- Bandana Mahto, Premlata Singh and Baboo Rai “A Spatial trend analysis of groundwater quality of Patna district, Bihar, India”, Nonlinear Studies (Communicated).
- Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, Arun Dubey, Gulrana and Premlata Singh “Analytical solution of advection-dispersion equation: A mathematical approach for infectious diseases” Vol. 3025 No. 1 (2024)(PP 030001-1 TO 030001-7) AIP (SCOPUS) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0201607
- Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, Arun Dubey, Gulrana Gulrana, Shashi Prakash, and Premlata Singh “Mathematical model for pollutant and virus dispersion: An analytical solution for pulse type input source” Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024) , PP 297-306 (SCIE) ELSEVIER
- Dilip Kumar Jaiswal and Premlata Singh “Three-Dimensional Analytical Model With Dirichlet Type Boundary Condition For Contaminant Transport In Homogeneous Porous Medium, Vol. 3087 No. 1 (2024) (120001-120007) AIP (SCOPUS), https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0199564
- Premlata Singh, Priyanka Kumari and Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, “Analytical Solution Of Three-Dimensional Advection-Dispersion Equation Along Porous Media With Cauchy Type Boundary Condition,Vol.3087No.1(2024)(080001-080008)AIP(SCOPUS), https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0199585
- Premlata Singh, Gulrana, Arun Dubey and Dilip Kumar Jaiswal 'Solute transport with decay type input source in one dimensional Heterogeneous medium: Analytical solution' Int. J. of Hydrology Science and Technology, Inder Science. (Accepted)
- Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, Arun Dubey, Premlata Singh, Gulrana and Vinay Singh “Temporally Dependent Solute Transport in One-Dimensional Porous Medium: Analytical and Fuzzy Form Solutions” Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, Vol. 14 No. 3 (2023) , PP 711-719 (SCIE) ELSEVIER
- Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, Priyanka Kumari, Pintu Das and Premlata Singh , “Comparative Study Of Analytical and Numerical Solutions For Solute Transport In Two-Dimensional Homogeneous and Anisotropic Porous Media With Time-Dependent Velocity Field " GANITA, Vol.73(2), 2023, pp.105-122, UGC Listed (at Journal No. 17922)
- Premlata Singh , Priyanka Kumari and Dilip Kumar Jaiswal “An Analytical model with off diagonal impact on Solute Transport in Two-dimensional Homogeneous Porous Media with Dirichlet and Cauchy type boundary conditions”, GANITA, Vol.72(1), 2022, pp.299-309.
- Begam S, Singh P and Singh MK, Solute transport with time-dependent periodic source concentration in Aquifer, J. Groundwater Research, Vol. 6,7(1), December, 2018, pp28-46.
- A. K. Tiwari and P. Singh; “Non-Darcy mixed convection between differentially heated vertical walls filled with a porous material: Application of new modified Adomian decomposition method” Open Journal of Fluid Mechanics, V0l. 5, 380-390 (2015).
- Singh, P., Yadav, S., and Kumar, N.” One-Dimensional Pollutant’s Advective-Diffusive Transport from a Varying Pulse-Type Point Source through a Medium of Linear Heterogeneity.” J. Hydrol. Eng.,(ASCE) 17(9), 1047–1052. (2012), (SCIE) IF 2.091.
- Singh, P. One dimensional solute transport originating from a exponentially decay type point source along unsteady flow through heterogeneous medium. Journal of Water Resource and Protection (JWARP) Vol. 3(8), pp 590-597, 2011.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K, & Singh P, Longitudinal Dispersion with Constant Source Concentration along Unsteady Groundwater Flow in Finite Aquifer: Analytical Solution with Pulse Type Boundary Condition. Natural Science. Vol.3 No. 3. Pp186-192, 2011.
- Singh M K, Singh P & Singh V P, Analytical Solution for Two Dimensional Solute Transport in Finite Aquifer with Time Dependent Source Concentration, Jr. Engineering Mechanics, (ASCE) Vol. 136, no 10, pp1309-1315, 2010, (SCIE) IF 2.62.
- Singh M K, Singh V P, Singh P and Shukla D, Analytical solution for conservative solute transport in one dimensional homogeneous porous formations with time dependent velocity, Jr. Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol.135, no.9, pp1015-1021,2009, (SCIE) IF 2.62.
- Singh M K, Mahato N K& Singh P, Longitudinal dispersion with time dependent source concentration in semi-infinite aquifer, Jr. Earth System Science(JESS), Springer,Vol.117,no.6, pp945-949, 2008.
- Singh M K, Singh P & Singh V P, Solute Transport Model for One-dimensional Homogeneous Porous formations with Time Dependent Point-Source Concentration, Advances of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Hikari Ltd., Vol.2, no.3, pp143-157, 2009.
- Singh M K, Singh P & Singh V P, Analytical Solution for Solute Transport along and against Time Dependent Source Concentration in Homogeneous Finite Aquifers, Advances of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Hikari Ltd., Vol.3, no.3, pp99-119, 2010.
- Singh P & Singh M K, Analytical Solution for Conservative Solute Transport in Two Dimensional Porous Formations with constant source input concentration, Proceedings of The Mathematical Society, B. H.U., Vo1.24, pp128-138, 2008.
- Singh M K, Kumar R, Singh P & Singh Gurdeep, Distribution of trace elements concentration levels from ash ponds, Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2009) I.S.M.U, pp441-447, 2009
- Singh M K, Singh P & Mahato N K, Solute transport model with time dependent source concentration in aquifer, Proceedings of National Seminar on Modern Trends in Geophysical Sciences and Techniques, ISMU, Dhanbad, 12-14 Nov., pp 215-218, 2007.
- Singh M K & Singh P, Solute transport model with constant source concentration against unsteady groundwater flow in finite aquifer, Proceedings of The Mathematical Society, B. H.U., Vo1.23, pp 45-52, 2007.
- Singh, P., Yadav, S.K., Perig, A.V. Two dimensional solute transport from a varying pulse type point source along exponentially varying unsteady flow through heterogeneous medium, Proceeding of International conferences on modeling and simulation of diffusive processes and applications, Dept. of Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, October (9-12), 2012, pg. no. 68-74.
Invited Talk
- Singh, P., ‘Comparative Study of Analytical and Numerical Solutions For Infectious Diseases: A Mathematical Approach’, Invited talk in International Conference on Advancement in Natural Sciences: Vedic to Modern Era (ICANSVME - 24), 22 – 24 February 2024, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, U.P.
Research Paper Presented/Attended in National/International Conferences:
- Dubey, A., Jaiswal, D.K., Gulrana, Prakash, S. and Singh, Premlata, ‘Mathematical model for pollutant and virus dispersion: An analytical solution for pulse type input source’, Research Article presented in International Conference on Advancement in Natural Sciences: Vedic to Modern Era (ICANSVME - 24), 22 – 24 February 2024, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, U.P.
- Mahto, B., Singh, Premlata. and Rai, B. “Assessment of groundwater quality in Patna district, Bihar, India using the Water Quality Index method (CCME method), Research Article presented in International Conference on Advancement in Natural Sciences: Vedic to Modern Era (ICANSVME - 24), 22 – 24 February 2024, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, U.P.
- Mahto, B., Singh, P., Krishna, P., Sharan, M., Kumari, S., Farhad, Md. and Raj, H., ‘Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality and its Influence on Resident’s Health at BIT Mesra, Patna Campus, Bihar’, Research Article presented in International Conference on Advancement in Natural Sciences: Vedic to Modern Era (ICANSVME - 24), 22 – 24 February 2024, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, U.P.
- Dilip Kumar Jaiswal and Premlata Singh “Three-Dimensional Analytical Model With Dirichlet Type Boundary Condition For Contaminant Transport In Homogeneous Porous Medium” 2nd International Conference on “Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences 2022 (ICAMCS-2022) 12–14 October 2022, DIT Dehradun, India (AIP).
- Premlata Singh, Priyanka Kumari and Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, “Analytical Solution Of Three-Dimensional Advection-Dispersion Equation Along Porous Media With Cauchy Type Boundary Condition, 2nd International Conference on “Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences 2022 (ICAMCS-2022) 12–14 October 2022, DIT Dehradun, India (AIP).
- Premlata Singh , Priyanka Kumari and Dilip Kumar Jaiswal “An Analytical model with off diagonal impact on Solute Transport in Two-dimensional Homogeneous Porous Media with Dirichlet and Cauchy type boundary conditions” 68th Annual conference of BHARAT GANITA PARISAD, Conference on analysis and applications – An International Meet, 17-18 Nov. 2021, Department of Mathematics and Astronomy University of LUCKNOW, LUCKNOW.
- Dilip Kumar Jaiswal, Priyanka Kumari, Pintu Das and Premlata Singh , “Comparative Study Of Analytical and Numerical Solutions For Solute Transport In Two-Dimensional Homogeneous and Anisotropic Porous Media With Time-Dependent Velocity Field” 68th Annual conference of BHARAT GANITA PARISAD, Conference on analysis and applications – An International Meet, 17-18 Nov. 2021, Department of Mathematics and Astronomy University of LUCKNOW, LUCKNOW.
- Singh P., Groundwater Pollution. international seminar on Groundwater quality management in developing countries: the emerging challenge, 27-29 November 2017, Department of Geology Patna University Patna.
- Singh P., Kumar C., and Singh M.K. “One dimensional solute transport model in semi-infinite aquifer through hetrogenous medium”. International conference on application of fluid dynamics, indian institute of technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad, 19-21 Dec 2016.
- Singh P. “Analytical solution for One – Dimensional Unsteady Solute Transport along Unsteady Flow through Inhomogeneous Medium in Semi-infinite Aquifer”. 28th Annual Conference of Mathematical Society Banaras Hindu University on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Modelling), Dec. 03-04, 2012 Orgnised by BIT Mesra, Patna Campus.
- Singh P & Yadav S. K., “One – Dimensional Unsteady Solute Transport along Unsteady Flow through Inhomogeneous Medium. 55th Congress of Indian Socitey of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (An International Meet), Dec. 18-21, 2010, Dept. of Mathematics, NIT-Hamirpur.
- Singh P & Yadav S. K., “Two – Dimensional Unsteady Solute Transport along Unsteady Flow through Inhomogeneous Medium in Semi-infinite Aquifer”. 26th Annual Conference of the Mathematical Society, Nov..28-29, 2010, B.H.U., Varanasi.
- Singh P & Yadav S. K., “Analytical solution for One – Dimensional Unsteady Solute Transport along Unsteady Flow through Inhomogeneous Medium in Semi-infinite Aquifer”. 12th International Conference of International Acdemy of Physical Sciences (CONIAPS XII), Dec. 22-24, 2010, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
- Singh M K, Singh P & Kumar N, Longitudinal dispersion with constant source concentration along unsteady groundwater flow in finite aquifer, Joint IAHS & IAH International convention Water: A Vital Resource Under Stress-How Science Can Help, Hyderabad, 6-12 Sept., 2009.
- Singh M K, Garai, A, & Singh P, Analytical Approach of Concentration Distribution Behaviour through the Wall of Cylinder in Unsteady State Flow Condition 25thAnnual Conference of the Mathematical Society, Dec.22-24, 2009, B.H.U., Varanasi.
- International conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (WEES), Jan.12-16, 2009, NASC Complex, New Delhi.
- Singh M K, Kumar R, Singh P & Singh G., Distribution of trace elements concentration levels from ash ponds, Proceedings of National conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2009), I.S.M.U, 6-7 Feb., 2009.
- Singh, M.K. & Singh, P., Analytical solution for conservative solute transport in two dimensional homogeneous porous formations with time dependent source input concentration, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Theoretical and Applied Seismology, March 27-28,2009, I.S.M University., Dhanbad
- Singh P & Singh M K, Analytical solution for conservative solute transport in two dimensional porous formations with constant source input concentration, 24th Annual Conference of the Mathematical Society, Dec.30-31, 2008, B.H.U., Varanasi.
- Seth, G.S. & Singh, P., Effects of Hall Current on Hydromagnetic Couette Flow in a Rotating System in the Presence of Inclined Magnetic Field, National Seminar on Recent Advances in Theoretical and Applied Seismology, March 21-22,2007, I.S.M University., Dhanbad.
- Singh M K, Singh P & Mahato N K, Solute transport model with time dependent source concentration in aquifer, Proceedings of National Seminar on Modern Trends in Geophysical Sciences and Techniques, ISMU, Dhanbad, 12-14 Nov., pp 215-218, 2007
- Singh M K & Singh P, Solute transport model with constant source concentration against unsteady groundwater flow in finite aquifer, 23rd Annual Conference of the Mathematical Society, Dec.29-30, 2007, B.H.U., Varanasi.
International/ National training/workshop attended:
- The International Training Programme on “Introduction to Groundwater Flow and Transport Modelling using MODFLOW, MODPATH, MT3DMS and SEAWAT with Model Analysis Using PEST and UCODE” during Sept 1-4, 2009 organized by IAHS and IAH at NGRI, Hyderabad.
- The National Training Programme on “Symposium on Engineering Applications of MATALAB” organized by the Mineral Engineering Society Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, from 9-17 january, 2010.
- Short Term Training Program on “MATHEMATICAL MODELLING & NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES” organized by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, from 17-21 January 2011.
- Short Term Training Program on “Groundwater and contamination and modelling approach(GCMA-2016)” organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, IIT(ISM) DHANBAD, from 18-20 Dec. 2016.
- Faculty Development Program on ADVANCE PEDAGOGY, Organised by Swaasthya consulting LLP Banglore, from 14th Dec 2015th to 19 Dec 2015 at BIT PATNA Campus.
- Science Academic Refresher Course on CRUSTAL STRENGTH RHEOLOGY and SEISMICITY Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics and Applied Geology, IIT(ISM) DHANBAD from 15th May 2017 to 26th May 2017.
- Science Academic Refresher Course on CONCEPT OF FLUID DYNAMICS and APPLICATIONS Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics , IIT(ISM) DHANBAD from 25th June 2018 to 6th July 2018.
- An Academic Work Shop on finite element Analysis held at BIT Mesra, Patna Campus during 08th May 2019 to 10th may 2019.
- Workshop on “MATLAB/SIMULINK for engineering application” conducted by Department of Electrical an Electronics Engineering, BIT Mesra, Patna Campus during 14th oct 2019 to 18th Oct 2019.
- 84th Orientation Programme organized by University Grants Commission Human Resource Development Centre(HRDC) Patna University, Patna from 29th Nov 2019 to 19th Dec 2019.
- Short term faculty training program on INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS” conducted by UGC HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, BHU VARANASI in collaboration with IKS Division Ministry of education Govt. of INDIA New Delhi during 28th August, 2023 to 02nd September, 2023.