Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Priyank Saxena
Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engg
Contact Address
Permanent Address C-II/31, Behind Hostel-5, BIT, Mesra Ranchi
Local Address C-II/31, Behind Hostel-5, BIT, Mesra Ranchi
Phone (Office) 06512275444
Phone Residence 9431597282
Email Id
Joined Institute on : 9-Aug-2007

  Work Experience
Teaching : 16 Years

Research : 14 Years

  Research Areas
  • Medical Imaging
  • Computer Vision 
  • IoT 
  • UAVs
  • Instrumentation
  • MEMS Sensor
  Award and Honours
  • Completed a certification course on Basics of Embedded Systems and Robotics as a part of MOOC through the e-Yantra Lab Setup Initiative (eLSI) in May 2024.
  • Created content for the course Computer Networking for Student Learning Assessment (SLA) Project-PARAKH: A national-level initiative by AICTE to understand the level and gains of students studying in Technical Institutions of India.
  • Course co-developer for the course on Intelligent Instrumentation in the pilot phase of the National  Mission  Project on Education through ICT.
  • Zonal Coordinator for RoboTryst 2016, organized by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


  1.  Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena, Pathologic Myopia Diagnosis and Localization from Retinal Fundus Images using Custom CNN, Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA-D-23-05070R1), Springer, (May 2024) (SCIE, IF 6.0)
  2. Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena, “Cataract detection and visualization based on multi-scale deep features by RINet tuned with cyclic learning rate hyperparameter” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2023).  (SCIE, IF 5.1)
  3. R.K. Diwakar, Pammi Kumari, Priyank Saxena, et al., “An efficient multitasking cascade network for arteriovenous segmentation using dual-modal fundus images”, Multimedia Tools &  Applications (2023).  (SCIE, IF 3.6)
  4. Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena “Disease localization and its prediction from retinal fundus images using explicitly designed deep learning architecture”, Multimedia Tools & Applications (2023), DOI: 10.1007/s11042-023-16585-2 (SCIE, IF 3.6)
  5. Priyank Saxena and R. S. Kumar, “Efficient Restoration of Magnetic Resonance Images Corrupted with Impulse Noise using Spatial Constraints based Fuzzy Decision Filter,” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 82, pp. 642-651, June 2023,   DOI: 10.56042/jsir.v82i06.1971  (SCIE, IF 0.6)
  6. Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena “Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Grading based on the Modified Capsule Network Architecture”, IETE Journal of Research, (SCIE, IF 1.5)
  7. Snehil Baba, Pammi Kumari, Priyank Saxena, “ Retinal Disease Classification Using Custom CN  Model From OCT Images” Procedia Computer Science,
    Elsevier, Vol. 235, PP-3142–3152, 2024. 
  8. Priyank Saxena and R. S. Kumar, “A locally adaptive edge preserving filter for denoising of low dose CT using multi-level fuzzy reasoning concept”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp 388-404, 2019. (Scopus)
  9. Priyank Saxena and R. S. Kumar “An Effective Filter for Noise Removal in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Multilevel Fuzzy Reasoning Concept”, Journal of Clinical Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp 121-135, 2017.  (Scopus)
  10. Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena, “An Efficient Hybrid Model for Localization and Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy using Fundus Images”, International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, Inderscience, (Accepted For publication (Scopus)
  11. Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena, A Convolutional Autoencoder Based Cataract Classification and Disease Localization Using Fundus Image," International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, Inderscience, (Accepted For publication)  (Scopus)


  1. Sistla Omkar Sri V Siva Kesava, Ragidi Deepak, S. Maneesh Raju, Priyank Saxena, "Autonomous Vehicle Security Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence," in  4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics (ICMLBDA) 2024, (Accepted For publication on March 2024)
  2. Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena, “PathologicMyopia Detection and Visualization Based on Multi-Scale Deep Features by PMnet Tuned with Cyclic Learning Rate Hyperparameter”, in 8th International Conference on Computing in Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2023), July 14-15, 2023, NIT, Patna. DOI:
  3. Junaid Gouher, Sushmita Upadhyay, Sanjaya Shankar Tripathy, Priyank Saxena, “Automated detection of Alzheimer's using Transfer learning models based on the Motion sensor Data”, in International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Applications ICDSIA-2023, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp-288-295.
  4. Pammi Kumari and Priyank Saxena “Automated Detection and Multistage Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy through CNN” International Conference on Applied Computational Intelligence and Analytics (ACIA-2022), February 26-27, 2022, NIT, Raipur.
  5. Abhinav Kumar and Priyank Saxena, “Quantification of Cartilage loss for Automatic Detection and Classification of Osteoarthritis using Machine Learning approach”, 10th ICCCNT , July 6-8, 2019, IIT, Kanpur.
  6. Priyank Saxena, P. P. Dash and Neerav Sharma, “GCD based Blind Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Applications’, 2nd International conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology, June 1-2, 2018, NIT, Meghalaya.
  7. Priyank Saxena, S. S. Tripathy, S. S. Solanki, and R. S. Kumar, “PNN Implementation of Content-Based Image Retrieval using Descriptors Hierarchy”, International Conference of Content-Based Image Retrieval, PESIT, July 16-18, 2008, Bengaluru, India.

Book Chapter:

  1. Priyank Saxena and R. S. Kumar “Restoration of CT Images corrupted with fixed valued impulse noise using an optimum decision-based filter”, in Intelligent Multidimensional Data and Image Processing, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2018, pp 220-239. 


  Current Sponsored Projects
  • Deep learning-based healthcare framework for IoT-based assistance of Alzheimer patients funded by DST Under National Mission on Cyber-Physical Systems, Amount: 5.64 lakhs, Ongoing from November 2022, Role- Co-PI

Consultancy Project:

  • Development of a fire announcement system for mining applications, Amount: Rs. 2.0 lakhs from MIMEC Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Ranchi. (Ongoing from May 2023)