Research Supervision:
Ph. D student: Eight - (Awarded); Five pursuing; M. Tech Project: Ten; M. Sc. Dissertation: Nine;
B. Tech. Dissertation: Twelve.
Research Publications:
- Patade C. L. A Patade., Sharma A. R., Nigam V. K. and Sampath M. K. (2025) Recovery of lithium and lead ions from battery industry wastes using advanced separation techniques. Metal Value Recovery from Industrial Waste Using Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Technologies Elsevier, 235-259. Editor(s): Dimitrios A. Giannakoudakis, Papita Das, Parimal Pal, Jayato Nayak, Sankha Chakrabortty, ISBN: 9780443218842.
- Kumar A., Jha R. K, Nigam V. K., Pandey D. M. and Wany. A. (2025) Natural compound priming induces abiotic stress tolerance in plants: possible mechanisms. Exogenous Priming and Engineering of Plant Metabolic and Regulatory Genes, Academic Press, 43-53. Editor(s): Manish Kumar Patel, Lam-Son Phan Tran, Sonika Pandey, Avinash Mishra, ISBN 9780443134906.
- Wany A., Kumar A., Jha R. K, Nigam V. K., Pandey D. M. and. (2025) Reactive nitrogen species and their role in stress tolerance. Exogenous Priming and Engineering of Plant Metabolic and Regulatory Genes, Academic Press, 453-463. Editor(s): Manish Kumar Patel, Lam-Son Phan Tran, Sonika Pandey, Avinash Mishra, ISBN 9780443134906.
- Mukherjee K., Nigam V. K. and Pillai S. (2025) Promises of Systems Biology to Better Understand the Kinetics of Industrially Important Enzymes. Microbial Enzymes: Production, Purification and Industrial Applications, 2, 505-518.
- Kumar R., Aggarwal Y., Nigam V. K. and Sinha R. K. (2024) Correlation of poincare plot derived stress score and heart rate variability parameters in the assessment of coronary artery disease. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, 36, 2350040.
- Lakra U., Kumar V., Dhan S., Nigam V. K. and Sharma S. R. (2004) Characterization and evaluation of biosurfactant produced from a thermophilc Bacillus licheniformis, Bioremediation Journal, 1-17.
- Satpathy A., Fatima F., Sen A. K., Mukherjee K. and Nigam V. K. (2024) Solid-State Fermentation of Pectinase and Amylase from Bread Waste Using Bacillus Strain (BIOSMNF02). Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry & Food Science, 62, 12-20.
- Kumar R., Aggarwal Y., Nigam V. K. and Sinha R. K. (2024) Time-domain heart rate dynamics in the prognosis of progressive atherosclerosis. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 34, 1389-1398.
- Kumar R., Aggarwal Y., Nigam V. K. and Sinha R. K. (2024) Nonlinear pulse wave dynamics in prediction of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. IETE Journal of Research, 70, 5247-5257.
- Deo R., Lakra U., Ojha M., Nigam V. K. and Sharma S. R. (2004) Exopolysaccharides in microbial interactions: signalling, quorum sensing, and community dynamics. Natural Product Research, 1-16.
100. Prasad A., Suravajhala P. and Nigam V. K. (2024) Annotation-Based Study on Hypothetical Proteins in Bacteria Using Classification Features. Current Proteomics, 21, 174-186.
- Kumari G., Nigam V. K. and Pandey D.M. (2024) Mutational analysis of flavonol synthase of M. pinnata towards enhancement of binding affinity: a computational approach. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 42, 8574-8587.
- Lakra U., Lincolin V., Nigam V. K. and Sharma S. R. (2004) Optimisation, characterization, and biological evaluation of novel exopolysaccharide from Bacillus licheniformis (BITSL006). Natural Product Research, 38, 3783-3792.
- Satpathy A., Mukherjee K. and Nigam V. K. (2024) Batch cultivation and optimization of pectinase production using Bacillus sp. (BIOSMNF02) through RSM-D-optimal quadratic model. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14, 31979-31990.
- Dutta B., Panja A. S., Nigam V. K., S K Nanjappan ., Ravichandiran V. and Bandopadhyay R (2024) Computational and biochemical characterization of the immobilized esterase of Salinicoccus roseus for pesticide degradation. Scientific Reports, 14, 30661.
- Dutta B., Nigam V. K., Panja A. S., Shrivastava S. and Bandopadhyay R (2023) Statistical optimisation of esterase from Salinicoccus roseus strain RF1H and its potential application in synthetic dye decolorisation, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 41, 67-80.
- Kumari G., Nigam V. K. and Pandey D.M. (2023) The molecular docking and molecular dynamics study of flavonol synthase and flavonoid 3’-monooxygenase enzymes involved for the enrichment of kaempferol. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2022.2033324.
- Kumar R., Aggarwal Y. and Nigam V. K. (2023) Autonomic Features in Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease and Myocardial Infarction. IETE Journal of Research, 69, 8354-8361.
- Soy S., Lakra U., Prakash P., Suravajhala P., Nigam V. K and Sharma S. R. (2003) Exploring microbial diversity in hot springs of Surajkund, India through 16S rRNA analysis and thermozyme characterization from endogenous isolates. Scientific Reports, 13, 14221.
- Soy S., Sharma S. R and Nigam V. K. (2022) Bio-fabrication of thermozyme-based nano- biosensors: their components and present scenario. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33, 5523-5533.
- Laha A., Prasad A., Baj K., Shukla N., Solanki P. S., Bandopadhyay R., Nallapeta S., Mohan M. K., Suravajhala P., and Nigam V. K. (2022) Laccases as Gold Standard Enzymes for Biotechnology. Current Biotechnology, 11, 174-188.
- Prabha R. and Nigam V. K. (2022) Extraction and quantification of acrylic acid from acrylamidase-catalyzed reaction produced by Bacillus tequilensis. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, 10, 78-84.
- Srivastava P., Prasad D. and Nigam V. K. (2022) Insight into microbial biosensors: Design, types and applications, -- “Bioprospecting of Microbial Diversity”. Pradeep Verma and Maulin P Shah (Eds). (Elsevier), ISBN: 978-0-323-90958-7, 425-440.
- Sampath M. K. and Nigam V. K. (2022) Microbial-based eco-friendly processes for the recovery of metals from E-waste, --- “Bioprospecting of Microbial Diversity”. Pradeep Verma and Maulin P Shah (Eds). (Elsevier), ISBN: 978-0-323-90958-7, 393-405.
- Singh N., Shreshtha I., Rishabh and Nigam V. K. (2022) Integrated biomedical waste degradation and detoxification, ---"Integrated Environmental Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Sustainable Development”. Vineet Kumar and Manish Kumar (Eds). (Elsevier), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-91180-1.00005-3
- Sinha S. and Nigam V. K. (2021) Biocatalysis of different nitriles to valuable acids. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 12, 2662-2669.
- Soy S., Nigam V. K. and Sharma S. R. (2021) Enhanced production and biochemical characterization of a thermostable amylase from thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus icigianus BITSNS038. Journal of Taibah University for Science, 15, 730–745.
- Dutta B., Nigam, V. K., Panja A. S., Srivastava S and Bandopadhyay R. (2021) Statistical optimization of esterase from Salinicoccus roseus strain RF1H and its potential application in synthetic dye decolorization. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 41, 67-80
- Shukla N., Prasad A., Kanga U., Suravajhala R., Nigam V. K., Kishor P.B K.., Polavarapu R., Chaubey G., Singh K. K., and Suravajhala P. (2021) SARS-CoV-2 transgressing LncRNAs uncovers the known unknowns. Physiological Genomics, 53, 433-440.
- Prabha R. and Nigam V. K. (2021) Improved production of acrylamidase from Bacillus tequilensis through response surface methodology. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,1-11.
- Kumar, R., Aggarwal, Y. and Nigam, V.K. (2021) Biomarkers and Heart Rate Variability in the Prognosis of Cardiovascular Diseases: A perspective, --- “Advances in Medical Physics and Healthcare Engineering. Lecture Notes in Bioengineering.” Mukherjee M., Mandal J., Bhattacharyya S., Huck C., Biswas S. (Eds). Springer, Singapore. pp. 57-69. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-6915-3_7.
- Kumari P., Mohan M., Nigam V. K. and Poddar R. (2020) Efficacy of spectroscopic optical coherence tomography (sOCT) for instantaneous study of nitrilase enzyme kinetics. Optik, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.163832.
- Arfi T. and Nigam V. K. (2020) Studies on a thermostable nitrilase from Staphylococcus Sp and its In-silico characterisation. Biologia, 75, 2421–2432.
- Prabha R. and Nigam V. K. (2020) Biotransformation of acrylamide to acrylic acid carried through acrylamidase enzyme synthesized from whole cells of Bacillus tequilensis (BITNR004). Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, DOI:10.1080/10242422.2020.1780211.
- Gupta, A., Dev, A., Nigam, V. K., Padmanabhan, P., & Singh, S. (2020). A Review on Next-Generation Nano-Antimicrobials in Orthopedics: Prospects and Concern., -- “Nanostructures for Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm applications”. R. Prasad, B. Siddhardha and M. Dyavaiah (Eds.), Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-030-40336-2
- Mohan M., Nigam V. K. and Poddar R. (2019) Towards characterization of bacterial colonies and biofilms: an approach based on swept source optical coherence tomography. Optik, 592-598.
- Singh, S., Dev, A., Gupta, A., Nigam, V. K., & Poluri, K. M. (2019). Nitrate Reductase mediated synthesis of surface passivated nanogold as broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Gold Bulletin, 52(3), 197-216.
- Soy S., Nigam V. K. and Sharma S. R. (2019) Cellulolytic, amylolytic and xylanolytic potential of thermophilic isolates of Surajkund hot spring. Journal of Biosciences, 44: (124), 1-12.
- Soy S., Prabha R. and Nigam V. K. (2020) Potential of Biocatalysis in Pharmaceuticals., Molecular Biotechnology, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90459.
- Tiwari A. K. and Nigam V. K. (2019) Recent Bio-Processing Technologies for Value Added Horticultural Products., --- “Applied Microbiology and Bioengineering”, 57-67 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815407-6.00004-6
- Bala S., Nigam V. K., Singh S. S., Kumar A. and Kumar S. (2018) Evaluation of nutraceutical applications of Annova squamosa L. based food products. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. SP1, 827-831.
- Banerjee A., Rudra S G., Mazumder K., Nigam V. K. and Bandopadhyay R. (2018) Structural and functional properties of exopolysaccharide excreted by a novel Bacillus anthracis (Strain PFAB2) of hot spring origin. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 58, 39-50.
- Pandey A., Nigam V. K. and Balani K. (2018) Multi-length scale tribology of hydroxyapatite reinforced with ceria and silver. Wear, 404-405, 12-21.
- Pandey A., Midha S., Sharma R K., Maurya V., Nigam V. K., Ghosh S. and Balani K. (2018) Antioxidant and antibacterial hydroxyapatite-based biocomposite for orthopedic applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 88, 13-24.
- Pandey A., Patel A., Ariharan S., Kumar V., Sharma R K., Kanhed S., Nigam V. K., Keshari A., Agarwal A. and Balani K. (2018) Enhanced tribological and bacterial resistance of carbon nanotube, ceria and silver incorporated hydroxyapatite biocoating. Nanomaterials, 8, 1-20.
- Bala S., Vidyarthi A. S., and Nigam V. K. (2018) Optimization of juice extraction from custard apple and fermentation to ethanol. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 75, 684-689.
- Arfi T, Singh L, Prabhakar D and Nigam V. K. (2017) Partial purification and characterization of 3-cyanopridinase responsible for production of nicotinic acid. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 8 (11), 4666-4674.
- Nigam V. K., Arfi T., Kumar Vishal and Shukla P. (2017). Bioengineering of Nitrilases Towards Its Use as Green Catalyst: Applications and Perspectives. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 57, 131-138.
- Agarwal A and Nigam V. K. (2017) Enhanced production of nitrilase from Streptomyces sp.MTCC 7546 by response surface method. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences., India, Section B-Biological Sciences, 87, 603-609.
- Kumar S and Nigam V. K. (2017) Production and characterization of alkaline protease from Halobacillus dabanensis. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 16, 601-610.
- Bala S. Vidyarthi, A. S. and Nigam V. K. (2017) Studies on Nutraceutical Properties of Annaona squamosa., “Applications of Biotechnology for Sustainable Development”., K. Mukhopadhyay, A. Sachan, M. Kumar (Eds.), Springer, India, 81-88, ISBN: 978-981-10-5537-9
- Sinha S and Nigam V. K. (2016) Production and characterization of L-glutaminase from Bacillus sp. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 7(4) 1620-1626.
- Kanth K, Arfi T and Nigam V. K. (2016) Partial purification and characterization of alkaline protease from halophilic bacteria Bacillus sp. International Journal of Current Research, 8, 42200-42205.
- Tiwari A. K., Vidyarthi A. S., Nigam V. K. and Hassan M. A. (2016). Study of rheological properties and storage life of ripe jackfruit products: Jam and Jelly, Asian Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, 18, 475-482.
- Tiwari, A. K. and Nigam, V. K. (2016) Value Addition in Soya Bean: Production of Soya Sauce.—“Soy Protein: Properties, Health Effects and Research Advances.” Rakesh Kumar (Eds). Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 400, Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, 23-28, ISBN: 978-1-53612-072-1
- Dhar R., Choudhury G. B. and Nigam V. K. (2015) Screening of different fungi for production of lovastatin. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5, (44), 24-29.
- Dhar R and Nigam V. K. (2015) Studies on process parameters for production of lovastatin. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5, (51), 25-30.
- Tesnim, A. and Nigam V. K. (2015) Screening and isolation of different bacteria for synthesis of nicotinic acid. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6(2) 1750- 1758.
- Nigam V. K. and Shukla P. (2015) Enzyme Based Biosensors for detection of environmental pollutants-A Review. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25(11) 1773–1781.
- Mishra, A. Sachan, S. G. Nigam, V. K. and Pandey, D. M. (2015) Application of Bioinformatics in Biofertilizer Technology. - “Recent Trends in Biofertilizers.”, B. R. Pati and S. M. Mandal (Eds). IK International Publishers, New Delhi, 146-154, ISBN: 9789384588656.
- Wany A, Nigam V. K., Pandey DM (2014) Understanding new paradigm of plant metabolomes through secondary metabolite enrichment. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 9: 94-102.
- Nigam V. K., Dhar R., Agarwal A., Khandelwal A. K., Mohan M. K., Vidyarthi A. S., and Ghosh P. (2014) Studies on the production of fungal secondary metabolite lovastatin., International Journal of Advanced Research, 2, 978-986.
- Varshney, A. K., Mohan M. K. Vidyarthi, A. S., Nigam, V. K., Ghosh P. (2014). Effect of Nitrogen Sources and C:N Ratio on Production of Manganese Peroxidase using Phanerochaete chrysosporium NCIM 1197, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8, (1), 481-487.
- Wany A., Kumar A., Nallapetta S., Jha S., Nigam V. K., Pandey D. M. (2014) Extraction and Characterization of Essential Oil Components Based on Geraniol and Citronellol from Java Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt), Plant growth regulation, 73, 133-145.
- Singh S, Vidyarthi AS, Nigam V. K., Dev A (2014) Extracellular facile biosynthesis, characterization and stability of gold nanoparticles by Bacillus licheniformis, Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 42 (1), 6-12.
- Dixit S and Nigam V. K. (2014) Microbial production of alkaline proteases using agricultural by-products. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(6), 407-412.
- Jha SK, Kumari M, Singh HR, Nigam V. K. and Vidyarthi AS (2014) Optimization of Solid State Production of Anti-leukemic Enzyme (L-Asparaginase) by E. coli K-12 using Taguchi Doe and Three Phase based Recovery. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 446-453.
- Agarwal, A and Nigam V. K. (2014) Nitrilase mediated conversion of Indole-3-acetonitrile to Indole-3-acetic acid. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 3, 351-357.
- Wany A., Kumar A., Nigam V. K. and Pandey D. M. (2013) Isolation and in silico Characterization of Geraniol Dehydrogenase Encoding Gene using Modified DNA Extraction Protocol from American Basil (Ocimum americanum L.), International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 4: (3), 365-379.
- Tesnim, A., Agarwal, A., and Nigam V. K. (2013) Bioproduction of Nicotinic acid, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 5: (2), 2622-2631.
- Pandey D. M., Vidyarthi A. S., Nigam V. K., Prasad D., Ramani R., Prasad B. C., Das R., Kumar A., Prajapati G. K., Kumari A., and Wany A. (2013) Meeting report: International symposium on plant biotechnology towards tolerance to stresses and enhancing crop yields (ISPB-2011)., Current Research in Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1, 16-22.
- Nigam V. K., Vimal A., Vidyarthi A. S. and Mohan M. K (2013) Studies on applicability of alkaline protease from halophilic bacteria in detergent formulations., Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3: (9), 47-50.
- Nigam V. K., Singhal P., Vidyarthi A. S., Mohan M. K., and Ghosh P (2013) Studies on keratinolytic activity of alkaline protease from halophilic bacteria., International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 4, 389-399.
- Wany A, Jha S, Nigam V. K., Pandey DM (2013) Chemical analysis and therapeutic uses of citronella oil from Cymbopogon winterianus: A short review. International Journal of Advanced Research, 1(6), 504-521.
- Yadav, H., Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Roy, S. S. and Ghosh P. (2013) Optimization of culture conditions for phosphate solubilization by a thermo-tolerant phosphate-solubilizing bacterium Brevibacillus sp. BISR-HY65 isolated from phosphate mines, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2, 217–225.
- Varshney, A. K., Mohan M. K. Vidyarthi, A. S., Nigam, V. K., Ghosh P. (2013) Statistical optimization of medium components to increase the manganese peroxidase productivity by Phanerochaete chrysosporium NCIM 1197, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 18, 1176-1184.
- Shukla P, Nigam V. K., Gupta R, Singh A, and Kuhad RC. (2013) Sustainable Enzyme Technology for Environment: Biosensors for Monitoring of Pollutants and Toxic Compounds. - “Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Resource Recovery.” Ramesh Chandra Kuhad (Eds). Springer India, 69-76, ISBN 978-81-322-0876-1.
- Rajvanshi A., Nigam V. K., Kulshreshtha S. and Pareek R. P. (2012) Characterization of bacteriocin production from a new lactic acid bacteria., World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science., 3, 1100-1112.
- Rajvanshi A., Kulshreshtha S., Nigam V. K. and Pareek R. P. (2012) Preventive effect of L. mesenteroides used as probiotic agent in vivo. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 46, 385-388.
- Nigam V. K., Singhal P., and Vidyarthi A. S. (2012) Studies on production, characterization and applications of microbial alkaline proteases., International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 3: (3), 653-669.
- Nigam V. K., Khandelwal A., Agarwal, A., Mohan M. K. and Vidyarthi A. S. (2012) Production of a thermostable nitrilase in lab scale stirred tank bioreactor, International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 4, 81-90.
- Nallapetta S., Nigam V. K., Survajahala P. and Mohan K. (2012) Screening and selection of white rot fungi for biological delignification of agricultural residues., International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 3: (4), 790-796.
- Jha S. K., Pasrija D., Sinha R. K., Singh H. R., Nigam V. K. and Vidyarthi A. S. (2012) Microbial L asparaginases: A review on current scenario and future prospects. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 3, 3076-3090.
- Agarwal, A., Nigam V. K., and Vidyarthi A. S. (2012) Nitrilases- An attractive nitrile degrading biocatalyst., International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 3: (4), 232-246.
- Nigam V. K., Khandelwal A., Agarwal, A., Vidyarthi A. S., Mohan M. K., Gothwal R. K., and Ghosh P. (2012) Biotransformation of nitriles., “Recent Trends in Microbiology, Vol. 1., S. P. Tiwari, R. Sharma and R. K. Singh (Eds). Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 400, Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, NY, USA, 461-478, ISBN: 978-1-61470-632-8
- Rajvanshi A., Kulshreshtha S., Nigam V. K., Gothwal R. K. and Pareek R. P. (2011) Antagonistic properties of different bacteria isolated from Salads. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences, 25, 45-51.
- Sharma M., Mathur N., Nigam V. K. and ghosh P. (2010) Decolorization of different dyes by isolated bacterial strains, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences, 12 (4) 759-765.
- Khandelwal A., Nigam V. K., Vidyarthi A. S. and Ghosh P. (2010). Evaluation of various ions and compounds on nitrilase produced from Streptomyces sp. Artificial cells, Blood substitutes and Biotechnology, 38, 13-18.
- Nigam V. K., Kundu S. and Ghosh P. (2009) Continuous production of 7-ACA by immobilized cells of P. diminuta. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 27, 60-65.
- Nigam V. K., Khandelwal A., Gothwal R. K., Mohan M. K., Choudhury B., Vidyarthi A. S. and Ghosh P. (2009) Nitrilase-catalysed conversion of acrylonitrile by free and immobilized cells of Streptomyces sp. Journal of Bioscience, 34, 21-26.
- Nigam V. K., Agarwal A., Sharma M., Choudhury B., and Ghosh P. (2009) Bioconversion of 3-cyanopyridine to nicotinic acid by a thermostable nitrilase. Research. Journal of Biotechnology, 4, 32-36.
- Sharma M. C., Nigam V. K., Behera, B. and Kachhawa, J. B. S. (2009). Antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract of Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) leaves: an in vitro study. Pharmacologyonline, 1, 155-159.
- Mathur N, Nigam V. K., Kumar A and Ghosh P. (2008). Biodegradation of phenol by oxygenase producing thermophilic microorganisms. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences, 22 (1): 55-65.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2008). Evaluation of plant growth promotary activities of rhizobacterial isolates from two plants of thar arid regions. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences, 22 (3): 205-212.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2008) Screening of nitrogen fixers from rhizospheric bacterial isolates associated with important desert plants. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research., 6, 101-109.
- Khandelwal A., Nigam V. K., Chaudhury B., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2007). Optimization of nitrilase production from a new thermophilic isolate. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology., 82, 646-651.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2007). Extraction of bulk DNA from Thar Desert soils for optimization of PCR-DGGE based microbial community analysis. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (3): 400-408.
- Nigam V. K., Verma R., Kumar A., Kundu S. and Ghosh P. (2007). Influence of medium constituents on the biosynthesis of CPC. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (2): 230-239.
- Nigam V. K., Kundu S. and Ghosh P. (2007). Reusability of entrapped cells of P. diminuta for production of 7-ACA. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 141, 119-126.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2006). Small scale DNA extraction from soils of hot arid zones. http://www.protocol-online.org.
- Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Sasmal D. and Ghosh P. (2006). Phosphate solubilization by rhizospheric bacterial isolates from economically important desert plants. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 46 (4): 355-361.
- Verma R., Nigam V. K., Kundu S. and Ghosh P. (2006). Morphological differentiation and effect of seed inoculum on the production of CPC by Acremonium chrysogenum. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences, 20 (2): 275-280.
- Nigam V. K., Sinha A., Choudhury B., Mohan M. K. and Ghosh P. (2006). The Rheological properties of biological gums. Proceedings of. National Academy of Sciences India, 76 (B) I: 55-62.
- Makhija P., Nigam V. K., Mohan M. K., Ghosh P. and Sasamal D. (2006). Characterization of extracellular alkaline proteases produced by halophilic bacteria. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences India, 76 (B) IV: 362-367.
- Nigam V. K., Kundu S. and Ghosh P. (2005). Single step conversion of Cephalosporin-C to 7-ACA by free and immobilized cells of P. diminuta. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 126: 13-21.
- Kundu S., Mahapatra A. C., Nigam V. K. and Kundu K. (2003). Continuous production of Cephalosporin-C by immobilized microbial cells using symbiotic mode in a packed bed bioreactor. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology, 31 (3): 313-327.
- Mahapatra A. C., Kundu K, Nigam V. K., and Kundu S. (2002). Cephalosporin-C production by free and immobilized cells of Cephalosporium acremonium in different modes of bioreactor. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 42: 319-322.
- Nigam V. K. and Kundu S. (1999). Batch production of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid by different microorganisms- a comparative study. Indian Chemical Engineers, Section A, 41 (1): 5-9.
- Nigam V. K. and Kundu S. (1997). Effect of organic compounds on the biosynthesis of Cephalosporin-C acylase. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 37: 201-203.
- Srivastava P., Nigam V. K. And Kundu S. (1996). A comparative evaluation of cephalosporin-C production in stirred tank reactor and air lift reactor. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 3: 371-372.
- Patade C. L. A Patade., Sharma A. R., Nigam V. K. and Sampath M. K. (2025) Recovery of lithium and lead ions from battery industry wastes using advanced separation techniques. Metal Value Recovery from Industrial Waste Using Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Technologies Elsevier, 235-259. Editor(s): Dimitrios A. Giannakoudakis, Papita Das, Parimal Pal, Jayato Nayak, Sankha Chakrabortty, ISBN: 9780443218842.
- Kumar A., Jha R. K, Nigam V. K., Pandey D. M. and Wany. A. (2025) Natural compound priming induces abiotic stress tolerance in plants: possible mechanisms. Exogenous Priming and Engineering of Plant Metabolic and Regulatory Genes, Academic Press, 43-53. Editor(s): Manish Kumar Patel, Lam-Son Phan Tran, Sonika Pandey, Avinash Mishra, ISBN 9780443134906.
- Wany A., Kumar A., Jha R. K, Nigam V. K., Pandey D. M. and. (2025) Reactive nitrogen species and their role in stress tolerance. Exogenous Priming and Engineering of Plant Metabolic and Regulatory Genes, Academic Press, 453-463. Editor(s): Manish Kumar Patel, Lam-Son Phan Tran, Sonika Pandey, Avinash Mishra, ISBN 9780443134906.
- Mukherjee K., Nigam V. K. and Pillai S. (2025) Promises of Systems Biology to Better Understand the Kinetics of Industrially Important Enzymes. Microbial Enzymes: Production, Purification and Industrial Applications, 2, 505-518.
- Kumar R., Aggarwal Y., Nigam V. K. and Sinha R. K. (2024) Correlation of poincare plot derived stress score and heart rate variability parameters in the assessment of coronary artery disease. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, 36, 2350040.
- Lakra U., Kumar V., Dhan S., Nigam V. K. and Sharma S. R. (2004) Characterization and evaluation of biosurfactant produced from a thermophilc Bacillus licheniformis, Bioremediation Journal, 1-17.
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- Sinha S and Nigam V. K. (2016) Production and characterization of L-glutaminase from Bacillus sp. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 7(4) 1620-1626.
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- Dhar R., Choudhury G. B. and Nigam V. K. (2015) Screening of different fungi for production of lovastatin. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5, (44), 24-29.
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- Nigam V. K., Dhar R., Agarwal A., Khandelwal A. K., Mohan M. K., Vidyarthi A. S., and Ghosh P. (2014) Studies on the production of fungal secondary metabolite lovastatin., International Journal of Advanced Research, 2, 978-986.
- Varshney, A. K., Mohan M. K. Vidyarthi, A. S., Nigam, V. K., Ghosh P. (2014). Effect of Nitrogen Sources and C:N Ratio on Production of Manganese Peroxidase using Phanerochaete chrysosporium NCIM 1197, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 8, (1), 481-487.
- Wany A., Kumar A., Nallapetta S., Jha S., Nigam V. K., Pandey D. M. (2014) Extraction and Characterization of Essential Oil Components Based on Geraniol and Citronellol from Java Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt), Plant growth regulation, 73, 133-145.
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- Dixit S and Nigam V. K. (2014) Microbial production of alkaline proteases using agricultural by-products. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2(6), 407-412.
- Jha SK, Kumari M, Singh HR, Nigam V. K. and Vidyarthi AS (2014) Optimization of Solid State Production of Anti-leukemic Enzyme (L-Asparaginase) by E. coli K-12 using Taguchi Doe and Three Phase based Recovery. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3(9) 446-453.
- Agarwal, A and Nigam V. K. (2014) Nitrilase mediated conversion of Indole-3-acetonitrile to Indole-3-acetic acid. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 3, 351-357.
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- Nigam V. K., Singhal P., Vidyarthi A. S., Mohan M. K., and Ghosh P (2013) Studies on keratinolytic activity of alkaline protease from halophilic bacteria., International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 4, 389-399.
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- Yadav, H., Gothwal R. K., Nigam V. K., Roy, S. S. and Ghosh P. (2013) Optimization of culture conditions for phosphate solubilization by a thermo-tolerant phosphate-solubilizing bacterium Brevibacillus sp. BISR-HY65 isolated from phosphate mines, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2, 217–225.
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- Shukla P, Nigam V. K., Gupta R, Singh A, and Kuhad RC. (2013) Sustainable Enzyme Technology for Environment: Biosensors for Monitoring of Pollutants and Toxic Compounds. - “Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Resource Recovery.” Ramesh Chandra Kuhad (Eds). Springer India, 69-76, ISBN 978-81-322-0876-1.
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- Nigam V. K., Singhal P., and Vidyarthi A. S. (2012) Studies on production, characterization and applications of microbial alkaline proteases., International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 3: (3), 653-669.
- Nigam V. K., Khandelwal A., Agarwal, A., Mohan M. K. and Vidyarthi A. S. (2012) Production of a thermostable nitrilase in lab scale stirred tank bioreactor, International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, 4, 81-90.
- Nallapetta S., Nigam V. K., Survajahala P. and Mohan K. (2012) Screening and selection of white rot fungi for biological delignification of agricultural residues., International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, 3: (4), 790-796.
- Jha S. K., Pasrija D., Sinha R. K., Singh H. R., Nigam V. K. and Vidyarthi A. S. (2012) Microbial L asparaginases: A review on current scenario and future prospects. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 3, 3076-3090.
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- Rajvanshi A., Kulshreshtha S., Nigam V. K., Gothwal R. K. and Pareek R. P. (2011) Antagonistic properties of different bacteria isolated from Salads. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences, 25, 45-51.
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- Nigam V. K., Kundu S. and Ghosh P. (2009) Continuous production of 7-ACA by immobilized cells of P. diminuta. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 27, 60-65.
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