Estimation and Classification Using Progressive Type-II Censored Samples from Two Exponential Populations with a Common Location, Pushkal Kumar and Manas Ranjan Tripathy. Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, DOI- 10.1007/s42081-023-00201-6, Publisher- Springer.
Classification Rules for Two Exponential Populations with Common Location and Ordered Scales Under Censored Samples, Pushkal Kumar and Manas Ranjan Tripathy. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, DOI - https://doi.org/10.1007/s42519-023-00332-9, Publisher- Springer.
Alternative Classification Rules for Two Inverse Gaussian Populations with a Common Mean and Order Restricted Scale-Like Parameters, Pushkal Kumar, Manas Ranjan Tripathy and Somesh Kumar. Journal of Applied Statistics, Publisher- Taylor & Francis, https://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2022.2129044.
Bayesian Estimation and Classification for Two Logistic Populations with a Common Location, Pushkal Kumar, Manas Ranjan Tripathy and Somesh Kumar.Computational Statistics, Publisher- Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00180-022-01247-y.
Estimation and Classification Using Samples from Two Logistic Populations with a Common Scale Parameter, Pushkal Kumar, Manas Ranjan Tripathy. Notes in Electrical Engineering 2022, Publisher - Springer, https://10.1007/978-981-19-1824-7 14.
Classification Rules for Two Exponential Populations with a Common Location Using Censored Samples, Pushkal Kumar, Manas Ranjan Tripathy. Statistica, Publisher- University of Bologna, https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1973-2201/11507.
Alternative Classification Rules for Two Normal Populations with a Common Mean and Ordered Variances Pushkal Kumar, Manas Ranjan Tripathy and Somesh Kumar. Communications in Statistics -Simulation and Computation, 51 (11), 6881-6901. Publisher- Taylor & Francis, https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2021.1931324.