyani, Peeyush Tewari, “A New Approach To Economic Load Dispatch Using an Exponential Cost Function” International conference on Hamessing Technology.12-13 October, Oman, 2008
- Rahul, Katiyar V K and Peeyush Tewari, Use of Nano Filters for the Control of Emission of NOX and Carbon Particles from the Chimneys of the Industries, International conference of Nanotechnology, 18 November, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2008
- Peeyush Tewari and Boby Jacob “Rovis Approach in ISO Consulting Business”, International conference on Operations Conference, FORE Delhi, paper presented and Session Chair 26-27 Nov 2015.
- Peeyush Tewari & Prerna Surbhi, “Evaluation of Some Recent Image Segmentation Method’s” IEEE Conference ID: 37465 2016 3rd International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 16th - 18th March, 2016, Proceedings of the 10th INDIACom; INDIACom-2016; ISSN 0973-7529; ISBN 978-93-80544-20-5, PP 5052-5058
- Peeyush Tewari and Boby Jacob “Rovis Approach in ISO training impartation”, International Management conference, GLA University, Mathura UP, paper presented and Session Chair 15-16 December 2017.
- Deepti Gupta, Pratistha Mathur, Peeyush Tewari; Challenges related to Cochlear Implant, Computing and Network Sustainability, International conference, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS, volume 75), 217-225, 3 May, 2019, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7150-9_23
- Deepti Gupta, Pratistha Mathur, Peeyush Tewari; “Analysis and Impact of Electrode Related Parameters in Cochlear Implant”, International conference, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 553), 851-857, 1 June 2019, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-6772-4_73,
- Deepti Gupta, Pratisha Mathur, Peeyush Tewari, ”Challenges related to Cochelear Implant”, International conference on ICT for Sustainable development, August 30-31, 2018, Taj GOA , Springer RSCNS symposium 2018.
- Narwal, P., Kumar, D., Singh, S. N., Tewari, P., “Stochastic Intrusion Detection Game-Based Arrangement using Controlled Markov Chain for Prevention of DoS and DDoS bypass on DHCP Server Attacks in Cloud”, Journal of Information Technology Research, IGI GLOBAL (Accepted) (SCOPUS and E-SCI indexed), 2019
- Sanjeet Agrawal, Peeyush Tewari, “Moving Boundary problem The current State”, 88th Indian Mathematical Society Conference, BIT Mesra, 27-30 Dec, 2022,
1. Peeyush Tewari, Santosh Kumar Ray , Sanjay Kumar “Application of Level Set Method in Image Processing Related to Medical Applications, 2-3 FEB, National Conference, Galgotia university, India, 2013
2. Sanjay, Praveen Dhyani and Peeyush Tewari, “Noise Removal in Images Using Level Set Method”, National conference 2008, Sultanate of Oman