Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy
Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engg
Contact Address
Permanent Address C/O: SANTOSH KUMAR TRIPATHY AT: Gangaram Chawk Po: Athmallik pin: 759125 Dist: Angul, Odisha
Local Address DI/43, BIT Mesra Ranchi
Phone (Office) 06512275444
Phone Residence 9430148809
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 14-Jul-2006

  Work Experience
Teaching : 14Y Years

Research : 7 Years

Individual: 7 Years

  Professional Background

Dr. S. S. Tripathy received his PhD in engineering and M.E. in Electronics and Communication (Instrumentation) from BIT Mesra. He has done his BTech in Electronics and Instrumentation from BPUT Odisha. He is having 14 years of teaching experience at UG and PG level. He has published more than 20 research papers in International Journals and conferences. He is the principal investigator of one of the project sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of INDIA. More than 15 MTech students, 30 BTech students had completed their thesis work under his supervision. Currently he is guiding 2 PhD students.

  Research Areas

Medical Image Processing, Agricultural Image processing, Fuzzy Logic, Instrumentation.


International Journal:



  1. Manish Kumar, Sudhansu K. Mishra, Sumit K. Choubey, Sanjay S. Tripathy, Dilip K. Choubey, Dinesh Das, Cat Swarm Optimization based Functional Link Multilayer Perceptron for Suppression of Gaussian and Impulse Noise from Computed Tomography Images, Current Medical Imaging Reviews. Bentham Science. Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 329-339, 2020. (indexed in  SCIE)



  1. Mrinal kumar, Tathagata Hazra ,S.S tripathy , “Wheat leaf disease detection using

image processing”, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,

Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) Volume VI, Issue IV, PP 73-76, April 2017 ,ISSN 2278-2540.

  1. Tathagata Hazra , Mrinal kumar, S.S. Tripathy, “Automatic Leukemia DetectionUsing Image Processing Technique” , International Journal of Latest Technology inEngineering, Management & Applied Science Volume VI, Issue IV, PP 42-45, April 2017|ISSN, 2278-2540.


  1. Sushama kiran, Bindhu Lal and S.S. Tripathy, “Shear Strength Prediction of Soil based on Probabilistic Neural Network”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume-9, Issue-41, P 1-6, ISSN: 0974-6846, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i41/99188, November 2016.


  1. Deepak Kumar and S.S. Tripathy, “Computer Classification of Jharkhand Coal Based on Feature analysis and Repeatability using Image Processing” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol 5, Issue-4, 2538-2544, ISSN: 2278-8875, April 2016.
  2. Suryadeep Roy, S.S Tripathy, “A Novel Approach for the Detection of Malaria Parasites and Measure its Severity Using Image Processing and Fuzzy Logic” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol 5, Issue-4,3080-3088, April 2016.
  3. Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy and R. Sukesh Kumar, “Perceptual Similarity Based Image Retrieval Systems using Relevance Feedback” European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.96, No. 1, pp 117-125, Feb. 2013.(Scopus )
  4. Bindhu Lal & Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, “ Prediction of dust concentration in open cast coal mine using artificial neural network” Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol 3, Issue 2, Pages 211-218,2012. (Indexed in SCIE )
  5. S. Chakraborty, S. S. Solanki, S. Roy, S. Chauhan, S. S. Tripathy and K. Mahto,  A Statistical Approach to Modeling Indian Classical Music Performance, International Journal of Computational Cognition, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp:  Dec 2011, 31-40


  1. Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy and R. Sukesh Kumar, “ Content Based Image Retrieval using Hierarchical Similarity Measurement”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp 697-706, 2010.


  1. Bindhu Lal & Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, “Dust Concentration Prediction in Coal Mines by Probabilistic Neural Network model”, International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol-5, Number(4), pp591-602, 2010.


  • Book Chapter:
  1. Pragati Prerna , S S Tripathy,  “Glucometer: A Survey”. In Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems. NCCS 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 642. Springer, Singapore 2020
  2. Reva Nagi, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, Application of Fuzzy Logic in Plant Disease Management, Fuzzy Expert Systems and Applications in Agricultural Diagnosis, pp 261-302, IGI Global, 2020,  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9175-7.ch013.





International Conference:


  1. R Nagi, SS Tripathy, “Infected Area Segmentation and Severity Estimation of Grapevine Using Fuzzy Logic”  pp 57-67, Advances in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Singapore, 2020
  2. M. Kankanala, P malla, K Vipul, S S Tripathy, S S Solanki “  Malaria Detection using Foldscope and Smartphone” Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT) pp 1693-1696, 20-22 feb 2019.  
  3. Ritija Monali, Shreya Moonka, Anushruti Priya, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, “Effects of noise and relative overlap on image mosaicing Using SURF Features”, Proceedings of IEEE conference on RTEICT-2016, 20-21 May 2016.
  4. Deepak Kumar and Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, “ Analysis and Classification of Jharkhand coal”, Proceedings of ICEMS-2016, 3-IC-1379, 17-19 March 2016.
  5. Suryadeep Roy and Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, “ Detection of malarial parasites in human blood using image processing”, Proceedings of ICECS-2016, 2737-2740, 25-26 FEB 2016.
  6. Ashish Anand, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, R. Sukesh Kumar, “ An Improved Edge Detection Using Morphological Laplacian of Gaussian Operator”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, pp.484-488, 19 20 February 2015.
  7. Asim Sen, Bindhu Lal, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, “Determination of Air Quality Index using Fuzzy Logic-based Model” IEEE international Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), January, 2015.
  8. Arnav Chowdhury, S. S. Tripathy, “ Human skin detection and face recognition using fuzzy logic and eigenface” Proc of the International Conference on Green computing , communication and electrical engineering, 2014, DR.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India, 7th -8th Mar 2014.
  9. Archana Smriti Khalkho, S. S. Tripathy, “ Automatic Health monitoring of fetus from ultrasound images using level set algorithm,” Proc of the International Conference on Green computing , communication and electrical engineering, 2014, DR.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India, 7th -8th Mar 2014.
  10. Arnav Chowdhury, S. S. Tripathy “ Detection of human presence in a surveillance video using fuzzy approach” Proc of the International Conference on SPIN, pp 216-219, Amity University, Noida, India, 20th -21st February, 2014


  1. S. S. Tripathy, Ravi Sekhar, R. Sukesh Kumar, “Texture Retrieval System Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Theory” Proc of the International Conference on Devices and Communications. PP 1-5, BIT Mesra, Ranchi, India, 24-25 feb 2011.
  2. Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, Priyank Saxena, S. S. Solanki, R. Sukesh Kumar, “PNN Implementation of Content Based Image Retrieval Using Descriptors Hierarchy” Proc. of the International Conference on Content Based Image Retrieval” pp: 22-26, PESIT Bangalore, India, July16-18, 2008  
  3. Soubhik Chakraborty, Sandeep Singh Solanki, Sayan Roy, Sanjaya   Shankar Tripathy and Guerino Mazzola, “A Statistical Comparison of Performance of Two Ragas ( Dhuns ) that Use the Same Notes”, Proc. to the International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM-2008), (P: 167-171) held at Sir C V Raman Centre for Physics and Music, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Feb 20-21, 2008.
  4. M.C.Shrotriya, S.S. Tripathy, Omar Faruque, Z.A. Abbasi “ Hindi Digit recognition System using Neural Network” ICISC, Coimbartor, India, pp 564-565, ICISC, Coimbartor, August 2006.


National Conference

  1. S.S. Tripathy, SS Solanki, PK Dutta “Digit Recognition Using Probabilistic Neural Network” Proceedings of NASDEC2, BIT Mesra pp.18 –21, November 2006
  2. S.S. Tripathy, Deepak Mahanana, R. Sukesh Kumar, “Reduction in search space for acceleration of  Retrieval Results in CBIR System” Proceedings of NASDEC2, BIT Mesra pp.104 –106, November 2008
  Member of Professional Bodies

Life Member ISTE

  Text and Reference Books
  1. Pragati Prerna , S S Tripathy,  “Glucometer: A Survey”. In Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems. NCCS 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 642. Springer, Singapore 2020
  2. Reva Nagi, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, Application of Fuzzy Logic in Plant Disease Management, Fuzzy Expert Systems and Applications in Agricultural Diagnosis, pp 261-302, IGI Global, 2020,  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9175-7.ch013.