Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Dr. Paritosh Mahata
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Ph. D. (IIT Kanpur)
Contact Address
Permanent Address Vill - Radhamahuli, P.O. - Joypur, P.S. - Jhargram, Dist. - Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India, PIN - 721513
Local Address Flat No. TA - 19, Transit Accommodation, BIT Mesra Campus, BIT Mesra, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 835215
Phone (Office) +91 7607487861
Phone Residence +91 7607487861
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 11-Jul-2016

  Work Experience
Teaching : 7 Years

Individual: 2 Years

  Professional Background

1. July, 2008 - July, 2010, Engineer - Piping, Foster Wheeler India Private Limited, Kolkata, India.

2. Jan, 2016 - June, 2016, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, India.

3. July, 2016 - Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIT Mesra, Ranchi, India.

  Research Areas

Constitutive Modelling of Non-crystaline Solid,  Mechanical Modelling on Biosystems, Continuum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, and Nonlinear Vibration


Journal (International)

1. S. Chatterjee, P. Mahata, Time-delayed absorber for controlling friction-driven vibration, Journal of Sound and Vibration 322 (2009) 39-59.

2. S. Chatterjee, P. Mahata, Controlling friction-induced instability by recursive time-delayed acceleration feedback, Journal of Sound and Vibration 328 (2009) 9-28.

3. P. Singh, P. Mahata, T. Baumgart, S. L. Das, Curvature sorting of proteins on a cylindrical lipid membrane tether connected to a reservoir, Physical Review E 85, 051906 (2012).

4. P. Mahata and S. L. Das, Two-dimensional convex-molecule fluid model for surface adsorption of proteins: Effect of soft interaction on adsorption equilibria, Physical Review E 90, 062713 (2014).

5. P. Mahata  and S. L. Das, Generation of Wavy Structure on Lipid Membrane by Peripheral Proteins: A Linear Elastic Analysis, FEBS Letters 591(10), 1333 - 1348 (2017).

6. P. Mahata and Laxminarsimharao V., Deformation of an elastic membrane interacting electrostatically with a rigid curved domain: implications to biosystems, Archive of Applied Mechanics 91, 509 - 525 (2021).

7. S. Mukherjee and P. Mahata, Computational investigation for endocytosis of CoVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 in cell membrane, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 235(24), 7331 – 7342 (2021).

8. P. Mahata, Laxminarsimharao V, and S. Chattopadhyay, A mechanical-thermodynamic model for understanding endocytosis of COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV-2, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 236(17), 9431-9440 (2022).

9. P. Mahata, A. Shrivastava, C. K. Sahu, A. K. Barnwal, A. K. Minz, S. Oraon, and L. Vennamneni, Electrostatic interaction with a rigid curved domain causes nonlinear deformation of a thin elastic sheet: implications for biosystems, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 646, 414274 (2022).

10. R. Kumar and P. Mahata, A strain energy density potential for non-crystalline solids using molecular  interaction, Mechanics of Solids 58, 2097 – 2114 (2023).

11. P. Mahata, P. Kumar, A. Shrivastava, F. Rahmani, and L. Vennamneni, Deformation of thin Mooney-Rivlin elastic sheet due to electrostatic interaction with a rigid curved domain implied to biosystems, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 46, 207 (2024).

12. R. Kumar and P. Mahata, An intermolecular interaction based constitutive model for non-crystalline phase of solid materials, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 46, 438 (2024).

13. P. R. Mahto, A. C. Mahato, M. Sharma, P. Mahata, J. P. Tripathi, Various vibration harvesting techniques for rotating system: An overview, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 13(1), 27 (2025).

Conferences (International)

1. P. Mahata, L. Singhal, R. K. Prasad, K. Kumar, S. Bakshi, P. Raj, H. Choudhary, and A. Biswas, Computational investigation for deformation of lipid membrane by BAR proteins due to electrostatic interaction, Materials Today: Proceedings, 61(1), 1 – 9 (2022).

2. R. Kumar and P. Mahata, Constitutive Modeling of Non-Crystalline Solids using van der Waals Potential: A Molecular Approach, Accepted in Engineering Research Express (2025).

3. R. Kumar and P. Mahata, Constitutive modeling for understanding stress-stretch behavior of Lennard-Jones non-crystaline molecular Solid, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2856, 012017 (2024).

4. A. K. Rana, R. Basu, P. Das, P. Mahata, P. K. Sinha, Elastic-plastic FE analysis for specimen J-resistance curve of 22NiMoCr37 steel, Accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings.

Ph. D Students Guided

  1. Name of the student: Raj Kumar

          Status: On going

          Thesis title: Constitutive modeling for understanding stress-strain behavior of non-crystalline phase of solid materials

M.Tech Students Guided

  1. Name of the student: Shounak Biswas

          Status: Completed (2015 – 2017)

          Thesis title: Variational approach to the contact problem of a fluid filled initially hyperelastic membrane under the influence of electrostatic force field.

          Role: Co-supervisor (Supervisor: Dr. Nirmal Kumar)

  1. Name of the student: Amar Shrivastava

           Status: Completed (2017 – 2019)

           Thesis title: Non-linear deformation of thin elastic compressible membrane driven by electrostatic forces

  1. Name of the student: Vikas Choudhary

           Status: Completed (2019 – 2021)

           Thesis title: Simulative analysis of a compact tension specimen.

  1. Name of the student: Pratik Kumar

           Status: Completed (2020 – 2022)

           Thesis title: Deformation of Mooney-Rivlin model membrane driven by electrostatic forces.

  1. Name of the student: Saksham Raj

           Status:  On going(2023 – 2025)

           Thesis title: Modeling failure for residually stressed hyperelastic material

  Member of Professional Bodies

1. Society of Automotive Engineers, India