Journals Publications:
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, Ashish Maurya, and Subindu Kumar, "Heavy ions and alpha particles irradiation impact on III-V broken-gap gate-all-around TFET," Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 158, Pages 115426, July 2024.
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, and Subindu Kumar, "Comparative Analysis of Heavy Ions and Alpha Particles Impact on Gate-All-Around TFETs and Gate-All-Around MOSFETs," Micro and Nanostructures (Elsevier), Volume 192, Pages 207875, May 2024.
- Mukesh Kumar, Gautam Bhaskar, Aditya Chotalia, Chhavi Rani, Puja Ghosh, Soumak Nandi, Shashank Kumar Dubey, Kalyan Koley, and Aminul Islam, "Design, simulation and analog/RF performance evaluation of a hetero-stacked source dual metal T-shaped gate tunnel-FET in thermally variable environments," Microsystem Technologies (Springer), Volume xx, Issue xx, Pages xx-xx, June 2024.
- Pankaj Kumar, and Kalyan Koley, “Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Detection Considering Transconductance Generation Factor (gm/IDS) as a Sensing Metric for III-V Gate-all-around Tunnel FET Biosensor,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 23, Issue 19, Pages 22723 – 22730, August 2023.
- Ashish Maurya, Kalyan Koley, Pankaj Kumar, and Jitendra Kumar, “Surface Orientated <100>, <110>, and <111> Silicon-based Double-Gate Tunnel-FET for Linearity and Analog/RF Performance Analysis,” Silicon (Springer), Volume 15, Pages 3829 – 3839, June 2023.
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, and Subindu Kumar, “Impact of Hole trap-detrap Mechanism on X-ray Irradiation Induced Threshold Voltage Shift of Radiation-Hardened GAA TFET device,” Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 145, Pages 114980, April 2023.
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, Syed Sadique Answer Askari, Ashish Maurya, and Subindu Kumar, “Assessment of Negative Bias Temperature Instability due to Interface and Oxide Trapped Charges in Gate-all-around TFET Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Volume 22, Pages 157 - 165, March 2023.
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, Syed Sadique Anwer Askari, Ashish Maurya, and Subindu Kumar, “Assessment of Interface Trapped Charge Induced Threshold Voltage Hysteresis Effect in Gate-all-around TFET,” Micro and Nanostructures (Elsevier), Volume 175, Pages 207502 (1–9), March 2023.
- Ashish Maurya, Pankaj Rahi, Kalyan Koley, and Jitendra Kumar, “Implementation and Performance Analysis of Low Power 1-GHz 4-bit Flash ADC using III-V Tunnel-FET,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing (Springer), Volume 42, Issue 3, Pages 1352 - 1368, March 2023.
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, Bhubon C. Mech, Ashish Maurya, and Subindu Kumar, “Analog and RF Performance Optimization for Gate all around Tunnel FET using Broken-Gap Material,” Scientific Reports (Nature), Volume 12, Pages 18254 (1-15), October 2022.
- Ashish Maurya, Kalyan Koley, Jitendra Kumar, and Pankaj Kumar, “Investigation of Single-Event-Transient Effects Induced by Heavy-ion in all-Silicon DG-TFET,” IEEE Access, Volume 10, Pages 109357 - 109365, October 2022.
- Ashish Maurya, Kalyan Koley, Bhubon C Mech, Jitendra Kumar, and Pankaj Kumar, “Investigation of Source Region’s Random Doping Fluctuation Effects on Analog and RF Performance in all-Si DG-TFET,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 69, Issue 9, Pages 5330 - 5336, September 2022.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, Samar K. Saha, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Heterostructure Ge-Body pTFETs for Analog/RF Applications,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, Volume 08, Pages 1202 - 1209, September 2020.
- Bhubon C. Mech, Kalyan Koley, and Jitendra Kuumar, “Ge-GaAs-Ge Heterojunction MOSFETs for Mixed-Signal Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 67, Issue 9, Pages 3585 - 3591, September 2020.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Study of Circuit Performance and Non Quasi Static effect in Germanium Tunnel FET for different Temperatures,” Microelectronics Journal (Elsevier), Volume 90, Pages 204-210, August 2019.
- Bhubon C. Mech, Kalyan Koley, and Jitendra Kuumar, “The Understanding of SiNR and GNR TFETs for Analog and RF Application with Variation of Drain Doping Molar Fraction,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 65, Issue 10, Pages 4694-4700, October 2018.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, Chandan K. Sarkar, “A deep insight into Linearity and NQS parameters of Tunnel FET with emphasis on Lateral Straggle,” IET Micro & Nano Letters, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 35-40, January 2018.
- Pradipta Dutta, Binit Syamal, Kalyan Koley, N. Mohankumar, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Short-channel drain current model for asymmetric heavily / lightly doped DG MOSFETs,” Pramana - Journal of Physics (Springer), Volume 89, Issue 2, Pages 33(1-8), August 2017.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, Samar K. Saha, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “High Performance Asymmetric Underlap Ge-pTFET with Pocket Implantation,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 63, Issue 10, Pages 3869-3875, October 2016.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Study of Process Induced Variability of Germanium-pTFET in Analog and RF Domain,” Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 65, Pages 47-54, October 2016.
- Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, Samar K. Saha and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Physical Insights of Electric Field Modulation in Dual–k Spacer Asymmetric Underlap FinFET,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 63, Issue 8, Pages 3019-3027, August 2016.
- Pradipta Dutta, Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “An Analytical BTBT Current Model of Symmetric/Asymmetric 4T Tunnel Field Effect Transistors (DGTFET) with Ambipolar Characteristic,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 63, Issue 7, Pages 2700-2707, July 2016.
- Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, Samar K. Saha, Chandan K. Sarkar, “Impact of temperature on linearity and harmonic distortion characteristics of underlapped FinFET,” Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 61, Pages 99-105, June 2016.
- Sagar Mukherjee, Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, and Chandan K. Sarkar, "Low-power amplitude modulator for wireless application using underlap double-gate metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor," IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 201-208, May 2016.
- Sagar Mukherjee, Swarnil Roy, Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Design and Study of Programmable Ring Oscillator Using IDUDGMOSFET,” Solid-State Electronics (Elsevier), Volume 117, Pages 193–198, March 2016.
- Sagar Mukherjee, Swarnil Roy, Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Impact of Lateral Straggle on Analog and Digital Circuit Performance using Independently Driven Underlap DG-MOSFET,” Microelectronics Journal (Elsevier), Volume 46, Issue 11, Pages 1082–1090, November 2015.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, Samar K. Saha, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Influence of the Gate Height Engineering on the Intrinsic Parameters of UDG-MOSFETs with Non Quasi Static Effect,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, Volume 3, Issue 5, Pages 410-417, September 2015
- Pradipta Dutta, Binit Syamal, Kalyan Koley, N. Mohankumar, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “A New Threshold Voltage and Drain Current Model for Lightly/ Heavily Doped Surrounding Gate MOSFETs,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences (ASP), Volume 12, Issue 9, Pages 2515-2522, September 2015.
- Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, Samar K. Saha and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Analysis of High-κ Spacer Asymmetric Underlap DG-MOSFET for SOC Application,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 62, Issue6, Pages 1733–1738, June 2015.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Impact of the Lateral Straggle on the Analog and RF Performance of TFET”, Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 326-331, February 2015.
- Atanu Kundu, Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Impact of Gate Metal Work-function Engineering for Enhancement of Subthreshold Analog/RF Performance of Underlap Dual Material Gate DG-FET,” Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 54, Issue 12, Pages 2717-2722, December 2014.
- Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, Samar K. Saha and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Effect of Source/Drain Lateral Straggle on Distortion and Intrinsic Performance of Asymmetric Underlap DG-MOSFETs,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, Volume 2, Issue 6, Pages 135-144, November 2014.
- Atanu Kundu, Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, Saptak Niyogy and Chandan K. Sarkar, “RF Parameter Extraction of UDG MOSFETs: A Look up Table Based Approach,” IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, Volume 8, Issue 6, Pages 554-560, November 2014.
- Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Impact of Underlap and Mole-Fraction on RF Performance of Strained-Si/Si1−xGex/Strained-Si DG MOSFETs,” Superlattices and Microstructures (Elsevier), Volume 75, Pages 634–646, November 2014.
- Sudhansu Kumar Pati, Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, N. Mohankumar, Chandan K. Sarkar, “Study of body and oxide thickness variation on analog and RF performance of underlap DG-MOSFETs,” Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 54, Issues 6–7, Pages 1137–1142, June–July 2014.
- Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Analysis of Harmonic Distortion in Asymmetric Underlap DG-MOSFET with High-k Spacer,” Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 54, Issues 6–7, Pages 1125-1132, June–July 2014.
- Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, Samar K. Saha and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Analysis of Harmonic Distortion in UDG-MOSFETs,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 61, Issue 4, Pages 998-1005, April 2014.
- Sudhansu K. Pati, Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, N. Mohankumar and Chandan K. Sarkar “A new approach to extracting the RF parameters of asymmetric DG MOSFETs with the NQS effect,” Journal of Semiconductors (IOP), Volume 34, Issue 10, Pages 114002-5, 2013.
- Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, Binit Saymal, Samar K. Saha and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Subthreshold Analog/RF Performance Enhancement of Underlap DG FETs with High-k Spacer for Low Power Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 60, Issue 1, Pages 63–69, January 2013.
- Kalyan Koley, Binit Saymal, Atanu Kundu, N. Mohankumar and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Subthreshold Analog/RF Performance of Underlap DG FETs with Asymmetric Source/Drain Extensions,” Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), Volume 52, Issue 11, Pages 2572–2578, November 2012.
Conferences Publications :
- Ashish Maurya, Pankaj Kumar, Jitendra Kumar, and Kalyan Koley, "Performance Analysis of Compound III-V Semiconductor Materials based MOSFET," 9th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON 2022), December 2-4, 2022, Allahabad, India
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, Rupam Goswami, Ashish Maurya, and Subindu Kumar, "Impact of hot carrier stress on threshold voltage in gate-all-around MOSFETs," 19th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON 2022), November 24-26, 2022, Kochi, India
- Pankaj Kumar, Kalyan Koley, Rupam Goswami, Ashish Maurya, and Subindu Kumar, "Electrical Noise Behaviour of High-k Gate-All-Around MOSFET Based on Two-Port Device Network Analysis," 14th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE 2022), October 18-19, 2022, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Ashish Maurya, Kalyan Koley, Jitendra Kumar, and Pankaj Kumar, " Calculation of OFF-Current of Tunnel FETs based on Subthreshold Swing: A New Approach," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), July 2-4, 2020, Bangalore, India
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, Samar K. Saha, and Chandan K. Sarkar, "Non-Quasi-Static Effect on Ge-Body pTFET for Different Source Materials," 2020 4th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), March 16 – 18, 2020, Penang, Malaysia
- Kalyan Koley, Chandan K Sarkar, and Steve S. Chung, “Optimized Double-Gate MOSFET Structures for Analog and RF Performance Improvements,” The 2016 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2016), November 24-25, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, "Effect of temperature variability on RF performance of Germanium pTFET," 2016 3rd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), March 3-5, 2016, Coimbatore, India.
- Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Impact of Temperature on Linearity and Harmonic Distortion Characteristics of Underlapped FinFET”, (Invited Talk), 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2015), 28 June - 03 July, 2015, Suntec Singapore (Abstract Selection).
- Sayani Ghosh, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Study of Process Induced Variability of Germanium-p TFET in Analog and RF Domain”, 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2015), 28 June - 03 July, 2015, Suntec Singapore (Abstract Selection)
- Arka Dutta, Kalyan Koley, and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Harmonic Distortion Analysis of Underlap Double Gate MOSFET with High-k Spacer for Improved Reliability of RF Performance”, (Invited Talk), 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2013), 30 June - 05 July, 2013, Suntec Singapore (Abstract Selection).
- Sudhansu K. Pati, Kalyan Koley, Arka Dutta, N. Mohankumar and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Analysis of Deviations in RF Performance of Underlap Double Gate MOSFET Considering Variability in Body Thickness”, 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2013), 30 June - 05 July, 2013, Suntec Singapore (Abstract Selection).
- Atanu Kundu, Binit Saymal, Kalyan Koley, N. Mohankumar and Chandan K. Sarkar, “RF Parameter Extraction of Bulk FinFETs: A Non Quasi Static Approach”, Proceeding 6th IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC 2010), December 15-17, 2010, Hong Kong.
- Saptak Niyogi, Kalyan Koley, Chandan K. Sarkar and Saumuya Pandit, “Small Signal Modelling and Parameter Extraction Technique for Overlap and Underlap Double Gate MOSFET for RF Circuit Design”, Proceeding MOS-AK/GSA Workshop, March 16-17, 2012, New Delhi, India.
- Amretashis Sengupta, Kalyan Koley and Chandan K. Sarkar, “Subthreshold charge leakage in nanoparticle embedded DGMOSFET memory devices an analytical study”, 2012 International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), March 15-16, 2012, Coimbatore, India.
- Satyananda Namana, Srimanta Baishya, and Kalyan Koley, “A Subthreshold Surface Potential Modeling of Drain/Source Edge Effect on Double Gate MOS Transistor”, Proceeding IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering (IEEE ICEIE 2010), August 1-3, 2010, Kyoto, Japan.
- Kalyan Koley and Srimanta Baishya, “A Subthreshold Surface Potential Modeling of Drain/Source Edge Effect on MOS Transistor”, Proceeding 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2010), July 9-11, 2010, Chengdu, China.