- Mali, S.N., Pandey, A., Bhandare, R.R. and Shaik, A.B., 2022. Identification of hydantoin based Decaprenylphosphoryl-β-d-Ribose Oxidase (DprE1) inhibitors as antimycobacterial agents using computational tools. Nature Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp.1-21.
- Mali, S.N. and Pandey, A., 2022. Synthesis, Computational analysis, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Trypan blue exclusion assay, β-hematin assay and Anti-inflammatory studies of Some Hydrazones (Part-I). Current Computer-aided Drug Design.
- Mali, S.N. and Pandey, A., 2022. Recent Developments in Medicinal and In Silico Applications of Imidazopyridine Derivatives: Special Emphasis on Malaria, Trypanosomiasis, and Tuberculosis. Chemistry Africa, pp.1-22.
- Mali, S.N., Pandey, A., Thorat, B.R. and Lai, C.H., 2022. Multiple 3D-and 2D-quantitative structure–activity relationship models (QSAR), theoretical study and molecular modeling to identify structural requirements of imidazopyridine analogues as anti-infective agents against tuberculosis. Structural Chemistry, 33(3), pp.679-694.
- Chopade, A.R., Salunkhe, V.R., Patil, P.A., Burade, M.R., Somade, P.M., Mali, S.N. and Pandey, A., 2022. Antinociceptive Investigations of Niranthin in Complete Freund's Adjuvant-induced Chronic Pain in Mice. Recent Advances in Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery.
- Anima Pandey, Sagar S. Shyamal, Raunak Shrivastava, Sparsh Ekka, Suraj N. Mali Inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum Fatty Acid Biosynthesis (FAS-II Pathway) by Natural Flavonoids: A Computer-Aided Drug Designing Approach accepted in Chemistry Africa. 2022 Chemistry Africa https://doi.org/10.1007/s42250-022-00449-7
- Suraj N. Mali and Anima Pandey, Synthesis of New Hydrazones using a biodegradable catalyst, their Biological Evaluations and Molecular Modeling Studies (Part-II) Accepted in Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry https://doi.org/10.1142/S2737416522500387.
- Arun Mittal, Rupali Sharma, Satish Sardana, Parveen Kumar Goyal , Mona Piplani and Anima Pandey, A Systematic Review of updated mechanistic insight towards Alzheimer’s disease, in CNS & Neurological Disorders- Drug Targets.
- S, Mitra and A. Pandey, Pharmacognostic characterization of the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana bert International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2022; Vol. 13(1): 434-438.
- Mali S.N., Pandey Anima, Hemozoin (beta-hematin) formation inhibitors; A promising target for the development of new antimalarials: Current update and A future prospect, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 2022; 25(1).
- Mali, SN. & Pandey, A. Balanced QSAR and Molecular Modelling to Identify Structural Requirements of Imidazopyridine Analogues as Anti-infective Agents against Trypanosomiases, Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry 2022:0, 1-32. 2021:
- Mali, SN. & Pandey, A Multiple QSAR and Molecular Modelling for Identification of Potent Human Adenovirus Inhibitors. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society. 2021, 98,100082.
- Mali, SN. & Pandey, A. Molecular Modelling Studies on 2,4-Disubstituted Imidazopyridine as Anti-Malarials: Atom-Based3D-QSAR, Molecular Docking, Virtual Screening, In-Silico ADMET and Theoretical Analysis, Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry, 2021, 20, 03, 267-282.
- Mali, SN. & Pandey, A. 1, 2, 5-Thiadiazole Scaffold: A review on recent progress in biological activities, Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening. 2021, 24,1-20. DOI: 10.2174/1386207324666210622162001 PMID: 34161208
- Rupak Kumar & Anima Pandey, Standardization of ayurvedic formulation caturjata churna using modern techniques. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, July 2020, Vol 19(3), pp 558-562.
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish, Pandey Anima, Scientific validation of wound healing potential of Jasminum sambac Ait. South African Journal of Botany 2019,121.584- 589.
- Deepika Vashisht, Anima Pandey, Anca Hermenean, Maria Josefa Yáñez-Gascón, Horacio Pérez-Sánchez , K. Jayaram Kumar. Effect of dry heating and ionic gum on the physicochemical and release properties of starch from Dioscorea. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Feb-2017, Vol 95,557-563.
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish, Pandey Anima. Evaluation of wound healing, antioxidant and antimicrobial efficacy of Jasminum auriculatum Vahl. Leaves. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, May-Jun 2016, Vol. 6, No. 3.
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish, Pandey Anima. Evaluation of wound healing, antioxidant and antimicrobial efficacy of Jasminum auriculatum Vahl. Leaves. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, Vol. 6, No. 3, May-Jun 2016.
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish, Pandey Anima. Phyto Pharmacological Profile of Jasminum grandiflorum Linn. Chiness Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2015, vol.4.
- Mittal A, Sardana S, Pandey A. Experimental wound healing aspects of Jasminum grandiflorum linn: A Preclinical Study. African Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2015, 12(3), 135-142.
- Mittal A, Sardana S, Pandey A. Pharmacognostical Profiling of Jasminum grandiflorum Linn. Leaves. International Journal of Phytomedicine.2015, 7(1) Scopus Indexed; Impact factor 1.23.
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish and Pandey Anima. Pharmacognostical and physio- chemical standardization of Jasminum auriculatum Vahl leaves Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2015, 7 (10):178-184.
- Mittal A, Sardana S, Pandey A. Pharmacognostical Standardisation of Jasminum sambac Ait. (Oleaceae) Leaves. Der Pharmacia Lettre.2015, 7(2), 65-70. Scopus Indexed.
- Vashisht Deepika, Pandey Anima, Kumar K. Jayaram “Physicochemical and release properties of carboxymethylated starches of Dioscorea from Jharkhand” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015.
- Rishi Kumar, Parveen Kumar Goyal, Arun Mittal and Anima Pandey.Evaluation of herbal formulation PACT for wound healing potential, Der Pharmacia Lettre, 2015, 7 (12):89-93.
- V.Deepika, K.Jayram Kumar, P. Anima. Isolation and partial characterization of delayed releasing starches of Colocasia species from Jharkhand”, India” Carbohydrate Polymers,2014 ,253-258, ISSN/ISBN No. 0144-8617.
- Rishi Kumar, Abhimanyu Nepal, Anima Pandey, Haematinic activity of Tridax procumbens Linn. PHARMBIT, Jan – Jun 2014; XXIX (1) 23-28.
- V.Deepika, K. Jayaram Kumar, P. Anima. Isolation and physicochemical characterization of sustained releasing starches from Dioscorea of Jharkhand, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 55 (2013) 193– 200.
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish, Pandey Anima. Herbal Boon For Wounds. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013, 5(2), 1-12.
- Pandey Anima, A.Mittal,A.K.Gupta,S. Saradana, Antimicrobial activity of leaves of Cassia occidentalis.Linn., International Journal of Pharm. Science,2012;03(01);21-22.
- Trishna Bal, Padala Narasimha Murthy, Anima Pandey .Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Carvedilol microcapsules prepared using Orifice Gelation Technique.” Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(1),519-525.
- Vaishekh M.N. and Anima Pandey.The invasive weed with healing properties- a review on Chromolaenaodorata.” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2012; Vol. 3(1): 80-83.
- Vaishekh M.N. and Anima Pandey. harmacognostic study of leaves of Chromolaenaodorata Linn.” -International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2012; Vol. 4(3).
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish, Pandey Anima. Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical And Pharmacological Profile Of Jasminum sambac (L.) Ait. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, 2011,11(05).
- Mittal Arun, Sardana Satish, Pandey Anima. Jasminum auriculatum- An over view. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 2011, 1(4), 30-35. ISSN: 1939-8042.
- Anima Pandey and S.P. Bhatnagar. Wound Healing Activity Of Artocarpus lakoochaRoxb.(Moraceae)” International Journal of Pharmacology and Biological sciences, 3(1), 2009,125-131.
- Bal Trishna,Saundray Raj Soni, Pandey Anima. Formulation and in-vitro evalution of curcumin loaded transdermal patches.”Current Trend Pharm Science.vol. 2, 2013.
- Vaishekh M.N. and Anima Pandey. Assessment of curcumin release with different permeation enhancers.” – Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2012; Vol. 5(3). 409-411.
- Arun Mittal, Satish Sardana, Anima Pandey. Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Profile of Jasminum sambac L.” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical sciences,11(05),2011,1-7.
- Anima Pandey and S.P.Bhatnagar. Physicochemical evaluation of a traditional Plant in Jharkhand”. Accepted in Applied science periodical.
- Anima Pandey and S.P.Bhatnagar. Preliminary Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial studies on Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb.” Ancient Science of Life,vol 28,4,Apr-Jun 2009,21-24.
- Anima Pandey and S.P. Bhatnagar. Antioxidant and Phenolic content of the bark of Artocarpuslakoocha.” Pharma Review, Nov-Dec 2009,173-176.
- R.N.Gupta, Anima Pandey and Subrata Ghose, “Diabetic foot– pathogenesis, management and recent advances.” Pharma Times, Vol. 40-No.8-August 2008,13-15.
- Anima Pandey. Ethanopharmacological studies on the plant of Jharkhand.” Pharmaweb. The Technical Journal of Pharmacy and Health, Vol.2, 2007, 26-28.
- Surabhi Chaurasia and Anima Pandey., A systematic In-Silico investigation of PhytochemicalS from Artocarpus species against Plasmodium falcipin Accepted in Proceedings of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Antibitics-Drugs for superbugs: Antibiotic Discovery, Modes of action and Mechanisms of Resistance.
- Mali, S.N.; Pandey, A. Naturally occurring green tea polyphenols as anti-mycobacterial agents, in Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Molecular Sciences: Druggable Targets of Emerging Infectious Diseases, 1–14 September 2021, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, doi:10.3390/ECMS2021-10844.
- Mali SN, Pandey A., Unveiling Naturally occurring Green Tea polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) Targeting mycobacterium DPRE for anti-Tb Drug Discovery, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Applied Science, 15-31 October 2021, MDPI: Basel Switzerland, doi:10.3390/ASEC2021-11185.
- Mali SN, Thorat BR, Gupta DR, Pandey A. Mini-Review of the Importance of Hydrazides and Their Derivatives—Synthesis and Biological Activity. Engineering Proceedings. 2021; 11(1):21. https://doi.org/10.3390/ASEC2021-11157 (Presented at the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences, 15–31 October 2021; Available online: https://asec2021.sciforum.net/.)
- Mali, S.N.; Pandey, A.; Thorat, B.R.; Lai, C. Greener Synthesis, In-silico and theoretical analysis of hydrazides as potential antituberculosis agents (Part 1) †, in Proceedings of the 25th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 15– 30 November 2021, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, doi:10.3390/ecsoc-25-11655
- K.Jayram Kumar, Anima Pandey, Deepika, “Studies on some natural sustained releasing starches from Jharkhand. 3rd International conference on new development indrug discovery from natural product & traditional medicine.” NIPER, Mohali,22 -24 Nov 2012.
- S.P. Bhatnagar, A. Pandey, U. Das, Comparison of antibacterial activity of the methanolic extracts of the aerial parts of Euphorbia hirta Linn (Euphorbiaceae ) and bark of Artocarpus lakoocha (Moraceae) ”presented on Emerging Trends in Natural Product Research,Feb 12-13,2011 at School of Natural Product Studies Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
- R.N.Gupta, A.K.Pattnaik and Anima Pandey. Monitoring of adverse drug reactions (ADRS) of newly introduced drugs and making awareness about ADRS and banned drugs among health professionals in Jharkhand state. Presented on Eastern Regional Conference (Indian Pharmacology Society) Pharmacon 2008, April 19-20, 2008 at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
- S. Jha, Anima Pandey and Ashutosh Mishra. New approach in Extraction and Analysisof Medicinal Plants “ Paper presented on Ayurvedic Medicines and Practices,”Nov. 13- 14, 2006 at B.V. Patel Pharmaceutical Education & Research Development (PERD)Centre, Ahmedabad.
- Anima Pandey and S.P. Bhatnagar. Utilization of Medicinal Plants in rural and tribal areas” paper presented in National seminar on Importance of Medicinal Plants Cultivation in promoting the Rural Economy & supporting Rural Health Care System, 11-12 March 2006, Ranchi, supported by National Medicinal Boards (N.M.P.B.) Govt.of India.
- Anima Pandey and S.P. Bhatnagar. Pharmacognostical Studies of the bark of Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. (Family Moracea) “Presented in 5th International Seminar on Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Education, Research & Drug Standardization-A Global Perspective) Jan.5-7 2006 at Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar.
- S.P. Bhatnagar and Anima Pandey. Development of Herbal Hair Cleanser based on plant from Jharkhand. Paper presented in 2nd World Congress on Biotechnological Developments of Herbal Medicine, Lucknow Feb.20-22, 2003, International Society for Herbal Medicine, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, U.P.
- Anima Mishra. A New Herbal Formulation for Hair Cleanser’ Presented in National Seminar On Pharmacy Education And Research: Yesterday, today and Tomorrow Nov.8-10, 1998, B.I.T.Mesra, Ranchi.