- Journal Publications:
Rinkey, Dr.Piyush Gupta, Dr. Archana Bhatnagar, Implementation of Cloud based E-learning Architecture. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Volume10(14), pp: 1886-1893,November 2018. (SCOPUS)
Rinkey, Dr.Piyush Gupta, Dr,Archana Bhatnagar, “Architecture of Modern E-learning Education System using Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume-8 (6), pp:5132-5137, August 2019. (SCOPUS)
Brain to Brain Knowledge transfer for the Disabled with E-Governance - by Dr. Piyush Gupta & Kashinath Chandelkar, published in IJARCSSE ISSN-2277 128X ? Vol-2 Issue-12? Dec-2012 ? Pgs. 302-306
Intelligent Network Practices & Innovative Networking for Enterprises - by Dr. Piyush Gupta & Kashinath Chandelkar, published in IJERMT ISSN-2278 9359 ? Vol-1 Issue-2 ? Dec-2012 ? Pgs. 41-45
Analyzing High Performance Cloud Computing: A perspective Approach - by Dr.Piyush Gupta & Kashinath Chandelkar, published in IJARCSSE ISSN-2277 128X ? Vol-3 Issue-4 ? Dec-2013 ? Pgs.986-990
Query Processing and Optimization in the Distributed Architecture using No Sql: a Banking System - by Dr. Piyush Gupta & Kashinath Chandelkar and published in IJACECT ISSN (Print): 2319-2526, ISSN online ? 278-5140 Springer ?Vol-3 Issue-4 ? Nov-2014 ? Pgs. 25-28
Innovative Information retrieval Framework on dedicated cloud using Map Reduce & Hummingbird primitives - by Dr. Piyush Gupta and Kashinath Chandelkar, published in IJSER? I.F. - 3.2 Springer ? ISSN 2229-5518 ? Vol-5 Issue-9 ? Sept 2014 ? Pgs.668-671
Promoting Higher Education through E-learning in Indian Perspective - by Dr.Piyush Gupta & Dr. K.C Gupta, published in JCIT ISSN 0972-9550 ? Vol. 11, No.2? July-Dec 2011
Internet Marketing - by Dr. Piyush Gupta & Dr. K.C Gupta, published in JCIT ISSN 0972-9550 ? Vol. 11, No.1? Jan-June 2011
Application Compatibility factors for Cloud Migration - IEEE Conference, 21-22, Feb’14, ITM Gurgaon, Delhi
Quality Education via Distance Mode Via Support Services - An International Conference, 13-14, Nov’13
Teachers as Curriculum Developers for E-learners - An International Conference, 12-13, Oct’12
Cross Functional Management Information System & Complex Strategic Decisions -Contemporary Innovative Practices in Management, 13-14, April’12, Pacific University, Udaipur
The Role of Technology in Knowledge Management Systems & Resource Sharing in Enterprises - 27-28, Feb’12,WCAS and BIT, Muscat (Oman)
Potential Benefits and E-Accounting Systems - Accounting Education and Research, 17-18, Dec’11, University of Rajasthan
Promoting Higher Education Sector through E-learning devise; A Case of India - Information and Communication Technology in Education, 13-15, Sept’12, NEHU, IGNOU, ICSSR, Shillong
Ensuring Quality Education Through Distance Mode - Transforming Asia through (ODL), 28-30, Sept’11, AAOU, Wawasan Open University, Penang, Malaysia
Applications of E-learning in Higher Education in India (A Case Study), Service Industry: Challenges & Opportunities, 13-14, Sep’06, WCAS and BIT, Muscat (Oman)
Managing Wide Networking of OL System in the Developing Countries: A Case Study of India, The Fourth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF4), 30 – 31, July’06, Commonwealth of Open Learning, Vancouver, Canada
Role of Computers in Simulation and Modeling - Modeling and Simulation, 1-3,Dec’99, Int’l Association for Modelling and Simulation, France and BIT, Mesra